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difficulty in urinating

gerard ,
i am in the process of trying to understand a particular dream i have just had,and would appreciate your thoughts on the last section which centres on,

i am having difficulty urininating when i notice something in my urethra,
it is a white screwed up plastic carrier bag,i pull this out,and realize it is this that has been causing the blockage,
it was a tremendous relief to remove this
and i new now, i could go freely,
i have looked into the health issue side of things along with sexual refs aswell,
i think it may be more to do with a catalyst for the expression of repressed emotions,
would appreciate your guidance,

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Re: difficulty in urinating

as a post script to this post,
a friend who is into yoga suggested that i have or had a blockage in my base chakra,the effects of this chakra blockage certainly fit my recent symptoms,
and definatley tie in with the build up of emotions,
creating insecurity,instability etc,
the thing is,i am not into yoga at all,
obviously my ignorance in this case is not bliss,
also the colour of this chakra is red,
again something that appeared in the earlier scenes of this dream,lights going from red to green,but the inability to go,couldn't get my red car into gear,
i have to admit that there may be something in this yoga chakra stuff after all,
i would welcome any thoughts on this,

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Re: difficulty in urinating

Yes, I agree, it does seem to have to do with some 'blockage' of the mental facilities. Unless there are problems when you do urinate in your waking life I see no connection to a physical condition. The dream ends with the removal of the blockage which would indicate you are aware of what mental condition is causing the problem {and the dream}.
But if you should have a scheduled physical in the future you may want to check it out just to be safe. Dreams do have a way of 'seeing' well before an actual condition becomes a problem.

As for the yoga and Chakras. I'm no expert but it seems logical the explanation your friend offered. The emotional blockage could be recognized in the chakra system, if the person is trained in this field. Although I use Campbell's explanation of the Kundalini as a metaphorical remedy to understand the psychic energies, I also believe they can be valuable in recognizing actual physical and mental conditions.
Reiki is one such treatment that uses "life force energy" to treat such ailments. Yoga is another. It really depends on the individual as to whether these systems of holistic healing is right for them. I choose another system for the psychological {Jung's Individuation Process} and I know you have engaged in that process for some time also. I could never abandon that aspect of my life but knowing more about holistic healing will be one venture I hope to take up in the future.

I do believe in the 'Chi', the system used in the East that is directly connected to those energies of the body {as in Kundalini}. Bill Moyers {yes, the same Bill Moyers who gave us The Power of Myth} had a wonderful program a few years back {on PBS} that addresses the phenomenon of Chi. The series was named Healing and the Mind.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

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Re: difficulty in urinating

the typical dream interpreter's answer to this is that you have something holding you back from expressing something that is bothering you. Or you may have some blockages to help you accomplish the getting rid of toxic emotions within you, or maybe past behaviors. the latter seems to be a theme in you last 3 dreams.

the pulling out of this blockage in your body means you are becoming aware of yourself: getting to know thyself better: becoming aware of your own emotions of which you were previously unaware of.

you may even be able to go back further than 3 dreams and take this to the dream that you are visiting the mountain. you said you had that dream a few times and often came upon a dead end as you travail through the mountain's insides.

I think once you pin down what it is you have become aware of, you can start to make the appropriate changes within you consciously. its right at your fingertips to do so; just like in the dream.

the awareness could be: flaring off too quickly and causing greater damage; having thought patterns that are too restrictive, as the afghan did, that would be the Taliban - who is also viewed as war like and hostile; hummers are considered war vehicles too, and you surround by one in your quest for the grail dream.

The reason the blockage may be white is because the self awareness you are pulling out of you is a good thing. This doesn't mean that the thing you realize itself is good. What you realize about yourself maybe and probably is something toxic about yourself that is leading you toward self defeat as a person, but the awareness of it is good; it is purity of the self, truth toward yourself, goodness bringing hope for a better life because you are ridding yourself of an attitude that was undermining your emotional quality of life and making life less pleasant for you.

your are more than half way there Steve. ;)

although I think the chakra theory is headed in the right direction it is not specific enough. One thing I have to warn against is that it abstracts away from you, the specific meaning of the dream. Look for a specific meaning personal to you,rather than an abstracted set of emotions grouped together by an umbrella term like base chakra. I could just as easily say, it is the seven deadly sins that are holding you back: this is not what dreams are about. What is the specific thing your dream is seeking to tell you? What is the emotion or urge your are becoming aware of? is it a set of urges? dreams are personal and specific to the dreamer, chakras are general and fit a general population.

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Re: difficulty in urinating

gerard and carlos,
many thanks to you both for your deep and meaningful responses,you have given me much to think on,
with regard to the chakra thing,what caught my interest about the comments on the base chakra,
was not the thing in itself but the so called effects or symptoms of this aspect being blocked,
i could identify with these,
i do much prefer the more psychological approach but they do seem to complement each other,
i will take the time to absorb what you both have said,
i do see a pattern emerging here, as you have stated carlos,and will look to future dreams for clues as to progress,
on a more down to earth ,if not comical note,
it had not passed my notice that the screwed up bag may have refered to someone i know!,
once again many thanks,

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Re: difficulty in urinating

You stated it correctly "i do much prefer the more psychological approach but they do seem to complement each other". I have come to see that Eastern philosophies, especially Buddhism are not so much religious ideas as they are psychological fundamentals. As I stated with my first post, the Kundalini is a metaphorical remedy to understanding the psychic energies. If there is one thing that must be understood about Jung and Campbell is their knowledge and use of metaphor. Not only in dreams and myth but in life itself.
Joseph Campbell: Life is but a metaphor.


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Re: difficulty in urinating

that is good that you prefer the psychological. And thanks for confiding in us with your deepest thoughts and feelings.

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Re: difficulty in urinating

gerard just wanted to mention ,
in response to your comments on the unconscious being aware of medical conditions,i don't have a problem with this at all,and it is an aspect that woke me up to what possibilities there are,
i had a dream years ago,of being chased around a kitchen by the alien creature from the movie of the same name,two days later i went down with a ferocious stomach virus(bug),
i made the associations of,the bug(alien) being the virus,the kitchen as the stomach, as an area were food is processed,and as i am sure many are aware the alien in the movie gestated in the stomach of the host,after entering by the mouth,
so yes, what you have said in regard to unconscious
health monitoring is a valid statement.
regards cavebear

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