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About this Girl and its snowing

Heres some background first. It all starts out with me my friend andrew , kelly and melissa. Andrew and Kelly go out and I like melissa. Last week all 4 of us went to 6 flags kelly tells me melissa likes me but i had to get to kno her better before we start a relationship or anything. So in my dream its snowing hard and its foggy but for some reason im walking around without a shirt on just jeans and everyone is fully clothed. As we are walking around where ever we are im not sure of the location, we were looking for something but we couldnt exactly find it. It seemed that we almost walked around for hours in circles until we find this ride. Its called pharoahs fury at amusement parks and carnivals, it manly works its way up and down almost like a pendulum. As the four of us get on the ride, the four of us sit in different spots. Kelly and Andrew sat at one end while i sat in another with melissa. for some weird reason the ride starts but it actually goes over a lake or a river or some type of water structure and as the ride works its way up real high i actually end up falling from the ride about 100 - 200 feet in the air but Im not scared i just fall into the water but i wasnt scarred while falling. And Its not clear its almost like the color of pearls like an off white. As Im underwater I start suffocating and i began to panic and it felt like i almost blacked out but melissa ends up saving me from the water. I get up and tell her thanks. Then some like chinesse lady starts telling me "u two the same" "u two like" and i couldnt understand her, she kept repeating herself and finally she asked me when u go to chinesse restaurant wat do u like to eat. melissa said egg rolls and i said general tso chicken then the chinesse lady agreed with me and said very good than smiled. I have no idea what that had to do with any sort of relevance but idk lately ive been wondering whats gonna happen between us. If you've got an idea about this dream feel free to contact me at , thanks

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Re: About this Girl and its snowing


The dream seems to express your desire to date Melissa and the required tests, all relationships have tests, to do so. ‘Get to know her better’ is Melissa wants to know who you are before consenting to a romantic relationship…which entails you revealing your real self to Melissa. This may be a risky undertaking…revealing intimate details of Self to Melissa..yet she requires this of you. There may also be an suggestion of similarities of personality, enough so to be a match for each other. And as expected, an undertone of sexual desire.

All in all, the ages old customary courting ritual…

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Central OH

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