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Hi, these are last night's dreams

First dream: My mother and brothers wake me up at night. They say we have to call the doctor because my father is feeling pain in the heart side. I am trying to find the emergency number, but I am not sure. Then I see my grandmother lying on her bed and I go and stand by her, saying that I miss her so much (she's my dad's mother, and was deceased a year ago).

In the second dream, I am walking towards my apartment building. It is dark. Everybody is sleeping. I look up and I see two little boys standing on the edge of a balcone, and I got the impression they were somnambuls. They start falling and in the dream I start looking at them from up. I see that my youngest brother is falling with them too, but it turns out that they had an air saver (some strange saving tool), and my brother didn't. So he falls and gets hurt. His right side of the lip starts to bleed deeply. I immediately thought of calling the doctor because this was an emergency.

As a background, I can add that last night my mother told me my father had some problems with the heart the day before.

Thanks for your input,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

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Re: emergencies

It's a message that your grandmother is still alive and did not truly die, therefore your father will live on also even if he passes over to the next level from heart problems.

But you are responsible for your younger brother, who has two angels with him. They can fly but he can't so you have to make sure he is kept safe.

So basically it is a message from God telling you that no one can actually die, they just pass over, but because you will still be here you will have to assume some of the parenting role and look after your younger brother.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 47 Australia

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Re: emergencies


thanks for the interpretation. It is a very interesting linkage you make between the events.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

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Re: emergencies

the first dream:

The father having the heart attack is definitely you worrying because you heard the news from your mom that night. But, the next part of the dream with your grandma sounds as if you are worried that theat whole aspect, the fatherside of the family, is in peril of disappearing with your father's passing.

i will do the other dream later. I am very busy as of late.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

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Re: emergencies

The subject title may be a hint – emergencies = emergence, a gradual beginning.

On a personal level the first dream reflects normal concern about your father’s health and potential for death a result of declining health, and grief feelings for your grandmother and father.

On a deeper level the dream may describe an inner lack of confidence in an ability or skill in some aspect. In the dream your family, mother and brothers, look to you to take command. This would be the group of inner aspects seeking a higher authority aspect to apply skillfulness and knowledge in leadership of the Psyche. This may be developing an emerging higher authority (grandmother) in place of a lesser higher authority (father with injured heart) in the Psyche. Your grandmother would then symbolize reassurance you possess this ability or skill, it is ‘inherent’, and likely a trait your grandmother fully developed and utilized, was prominent in her personality. (Think about her traits and abilities…strength, wisdom, balance, etc?…to determine the trait communicated in the dream.)

The second dream, linked to deeper meaning of the first dream, may describe the center of a psychological complex. Unconscious (night) knowledge this complex resides within, conscious is unaware exists. Unconscious reveals this to conscious. The point of contact at a single point (standing at edge of balcony = tangent) along a line being the point of contact between conscious and unconscious.

Somnambulism could represent the unconscious complex coming through in waking life. What a person does yet is unaware they do, as the source and affects are unconscious. This misleads (when boys fall ego believes they will be injured, but boys have air savers) conscious ego. BUT…developing the higher aspect (changed perspective looking from above) provides knowledge of the relationship of one to the other, unconscious complex to conscious action. The Psyche can employ an inner safety mechanism (air saver) that would prevent unconscious complex influence on conscious action. But this may be hampered by overwhelming emotion that displaces or hinders rational thought and does not address the source of the complex. Calling the doctor would be seeking outside assistance…perhaps in the form of posting on the Dream Forum.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

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Re: emergencies

“...sounds as if you are worried that ... the fatherside of the family, is in peril of disappearing with your father's passing.” Carlos, this feels so right. I am hoping you will also find the time to interpret the other dream :-)

Kathy, thanks a lot for the very elaborated and insightful interpretation. I am following your advice on recalling what was the grandmother’s trait that could represent the leadership of the Psyche. Already have an idea: she was herself in every situation, she was authentic and appropriately assertive. I admired those qualities of hers, which I think I possess, but have not fully actualized.

As for the second dream, your logic makes sense to me. But it is hard to understand what unconscious complex is coming through. Could the presence of my brother and my fears represent in this case a hint about it? The overwhelming emotions could be some kind of resistance for looking deeper. I can see that happening to me in real life.

thanks both for helping with this,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

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Re: emergencies

sincethe first part of the dream seems to strike a chord with you, I think that the second, especially if it happened the same night, might be a continuation of the first dream.

You may feel that it is on your brother to keep the male family tradition alive. But, you have doubts that he can do it, because of things he seems to be precocious and has maybe said things that are hurtful, or have hurt him. You feel you need to continue to help him become a man, especially with your father ailing. For the moment your instinct is telling you to help him grow up and be the male representative of your father ( the flag bearer of the family's males).

Or you may just feel that without your father he is vulnerable and will need you help him grow to manhood.

Right now, the male aspect of you that is to help him is dormant. It may awaken soon.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

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Re: emergencies


Thank you for responding. Examine your brother’s personality for clues to the complex. The complex could be framed in your brother’s personality, a personality trait, mirrored back to you in the dream for examination. I would venture a guess it is the same traits of grandmother– authentic Self and assertive– which may lend to his involvement in overly risky or injurious situations or relationships.

Perhaps consciously you view him as being his authentic self and assertive in every situation,like your grandmother, yet his with differnt outcomes than grandmothers. Unconscious knowledge through the dream would show the actual state of these traits in him, that he is not being himself and overly assertive, hence the fall and injury.

If this fits his personality, the complex would be not fully developing and realizing your pwn trait ‘she was herself in every situation, she was authentic and appropriately assertive’. Not actualizing and/or properly developing this trait you already possess could lend to unconscious affect in your waking life, rather than truly living your Self in every situation. Key would be to develop your authentic Self and appropriate assertiveness on your terms, like your grandmother did for her Self.

It is difficult to look deeply within the Self. Most people do not as it goes against what ego, and modern society, would have us do. The fact that you do look within, and at your young age, speaks volumes.

Look forward to your thoughts.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: emergencies

Hi again,

“For the moment your instinct is telling you to help him grow up… Right now, the male aspect of you that is to help him is dormant. It may awaken soon.” Carlos, to me this is another interesting way of looking at the dream. My current situation is well captured by this interpretation, as I always feel responsible for taking care of my brother, worrying about his development and growth.

Kathy, your thoughts shaded light to an interesting analogy. It may be a coincidence but this is my youngest of the two brothers (and youngest of the three children in the family), and was grandmother’s favorite one. You are right, they were similar in many ways, assertiveness included. I recognize this trait is not developed in me, I realize my Self is not yet authentic, but I feel that is developing and growing and I am watching this (from above as in the dream). I see the effects of my unconscious complex in the everyday life, and I am grateful to my dreams for speaking to me, as well as grateful to all of you who join me in understanding.

Thank you,


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 29

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Re: emergencies

its good that you feel that way about your brother. I had a similar relation with my younger brother (11 yrs younger). It can be very rewarding. But, I think beyond this feeling you have, you may feel that you need to fill a void that your father, because he is ailing, is not able to; or you may feel that way.

And this, may be the apprehension that gripped you as you heard the news about your father.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

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