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pig with red hair

the action is placed in medieval time - behind a castle ..
there is a woman - lookin very like that time - drty, discusting, no teeth or maybe one or 2 .. just like a bad witch - but she isn't scary . and there is 2 more men with her and there are preparing to torture something which is covered . i am there next to them and i am watching . and then the woman who is so exited that she will do that and there is a sparkle of crazyness in her , reveal what is going to be tortured and it is a pig - eith red hair - and the red is so fluorescent ... and the pig seems crazy . he's legs are attached to some strings and the woman pull the string - i turned my head ( i didn;t want to see that ) and then i looked down and sow 4 pig legs one was in the hand of one man and the woman was holdin the head and she gave me the head .. i took it , i looked it , i lefted it down and i just left that crazy scene ...

so ? what's with the red haired pig ? why do i dream susch things ?

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Re: pig with red hair

Hi Aleksandra

Your dream seems to depict some sense of turmoil, that is happening behind the scenes for you 'behind the castle' that is behind your ego facade that you show to the world 'castle'.

Females often represent the emotional or feeling self and men represent charcteristics of our behaviour/attitudes, or maybe a way thinking.

The woman in your dream seems to have some tone of not having developed into her full potential, ie she lacks qualitys of love and acceptance and its these qualitys that your dream is maybe hinting that its time to develop in oneself.

The pig may reflect some component of greed that is being taken apart in oneself, Hair tends to represent current ways of thinking ie dark hair dark thoughts or shadow thoughts, What does red neon or flourescent mean to you? Red is the colour of the base chakra which issues relate to survival and our physical sustenance on this earth, It also relates into our group mind and tribal beliefs that we hold that is to say beliefs that our family have which we adopt regardless of worth, it may be that you are currently reviewing some form of behaviour or attitude that youve inherited from your family, to do with having enough, just one avenue for exploration.

The pig may also be more symbolic of some elementary feeling one that is tinged with the need to survive, (again theres that whole base chakra theme again) where by our very being here on this planet ignites in us our very survival instincts, for some this can be quite a feverish response, if not a little crazy and even selfish behaviour 'pig seems crazy' in an attempt to meet our needs.

With out the calm inner feminine figure to take care of our needs for love, for nurturing ourselves, this road can be a tough row to hoe leaving us feel at the mercy of what we have been given to work with. However nature is of a very intelligent design and there is an abundance for everyone, we need only learn how to tap into the natural way of how we manifest, not through our wills to dominate but through our hearts to intend.

These are just my thoughts and limited perspective hope they help

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