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I was standing on a narrow shoreline. Behind me was a steep hill and in front of me the sea. The bit of shoreline was an uneven, rocky surface. I couldn't see the water, but knew it was directly in front of me - it was a vast blackness, as if it was night time. However I could see the shoreline quite well. In my hands were 2 different snakes. One of them was small like a garter snake, and the other was a bit longer and fatter. This second snake had a silver-grey body and the front half of the body had protrusions like large fins, one coming out to either side. Both these snakes were in my hands but I wasn't holding them - it was more like they were sticking to me and I was trying to push them off me by brushing one hand over the other continually, trying to push them off into the blackness that was in front of me. I was anxious to get them away from me, partly because while I was doing this I noticed to my right a huge snake coming towards me over the rocks of the shoreline. This was a very impressive snake, not like the small garter snake or the distorted grey snake that were leaving. This big one I knew I would not be able to grapple with - it was about 12 feet long, or more, and was beautiful with colourful markings along its long body. It moved with complete assuredness, steadily, smoothly. It was already quite close to me and would momentarily be upon me, somehow. I was very frightened, yet at the same time the snake itself did not seem to be evil or vicious, was not really threatening, just moving steadily in my direction. And it certainly wasn't distorted like the ugly grey one that I was scraping away from me. The smaller snakes suddenly disappeared and I had a cell phone in my hand and had phoned my good friend and was telling him that this huge snake was coming my way and I was terrified. I knew he couldn't help me because he wasn't here. In fact I don't think he even was on the other end of the line - I was just leaving a message. The phone call was an act of desperation, I had the habit of calling him for help. But I knew I was alone with this situation. At this point I awoke.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53, Toronto Canada

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Re: snakes

you have some primal urges trying to take hold of you. they are effecting how you socialize and how you deal with those around you.

You may feel like you are can easily fall out of control as the try to process how to rid yourself of these urges.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, bronx ny

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