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Why does the 'mind' give us dreams where we have to inerpret them why can't the mind give us a dream where a simple explantion and what needs to be done is said

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Re: why?...

but can anyone really answer that, any person? even professionals i.e pyschologists, and psychiatrists if God exists can only God answer that

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Re: why?...

the human body has needs, fears, anger, and a lot of other stuff that need to express themselves in some way. Dreams are the brain's way to fool the psyche into expressing these things in a safe environment. Sometimes the dreamer is better off not knowing what the dreams mean because of this. This is why we don't remember most dreams.
this is short answer.

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Re: why?...

Freud would be proud Carlos. Of course Jung took a different approach. The brain fooling the psyche so to feel safe in expressing itself. That would make the brain superior to the psyche. One organ superior to the totality. I find that concept hard to swallow. So did Jung.
I'll provide more of my thoughts tomorrow.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: why?...

i see your point. But it was a short unthoughtout answer. I really would not jump the gun due to that.
Like I said, that was the short answer, and really just a quick example as to why a dream may occur.

but, if you must label me a freudian then fine, guilty as charged, but I feel short changed as things and people like nietzsche, campbell, jung, art - esp. surrealism, language studies, and many other things that have influenced my abilities to interpret don't get factored in. It kind of makes me one dimensional.

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Re: why?...

Not a criticism. More of myself thinking out loud. And please don't take offence in my labeling you as Freudian. I see your talents going far beyond that. I greatly admire and appreciate your abilities, they are very evident with the many interpretations you have provided at the Forum. You provide a bit of Freudian slant to the process and that ain't bad {where would Jung be without Freud? Where would any us be?}.

I am still hoping you will consent to having your name added to the 'official' list of contributors.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: why?...

no offence taken, gerard.
I just always feel a need to explain that I try to go beyond the founders of dream interp., as we have had many years to hone the craft by now and new info, and clarity, on the subject exists.

I look forward to your reading your reasons on why dreams arent clearer to the dreamer. ;)

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Re: why?...

well thanks, those post were useful and interesting

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Re: why?...

Am I right in thinking that dream analysis is based more upon Freud's ideas than Jung's ideas?

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Re: why?...

Why do dreams use symbolic language and not everyday language? I'll use a quote from an outside source that may provide the best insights to the answer. From The Secret Life of Dreams, page 11:

Jung evolved his theory of the collective unconscious, which he described as a storehouse of inherited patterns of experiences, instincts, and memories common to mankind that are expressed in dreams in the form of universal images or symbols, which he called archetypes. Jung believed that we have inherited our collective unconscious and its archetypes from our instinct-influenced primeval ancestors, and that "their origin can only be explained by assuming them to be deposits of the constantly repeated experiences of humanity". And because, according to Jungian theory, the psyche consists of the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious {with the conscious mind making of the trio of psychic components}, when we encounter a mystifying symbol in dreamland, it is crucial to decide whether it relates to our personal experience or is instead an archetype. Many archetypes are familiar to us through our knowledge of religious symbolism, myths, legends, and fairy tales.

The above is as clear an explanation that I am aware of concerning why dreams are in symbolic language. The physical component of the brain surely has something to do with it but that has yet to be defined. There is one thing that is clear, at least for me, with all the new research on sleep and dreams I have yet to see anything that disqualifies Jung's theories. The physical makeup of the mind is becoming more understood with each new research. But if Jung is correct, the psyche is more than just a physical thing, there is also a 'metaphysical' component, something much like the soul that can not be found on an operating table. My experience with dream interpretation that following Jung's lead one can understand dreams and their language. I believe the MDS Dream Forum provides evidence of just that.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: why?...


dream analysis that is psychological in nature was pretty much developed by Freud and yes there is a lot of it in dream analysis, plus all the other discoveries born of research after freud.

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