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Police,Fish,Feet and Water

Michael and I had a choice of doing 4 things--the 1st 2 I can remember
Go to a cabin in the woods
Go to a concert

We went to the cabin in the woods there were a few ppl there and all of a sudden there were police there--there was something missing--jewlery or clothes
Michael is a mechanic and changed 2 of the policemans tires
we then followed the policeman and 2 other groups of ppl that left--there was a total of 4 groups and we were being directed out(like when you are in line with road construction and it is down ot 1 lane) but we followed the 2 of policeman the one policeman thanked Michael for taking care of his tires when we were stopped for a traffic light and the other ppl we followed were 2 girls the girls stopped and I stayed with the girls and Michael followed the other group as they were going straight
I stopped with the girls they had 2 friends there 1 male 1 female--I told them that they needed to be searched they told me that was ok and if I wanted to I could search the basement also--At this time I realized I had no shoes on and stepped on something--thinking it was glass when I removed it it was plastic jagged edged stuck in the heal of my foot--I removed it and it didn't bleed--but hurt--and when i looked at the moss that I needed to walk over I can remember thinking I might get sick from walking on the moss--At this point I felt like I woke up and needed to get up and write the dream down--but couldn't the dream continued and I was aware of what was going on(lucid)The male person opened up the basement--they were bilco doors--giving the appearance of going down a door instead of thru a door--and I had to walk over a mossy substance to get to the opening
When entering the basement one of the girls had said that being it had rained the night before there might be water down there and that the fish might have died--there was water and fish--the fish were larger fish about a foot long black with white stripping going from head to tail--the water was shallow and clear with settled setatment on the floor--there were some fish out of the water laying on an old oil tank that you could see where still breathing--looking around it was just a dingy older home type basement with rocks as its foundation
Then I woke up and tried to remember as much as I could--when I told Michael I had a weird dream he told me HE knew it because my whole body had been shaking

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53 NJ

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Police,Fish,Feet and Water

you seem to be trying to make a decision on what direction to take in life. the decision is painful but really as bad as you think. you are having trouble dealing with the pit falls and long wait for something to develope, and are trying to stay within the your own ethical parameters.

seems like some subconscious urges are emerging from a previous emotionally overwhelming episode.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Police,Fish,Feet and Water

You are right--there is alot of stuff going on right now--i did schedule a past life regression/reike/Hypnosis for Monday

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53--phillipsburg nj

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Police,Fish,Feet and Water

sorry I just realized that I did not place the word NOT in the paragraph I wrote above, rewritten below.

"The decision is painful but NOT really as bad as you think."

I am glad the interpretation helped. I think you will do ok, although you may hit or be in a rough time now.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} m

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