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Dream says ..My husband is in love with his ex?

I vividly dream that I was at the gas station to fill up and wash my car. As I wash my car the turned out not to be my car by a red mercedes insteadof a grayy vlokswagen. When I went to get my volkwagen it had been stolen from the pump. I called my hsuband but he wasnt available I called my father in law but he wasnt available, so I called a family friend a muchaold man that dressed somewhat like an very mature english guy. The police was called to the gas station for asistances, other people's car that were stolen was being recovered, but o site of mine. So the family friend too me to a place of residence and when I got there I found that I had been invited to the this place. After that my family friend disappeared, When I walked into the room I saw my husband and his ex girlfriend, her freind my brother and other family sitting together on the sofa. I noticed my husband gently stroking the back of his ex girlfriend's back with the back of his hand in which is his particular way of stroking. I noticed this and he immediatley became sad. I stepped out of the room and asked her to talk for a minute. I asked her what was going but didnt wait for a response. I walk into the room, then askded him to step out and immediately beat the shit out of his face after telling him that I noticed whta you did. He goes to lie down in a bed in then I find her kneeled down next to the bed with her face on his chest. I ask them together what is going on. She tells me that this will always be her husband and I ask him is that true and he said yes, she will always be considered my wife. Not you. I was furious and deeply hurt because on the inside I had been feeling like I didnt belong to this man the entire time that we were together. Then I awoke very angry and confused. Could this dream be self expalnatory? Or is my conscious dictating my dreams. right now I am going thru a time of self doubt because I dont have moral support in my marriage. I dont have family support either when it comes to my perosnal life. My family is very negative and puts gloom in my life so I try to enjoy just pelasant times with them and not share any painful times. Thank you for any interpretations you may offer.

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Re: Dream says ..My husband is in love with his ex?

Dazed & Confused,

The theme of expectation of nurturing and/or lack of nurturing from husband and family you mentioned in your post does seem to fit with the dream symbols. The unconscious may be providing a different perspective, (different from conscious perspective) in examining this to provide understanding and knowledge.

Dream characters represent traits of the dreamer. They are you, you are they. The ex could represent pleasing as an unsuitable trait learned earlier in life. From the dream you may have developed this trait in order to please or apease your father perceiving him as the dominant or superior influence therefore feeling a need to mold your personality to fit with his expecations of you. There may be a level of inflexibility involved, whether external, father/ family, or internal, within you.

The dream would then show this aspect practiced to proficiency...discipline applied so pleasing now ingranined and automatic. Yet now a desire to relax from this to restore your true personality in this aspect. Conscious may view this as control or strength weakening yet unconscious view is of the original development and ongoing use this pleasing trait as a divergence from true Self. A desire to push ahead and bring about change. But unconscious shows dedication and constancy...the very same trait utilized to ingrain the inappropriate pleasing too required to bring about the positive change you desire.

If this feels close in meaning perhaps look back at influential childhood relationships starting with parents particularly father. And consciously examine why it is you believe it better to be 'pleasing' to others, and reflect on when this became a part of your personality.

Please feel free to respond with your thoughts.

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

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Re: Dream says ..My husband is in love with his ex?

Thank you for your interpretation its speaks directly to my soul/personality. Didnt really know that my dream characters were me. Interesting. I often mistook my dreams to be literal. Because sometimes the event took place right after I would dream it. Like a prelude to a song. My learned need to please others was in order to get what I wanted. Although, I knew better maybe somehow it became a representative of me. Now that Im free from "pleasing" others and living under others expectations.... you're saying that I've fused this "pleasing" into my personality. I can definitely see that in me now. If was "good" then I could "have" or "Do" what I pleased. It was a bargaining tool. My younger self was into pleasing others particularly my Mom. Raised by a single mother with five other siblings, and being the youngest I often behaved as expected to keep the peace in Mom's hardworking life.
Now that Im older my second marriage is confusing to me. The desire to love is there but not to please one another. Freedom is the anthem in our marriage. I'm often am lost within my emotions and have no boundaries with getting attention. Its a constant struggle to be free "lawfully". I find myself tettering on the fence of all my personal and moral boundaries.
Also, I often get a chilling feeling that I've been violated in someway, abused or controlled in my past. I've sought counseling but was unable to reveal any deeper meanings of the feeling. No particular culprit or persons to blame, I just have a errie feeling like there's a need to please someone or else I'll get in trouble or it wont work out right.
My Christian spirit aids and aided me in achieving my desires to push to be a better person within my true personality. God spirit is truly with me even in my troubled moments and I try to utilize its divine powers every chance.
I want to align myself more with the universe..God's creation.
Again I love this interpretation, you to have enlighten me. Thanks for sharing your gift.

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Re: Dream says ..My husband is in love with his ex?

Dazed & Confused,

Thank you for responding with your thoughts and personal information. It's a great aid when a dreamer provides their thoughts about the meaning of their dream and their life.

Dreaming of events that actually happen the following day can be a result of unconscious perception/knowledge. Conscious may not comprehend little details and link them together but unconscious can pick up minute seemingly unrelated events and do the math…communicating that knowledge through dreams.

Possibly the conscious desire to eliminate an imbalance in personality trait lead to the opposite end of the spectrum again resulting in imbalance, reforming from pleasing everybody to pleasing nobody, including your Self. This could lead to the confusion and becoming lost in emotion. (you changed, but still not working the way you want it to…because change was too severe in the opposite direction without achieving balance. And could contribute to lack of trust in your personal and moral code, and or your current personal and moral code is one of learned and not your own developed through knowledge of Self.

Violation is not limited to physical and can be experienced mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually. If you can afford it perhaps try therapy again with a good Jungian analyst. If not, or if you prefer a do it yourself track and you’re willing to apply discipline and time you can examine this on your own. Several of us are engaged in Self psychological analysis via the Myths-Dreams-Symbols web site.

If you do not already keeping a dream journal is a great tool in Self discovery. Often times the unconscious contains everything you need to know, but will release the knowledge only when you are psychologically ready to receive it…in stages.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

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