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Southern Cross Constellation

I had a beautiful dream. I dreamed I was somewhere in the southern hemisphere and all I wanted to do was see the Southern Cross Constellation in the night sky. I kept repeating over and over to any one I saw in the dream that I wanted to see the constellation. When I finally saw it, it was so bright and vivid that I woke from the dream going "wow". In normal waking life I have no interest whatsoever in astronomy or star gazing, so for me this was something so far fetched, I've never really thought about the Southern Cross before this dream and I've never been to the southern hemisphere. This dream was out of the ordinary for me. Thanks for any input anyone can give.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 46 female

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Southern Cross Constellation

are you working on your spirituality?
if you are this dream seems to be encouraging you to delight in the prospect living a life less driven by ohysical impulses. I think this is quite common in people in their mid 40's.
I know that in men it is in part due to the drop in testosterone levels.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43

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