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Passport sent by my father

I dreamt that my father sent me a passport.

It was someone elses passport, not mine. She was meant to look similar to me, but she did not look similar to me, except that she had brown hair and eyes.

The passport looked old and it smelled old and musty. It looked out of date. As I looked through it, there was not one ID photo, but many photos, in casual poses, all with slightly different hair styles.

I kept thinking 'why has he sent me this, she doesn't look like me and I am sure this is out of date'. The musty smell of the yellowing pages was quite noticeable in the dream.

The photographs depicted various moods and in at least two of the photos, the subject had short brown hair (I have long brown hair) and looked troubled/worn out. As I turned the pages - starting from the back, I eventually reached the main page at the front of the book - the same woman was smiling, looked relaxed and she had long, mid blonde hair, although I thought that she had died it this colour.

I again thought 'why has he sent me this? It is of no use to me. It is out of date. It means nothing'. I tried to guess the expiry date and the year 1986 seemed relevant/to become apparent on the page.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Passport sent by my father

maybe your father doesn't know you as you are now?
Or maybe when your father last saw you you had a lot on your mind?

A deeper meaning might be that your male aspect doesn't know you as you are now and can't connect with you because of it; although it is trying to get you to come over and come in touch with yourself. It seems to be in touch with a more haggard you, tha even you would not recognoize if you stood beside yourself and saw yourself.

1986 was 21 yrs ago. I guess you were 20 then?
another meaning of 1986 could be "1" the begining, 9 the end of singular numbers or a singular way of being, and being at the threshold of a new way of being. 8 would be infinity or the eternal, and 6 are all of the physical senses of humans or the complete human physical experience.
You could be at the begining of a road that will make you a more complete person in touch withy the eternal.
You may need to resolve the passport issue with your male aspect.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, bronx ny

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Passport sent by my father

Thank you Carlos.

I tried to think of a significant event/catalyst that occured when I was 21, but nothing came to mind.

I also did not know whether to add the digits 1+9+8+6 or whether to look at each digit individually.

I remembered this morning that in this dream I also became aware that this was a 'Hungarian' passport. No links to Hungary by any stretch of the imagination in my life, but it may have been a play on the word 'hungry' or a Hun called Gary (which is even less relevant!).

When I was leafing through the passport, I noticed a gap for the childs photograph and details and I dwelt upon this for a moment. These days children have their own passports and are not included on their mothers passports. I was still aware that this was not my passport, but was somehow meant to represent a false sense of identity and I was troubled by the fact that no-one had bothered to fill in the childs details.

It is quite self explanatory in some ways - I am forced to live a lie, my child is absent and I do not recognise myself as the person I once was. My father does not care for my son or for my concerns for him (my parents split up when I was 15 months old and I did not meet my father again until I was 16 yrs old).

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Passport sent by my father

Good link to you made there about your child and living without him. I think that is it.

Your father may be giving you the paasport because he is intimate with not recognizing his own child. maybe he is a much hated aspect in you that is now somehow being used to help you deal with your issues. It certainly says that acceptance of the issue is not at heart with you, because a distant figure in your life is used to present this situation to you.
The short hair on the unrecognized women are you, but a you that you can't accept, as that other you seems less feminine (the short hair).

hope this helps :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, bronx ny

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Passport sent by my father

Hi Carlos

The distant figure of my father is of someone who would be in a position to help, but by choice, does not. Someone, whom by first appearance (oh good, a passport!), seems to be offering a 'way out', (or so one would hope) but on closer inspection, the claims are invalid, the documents are out of date.
Someone who has essentially offered with one hand, but taken with the other - a passport which turns out to be invalid and not only that, no provision for my child within it. This man wants my love and attention, like a spoilt child would, but does not care for that for which I care - i.e. my son.

All this says to me is that, as usual I must stand on my own two feet, that no 'Oskar Schindler' type philanthropist is going to step out of the mist to save me ( not that I ever thought anyone would, but it would have been nice!) and that actions speak louder than words.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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