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last nights dream was a bit different also--background--i'm a firm believer that children need to know the correct terms for body parts--this way if soemone touches them inapporopiately they can tell someone and they know what the child is talking about

I was at a party with my daughter and her son(1yrold) Malachi--we were in a house and the area was on the rear of the house was the kitchen with a metal table and chairs with a large doorway opening into the dining room also on the rear of the house the kitchen also had large doorway opening into the living room that was in the front of the house almost as long as the kitchen and dining room--the living room dining room were open to each other with no divider and there were stairs going down to the front door along side of the living room
Malachi and i were playing in the living room jen and some of her friends(all of which i know) were in the kitchen--all have babies of their own and the babies were all there--at this point Malachi had clothes on--then her friend that just had her daughter last thursday came into the house and they were talking about going outside
Malachi and her friends daughter were now playing under the table and somehow he had no clothes on and one of the babies said look see malachi penis --he wasn't touching or playing with himself he was just like a little kid playing with the others but without clothes on
that is it--woke up

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Re: Babies

sorry double post

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53 NJ

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