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Dreams and what they may symbolize

This is my first post here.
I have had 2 dreams the past 2 nights that I am desperately seeking the meaning to.

The first dream was of 3 snakes. 2 were black with gold diamonds along the length of their back and the one was a bright green color.
The green one I sensed was benevolent but the 2 black ones were "bad boys". They were striking at the green one and when I stepped forward the green one slithered off and I then took a broom and swept one of the black snakes away but the other black snake disappeared.
My second dream involved seeing a woman with one eye in the middle of her forehead. It was a "fleeting" moment in the dream but I felt no fear toward this person.

Please, any input is appreciated.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 44 Illinois

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? NO

Re: Dreams and what they may symbolize

you have some urges that are either fighting some envy within you, or hurting your ability to nurture the good in you.
You are fighting to sweep this away, but, it seems that it is after the fact.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 42

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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