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Writing on the wall, literally!

I'm sitting in this big circular, open space, kind of like a commons area, with three friends, two girls, one guy. Note, that the two girls used to go out, and now one is going out with the guy. We're just talking, they're complaing about how someone messed up the info, and now they don't know what they're going to do about their art history project. We decide, for some reason or another, to move into the bathroom. We get up and go, but when we get there, all it is is a cream room with a toilet at the far end and writing etched everywhere, floor, walls, ceiling, even the toilet. It seems, though, that the two girls don't notice it. I'm looking around at it sort of covertly, and the guy gives me that fleeting 'I hope you don't notice, or at least don't tell anyone' kind of glance. I think 'I shouldn't read it, Chris (guy) wouldn't want me to.
I'm really confused. Help, please?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15, MI

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Writing on the wall, literally!

Look at your first dream post Snow and I'll give my impressions to this dream in connection with the first post.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 57 Murfreesboro, Tn.

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

stats from 7-14-10 to the present