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Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

dream date 2/5/1995

I was being showed an Spanish Army from a few centuries ago. They were in perfect formation standing at attention with absolute discipline and great care taken to be absolutely immaculately dressed in their conquistador regalia. They had slick back tightly worn hair in a with a small pony tail. Their was a narrator in my head as I looked at the amazingly disciplined troops describing them to me with great awe and inspiration. The voice even made note of the hair and how neat it was. All the soldiers had black hair. They rode appaloosas when they move or into battle.

The scenery then changed. I was walking toward the mouth of a cave. as I approached I smelled the putrid and foul odor of a rotting corpse. I continued in and saw a woman laying on an ancient tarp or sorts. She was being attended to assiduously by a hoary hirsute old man. He was a medieval doctor of sorts with a long gray beard and long gray hair coming out of his head and shooting out in all directions a bit unkempt.

The extremely old and emaciated lady lay there on the tarp, a few breaths away from death and slowly rotting alive. She was not dying because she was rotting, she was rotting because she was for all purposes as good as dead already. Her eyes and toothless mouth were wide open seemingly given death its last bit of resistance. Her once fair skin was wrinkled and with a sickly gray look about it. Her hair was straight and all gray. It was amazing she was still alive and death was immanent, and a few seconds away. Her long suffering figure lay there.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

I'll have more time on Monday to better look at these dreams. I assume they are your personal dreams. I good chance to delve into your psyche. Perhaps Cavebear can also provide some Jungian insights.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

look forward to it. If you are short on time I prefer the other dream done that this one.

maybe you can post one of your own dreams someday.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

hi carlos,
as i am sure you are aware,it is impossible to attempt interpretation of anyones dreams without knowing the circumstances or events out of which the dream has come,so all we can offer is a generalization based on archetypal patterns that appear at different stages of development,
so here is my stab at a generalization,
the conquistadors may represent the ego/shaddow self,in its attempt at domination and suppression of the spiritual ,
my reasons for these choice of words can only come from what i feel about the symbolism,
the conquistadors were responsable for a great deal of damage to the south american cultures they encountered,fueled by greed for gold and conquest,this they achieved with ruthlessness,
is this not what is happening now?
the old lady and man may represent the great mother and wise old man who are suffering because of this lack of respect and wonder for things metaphysical,
i am in no way suggesting that this is how you are behaving,but more of this is what you are feeling as to the general state of the world,this may be an inner reflection of your own psyche ,or your unconscious feelings for this place we call home,the earth,
when it comes down to it,they are both connected anyway,(the fisher king)

hope this is of use.
regards cave bear

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

hi carlos,
as i am sure you are aware,it is impossible to attempt interpretation of anyones dreams without knowing the circumstances or events out of which the dream has come,so all we can offer is a generalization based on archetypal patterns that appear at different stages of development,
so here is my stab at a generalization,
the conquistadors may represent the ego/shaddow self,in its attempt at domination and suppression of the spiritual ,
my reasons for these choice of words can only come from what i feel about the symbolism,
the conquistadors were responsable for a great deal of damage to the south american cultures they encountered,fueled by greed for gold and conquest,this they achieved with ruthlessness,
is this not what is happening now?
the old lady and man may represent the great mother and wise old man who are suffering because of this lack of respect and wonder for things metaphysical,
i am in no way suggesting that this is how you are behaving,but more of this is what you are feeling as to the general state of the world,this may be an inner reflection of your own psyche ,or your unconscious feelings for this place we call home,the earth,
when it comes down to it,they are both connected anyway,(the fisher king)

Yes, cave this is of use. I was in a terrible crisis of the mind nd sould 12 years ago, of which I am now still fully trying to understand.
You have given me food for thught as I saw the conquistadores as a very disciplined clean cut regimented people. but you are right about the latent message of the conquistadores.

whthe i was not disciplined enough to ward off the crisis that came, or whether i was rone to the greed of the conquistadores, the crisis did come.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

gerard, cave,

What I never understood were the appaloosas. ALthough today I think I have an idea, I am awaiting comformation va your interpretations.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

It will in the morning before I can properly provide an interpretation. But a few thoughts.

The first paragraph seems to be at least partially focused on discipline. Of course the reference would be to disciplines you possess {or not}.

Black, caves, the unconscious. Think of the feminine {animus}aspect when addressing the emaciated lady. Ignoring the feminine....She was not dying because she was rotting, she was rotting because she was for all purposes as good as dead already.

Could it be dwelling so long at a Jungian Dream Forum has caused conflict with the once disciplined Freudian?

appaloosas-horses, but also spotted patterns with eyes that are also 'spotted' {white sclera of eye}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor


the dream took place 12 yrs ago.
and I certainly do think that I began to ignore the feminine in that time period. You have comfirmed that with your post.

I guess I should have written down the colors of the horses, cause I don't remember if they were white with colored spots ot colored horses with white spots.

I didn't know they had spots on their eyes too, and may not have factored that in, unless it was subconscious info i had.

Thats pretty good gerard.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

one thing I just realized, the word appaloosa sounds similar to the word aplauso (spanish for applause).

wow, i'm still getting stuff from this dream. I felt discipline was an admirable trait; worthy of applause?

I did lose that discipline after that.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

There may be as much of a general symbolism to the appaloosa {horses} as their is a direct connection to the breed of horse. But since there seems to be a connection {applause-perhaps a need for recognition} it could very well be both. If the dream instructs you to name a particular breed of horse then there must be a connection to that breed, albeit unconscious.

Also. The great thing about interpreting dreams, and this is from my experience here at the Forum, is when a possible connection to a dream symbol is provided and the dreamer recognizes that connection {again, albeit unconscious prior to the interpretation} then the dreamer will sudenly recognize that connection. I tend to call these Ah! Ha! moments. Something previously unrecognized that was there all along.

The first part of the dream does seem to be focused on the masculine and discipline. But then it changes. This may be where the unconscious aspect seeks to enter into the fray. It seems the wise old man is confronting the feminine. But he is also unkempt, a possible recognition of the need to include the feminine?

Whereas the old man, the wise masculine, is addressed in terms of adjectives describing its wisdom, I see the same adjectives addressing the feminine more as adverbs, perhaps describing how you had placed, perhaps neglected, this aspect at this time in your life. She seems to be have been left out, thus her impending death in your dream. Of course in Jungian psyche the feminine must have her place if there is to be balance in the life. Could this explain 'her' condition at the time of this dream?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

gerard excellent analysis all the way down to the adverbs, and adjectives.

Yes, the life maladjusted people had thrown me a twist and rippied the feminine right out of me.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

Hi Carlos

Well dreams can mean anything. I prefer the method of looking at a dream and trying to see how it could link to the pressing issues at the time. I see dreams in the here and now. They capture immediate intuitions rather than vague thoughts. Occasionally dreams mnay deep into the past but generally they concentrate on recent events or major changes in our lives.

Its probably a bit past its sell by date this dream as the trigger for it has probably been long forgotten.

But here goes.

OLD WOMAN : As far as I know there are very few dream symbols that link to time and the passage of it. In my own dream studies old people may link to the passage of time in some way. Such as your experience gained during a period of time. Or perhaps the fact that something went on far too long

I personally do not follow jungian ideas to the letter of the law. Women do not always link to our own feminine side. They may link to something entirely different. I often get old man dreams when I feel really unwell or tired(feeling old and tired). BUt this is an old woman dream so she may link to something different...

The dream dwells on great detail. Perhaps thats the major point of the dream.

I know one idea that would link the two conceptual ideas together(old woman and great detail) is simply that someone(maybe you... maybe someone else) had been talking proudly in great and intricate detail about some subject and. Yet the times that they were talking about were long and gone.

Really though some associations had to be made at the time of the dream. Otherwise it is now long gone.

Dream dictionary

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

hey Bob,

thanks for the commentary.
Yes the dream spoke of current events at the time of the dream, and they are not forgotten.

hmm, and come to think of it, I do remember speaking at length and in great deatil about myself and it did factor in as to part of the whole downfall that took place.

this interp. is s a refreshing change of pace. I do think that I dwelled too much on the male an female aspect, although they certainly were relevant in this dream too.
Wow, that was a good point, and it stirred some memories and regrets too.

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Re: Conqustador army, cave with a dying old lady, and a doctor

According to Freud, the mind has three major parts of functions: the id, ego, and superego. The id is the source of our strong sexual and aggressive feelings or energies. The ego, is responsible for finding realistic and practical ways to satisfy those id drives. The superego represents the internalized moral standards of parents and society. The psyche engages in a psychic struggle between the id, the ego, and the superego.
In a word, the id urges unchecked would wreak havoc all around us so the ego keeps the id under control. The Superego is our higher moral principles and are instilled by our parents and culture. The purpose of the superego is to counteract the potentially dangerous aggressive and sexual drives of the id - you can see the basis for conflict here.

According to Jung, who posits that there is a definable synchronicity between the subjective internal desires or needs and the external objective material world which become connected: all of humanity is interconnected by archetypes - symbols.

As soon as I saw the three components of your dream, I had to write about this. The army of extremely disciplined soldiers (your ego must be extremely policing of yourself) all the way down to their hair and boots. The old lady in the cave - beware! This is usually according to Jungian archetypes representative of your higher self or could mean your spirit.

Could it be that you are so "policed" or controlled by so much guilt and discipline that you are in danger of killing your spirit?

Just a stab in the dark, but something to think about.

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