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Here we go:
I’m speeding across the frozen, packed snow, on a snowmobile next to the river, but still pretty far away.
We’re heading toward these big rifts, Dad and Amy (friend) and I, and Dad’s saying ‘Remember to check the snow. Only the packed snow is safe. Make sure you check it.’
I cruise up a hill, but suddenly I’m falling. I hit the bottom, but I’m not hurt. It’s pretty high up, but it’s like a tunnel. The end’s not too far away. Dad peeks down, and yells for me to check the snow. I put my hand to its frozen surface, and yell back up that it is.
All of a sudden, the walls start collapsing. I jump on my snowmobile and take off, just missing the snow that’s filling the path behind me. I come out near the end, but there isn’t enough space, I know I’m going to crash. I pull up sideways, but I go through the wall of snow across from the path anyways. It seals up my exit.
Dad’s just on the other side, yelling for me to get out before the snow sets, but there’s this strange man in the cave, with a small orange diamond-shaped object hanging next to him. He asks if I want to see what’s inside. I ask if it’s the jungle, and think ‘I knew it! I was right! It is the jungle!’ I tell Dad I’m sorry, and jump through the diamond.
This bit is viewed third person. On the other side is peace and tranquility beyond imagining. My hair’s down, and I’m sitting cross-legged, maybe meditating. In the background are orange, yellow, green, and red stripes, moving diagonally to the side. I open my eyes and look at me.

Any and all interpretations would be great. ^.^

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15, MI

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes, one

Re: Snow

Dreams of a 15 year old can be very difficult to understand. You are still in those formative years of ego building and whereas an adult has already experienced that phase of life and dream symbols often refer back to the past, it is not always true for a teenager. Your dreams are normally more about present conditions in your life concerning the building of ego and not so much past experiences {for which you have limited experiences}.

But there are elements to your dream that seem to be addressing the past, possible experiences from earlier life that have not be confronted and put into its proper place {this is most often true about adult dreams}. To determine if that is true could you give some info about the relationship between your dad and yourself? The crashing in the dream and the dream statement "It seals up my exit" could be addressing unconscious experiences that have been rejected, repressed or forgotten. Plus the fact in the last paragraph you speak about "This bit is viewed third person" suggests the possibility you may need to "open my eyes and look at me". This could represent your present self and how you got be who you are {from past experiences in growing up}.

If you will give some background on your life and the relationship with your dad that may help sort through the possibilities. Perhaps cracking the snow is cracking through cold emotional experiences from the past.
And the strange man in the cave. Caves are often symbolic of unconscious contents {as well as other symbolic meanings that can be Freudian}. Let's determine the priority of the dream first then see where that leads.

Also, having looked at your other dream post, there could be a relationship between the two dreams. Get back to me about this dream post and I'll see if I can determine any relevance.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Snow

My relationship with my dad is pretty good, maybe better than most. We don't talk too much, but when we do he tells me, doesn't skirt about the subject. I suppose I resent him sometimes (he and my mom fight a bit), but other than that he's a pretty good dad. I recently learned something about him I found that I didn't particularly want to know, but I've gotten over it, and he doesn't exactly understand why his views on the world aren't mine, but you find that in everyone.

Hope that helps a bit. ^.^

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15, MI

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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