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Storing the Bicycle

I dream my husband and I live in a very large, rambling house that is like a big farmhouse. We may have just moved there. Lots of grounding brown tones. Lots of creaky floorboards. Lots of character. Lots of room. Lots of light coming through big windows. We’re walking down a hallway with my pastor and I say to John, “take Father Anthony over to the garage and get the bike we got for him and store it in our attic.” They go off enthusiastically while I stay to finish a task. It looks like I’m either packing or unpacking. I’m not sure. Maybe both. Maybe neither. Anyway, they are gone a long time, and I am wondering what happened and starting to get frustrated. I go into one very spacious room that looks very unfinished (in terms of it being a lived in house) and it overlooks the backyard and garage. The garage is big and brown--rustic looking. I see the door is open, so I know they’ve gone in, but I don’t know if they are still there or not. I try to shrug it off, assuming they’ve gotten into conversation. Eventually John comes back and says Anthony has gone (home I presume). I ask him about the bike and he says he forgot. At this point, he and I are walking somewhere with a friend. She is trying to talk to us, but I interrupt her when I ask John about the bike. When he says he has forgotten to put it in the attic I get very angry at him and although I try to stifle it, it keeps popping out and as a result I keep interrupting our friend. I finally say, “Listen guys, forgive me. I’m just pissed off about this, but I’ll get over it. Give me ten minutes. I’m gonna go take a ten minute walk and get it out of my system. Then I’ll be back.” Because I feel bad about it, I don’t want it to ruin the evening, and I know I can deal with it privately with John later.

The bike, I should mention, is the size of a child’s bike. But it’s not a child’s bike. It is some sort of special build for adults.

Thanks for the feedback!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 Chicago IL

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi Rose,

Do you know a "Father Anthony" in real life? If so, how would you describe him to me. If not, do you know a father called "Anthony", or anyone else for that matter. I think it is always better to try and obtain a personal association, before placing a collective meaning on the symbol.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Yes, Stephen. Fr. Anthony is, or was, my pastor at my former parish. We had an argument about a month back and he's refused to speak to me since then. So we are estranged, which has been both painful and liberating to me. We had been very close.

I would describe him as visionary, warm-hearted, strong-willed, torn, passionate, devout, and moderately conservative in his beliefs (to my moderately liberal in my beliefs).

Thanks for asking for the clarification. Rose

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 Chicago IL

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

With your dream I'm going to provide insights to my approach to dreams to give some understanding to how I 'read' the dream and interpret the symbols. Hopefully this will help with the understanding of dreams for those who have a genuine interest in them. Remember, this is a rule of thumb with the caveat that nothing is set in stone when it comes to dream symbols. But this rule concerning houses is often universal.
This will be long and I may have to use two posts to get it all in {there is a limit of space allowed to each post}.

Important: I'm surmising the possibilities to this dream and I could be wrong about those possibilities. But let's take the dream in the context I see it and see where it leads. Rose can approve or disprove my summations.

As for this particular dream, after reading the whole dream I believe it has to do with some aspect of her relationship to her husband. But it also is probably addressing animus aspects, development of some masculine traits, but to a lesser extent {this is a basic component of Jungian psyche-two meanings or applications to every dream}. There would be two possible applications to the husband symbol. One is a literal relationship and the other being a metaphor, an animus figure representing her inner masculine aspects. Choosing which aspect the dream is 'primary' focusing often depends on the age of the dreamer and the context the symbol {husband} is used in the dream.

A basic rule of dreams involving houses is the house represents the dreamer in some form or fashion. If not the dreamer then a relationship to the owner of the house {if husband's house then it would signify some aspect to a relationship with the husband}. Most often this would apply to both younger and older dreamers. The house is the dreamer, metaphor!!!!

The condition of the house more often would be a description of some aspect of the dreamer's psyche, the condition of the dreamer's life {or an aspect to the relationship to the owner of the house}. Primarily one should keep in mind that dreams are about the emotions of the dreamer. Emotions begin internally and are displayed externally. The dream offers insights to what causes the internal emotional conflicts. The affect outwardly may be consciously understood by the dreamer {known anger displayed outwardly} or it could be an unconscious condition that is not recognized by the dreamer and could be a source of why the dreamer acts or feels a certain way outwardly. This would be an unconscious thing, something that could be controlling in the dreamer's life without them being consciously aware of it. Such a case would have a source, often from earlier in life where past experiences are stimulus for actions later in life {physical or mental abuse as a child causing reckless actions later in adult life}.
There is no indication within this dream of that source, or possibility, which is not unusual.

The Dream House
This house is a farmhouse which would probably symbolize 'growing' something. Since Rose is in her early 50s then the dream is most likely addressing inner growth with outer growth being a by-product of what transpires internally.

{Note: A younger person's dream {childhood to mid 30s} with similar symbols would more likely be the opposite, addressing outer growth {developing the ego} with inner growth being secondary.

The description of this farmhouse, and the fact that Rose and husband just moved in, suggests to me that this may be a 'house' that is a desired place within herself as well as an actual description of her present condition. Perhaps she wishes her life, with her husband, to be more open, lots of character perhaps in her relationship with her husband and lots of 'window light' {open relationship}. The creaky floors {foundation of the relationship?} may suggest there is a lack of the above.

The next part of the dream may be very important.
We’re walking down a hallway with my pastor and I say to John, “take Father Anthony over to the garage and get the bike we got for him and store it in our attic.
Hallways are connections. It could be unconscious contents to conscious awareness. Or it could be a connection to the relationship to the pastor. The two dream symbols, the garage and more specifically the bike, should provide clues.
Garage-Whereas the dream dictionaries focus on the more mundane 'actions' of a garage as a component of the dreamer's life, I tend to think of it first as an extension of the house, and the dreamer.
A storage place for ideas or ambitions, or storing hidden aspects that unconsciously drive you in your waking life.

Bike-I see this symbol as representing two distinct things. One is more obvious, the other a play on the word that pertains to the relationship to the other characters in the dream, John and the pastor. The first meaning would be harmony and balance. This is something Rose would like to see in her life, balance and harmony.
The other application would be 'two, from the 'bi' in bicycle.
John and the pastor.

So what do we have thus far? A emotional description of Rose's desire to have a more 'open' relationship with her husband, something that is probably lacking in the true waking relationship.
A connection to the relationships to Rose, her husband and the pastor.

If the garage symbolizes 'hidden aspects' and the bike represents balance between the two relationships, the dream message seems to be going in a particular direction.

"They go off enthusiastically while I stay to finish a task."

I believe this dream statement to be a desire on Rose's part and not an actual reality. This impression comes from my experience with working with dreams and not some clue provided in the dream. It would involve Rose and the pastor working together in harmony, a desire that Rose possesses.

"It looks like I’m either packing or unpacking. I’m not sure. Maybe both. Maybe neither."

I see this dream statement as representing indecision on Rose's part. She is not sure of her desire. This is usual dream speak, the odd way dreams will often address emotional issues.

"they are gone a long time, and I am wondering what happened and starting to get frustrated."

This statement may be addressing actual frustrations. The frustrations would be toward some aspect in Rose's waking life, having to do with to the mentioned relationships. The time sequence probably reflects time spent thinking or contemplating the relationship{s}.

"I go into one very spacious room that looks very unfinished (in terms of it being a lived in house) and it overlooks the backyard and garage."

Unfinished may represent something that is unfinished, or yet to happen in Rose's life. The spacious room would symbolize a 'room' in Rose's psyche, another addition to her house. It may also represent a 'room' 'big' enough to accommodate other aspects to live within her psyche, and/or life.

The backyard may represent those things hidden from conscious viewing, perhaps something that Rose does not want to be known by others. This and my explanation above of the possibilities of a garage seem to fit together.

"The garage is big and brown--rustic looking. I see the door is open, so I know they’ve gone in, but I don’t know if they are still there or not. I try to shrug it off."

We've addressing the 'big' part of the garage. The color brown is next symbol to be understood.
Brown is an earthly colour and may, therefore, symbolize the instinctive or the sensuous. I'll leave that there and come back to it later.

Rustic-an 'unsophisticated' country person. Substitute person with emotion.

The conversation is between John and the pastor. This indicates to me a needed dialog between these two men, one that needs to take place before there is harmony and balance in Rose's life.

"John comes back and says Anthony has gone."

The pastor has taken on a more personal nature in Rose's dream. He is now recognized by his name, Anthony. John is still present but not Anthony.

"I ask him about the bike and he says he forgot."

This isn't a statement about John forgetting but about Rose. Perhaps she has emotions about 'forgetting' the whole idea {the underlying dreams message, to be determined}. The bike is the focus. John is present but Anthony has left.

Now the dream turns to conversation between Rose and Rose {the other woman}. The main topic is the bike.

"When he says he has forgotten to put it in the attic I get very angry at him and although I try to stifle it, it keeps popping out and as a result I keep interrupting our friend."

The female friend is herself {another aspect of her psyche}. I don't believe, and I may be wrong**, but I see the question posed to John in this statement as a question asked of herself. the same with the anger. She would be angry at herself for such an attitude and tries to stifle it.

"I finally say, “Listen guys, forgive me. I’m just pissed off about this, but I’ll get over it. Give me ten minutes. I’m gonna go take a ten minute walk and get it out of my system. Then I’ll be back.” Because I feel bad about it, I don’t want it to ruin the evening, and I know I can deal with it privately with John later."

This is pretty much a summation of the whole dream message. Inner anger at herself. Her 'bad' feelings concerning the matter of relationships. It is a 'private' matter she needs to take up with John.

**The conservation with John may have actually taken place in waking life.

I will not give any final conclusions. I would want Rose to comment first. I do have an idea what the dream is trying to address {is it obvious?}. I welcome others thoughts.

If I am wrong about my 'assumed' conclusions then the reason would be the the dream symbols are purely metaphorical and not addressing personal relationships {John and the pastor would represent something other than themselves}. These metaphors would be aspects of Rose's psyche and personality. It would not entirely deviate from the central question of relationships. It could possibly take the personal aspect equation and give it a different meaning.

This is my basic approach to reading dreams. This dream is not as complicated as some {if I am correct in my assumptions}. The dream structure is usual and follows the pattern of most dreams. Using the dream dictionaries may help with some symbols but how to approach the symbol may be more important {as in bi cycle}. Intuitive 'thinking' is important. The feel and flow of the dream must be taken into context. It may seem hard to understand but enough study of Jungian psyche will help provide a guide to not only understanding dreams, their structure, the symbolic metaphors but also the 'intuitive' aspect that is so important in understanding and interpreting dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

One last comment that may have significance to this dream and its interpretation. I did go back to Rose's first posted dream and it was also about her 'priest'. So I take that dream and add it to this one to get an impression about what is taking place in Rose's psyche. Here is the link to her first dream.
multiple dreams

Did I give it away?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

LOL! Hmmmm.... you may have just given it away! A lot here to digest and I thank you for the time you've taken with it. I will comment a little later--it's a busy day. Blessings.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 Chicago IL

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

I apologize for the long interpretation. I wanted to provide some insights to how I approach dreams and picked your dream to do so. Partially because there seemed to be a clear view of what was being addressed in your dream {I admit your first posted dream led the way to this dream}. You don't need to address every point, just those aspects that fit {if any}.
Thanks before hand for your patience and letting me use your dream for my elaboration.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

And how would you describe your relationship with your real father to me, Rose?

Also, it may help if you share the topic of the argument you had with Fr. Anthony - only if you feel ok with sharing it.

I have a train of thought, but it is just missing a few pieces.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi Stephen and Gerard,

Thanks to both of you for your interest. Gerard...I'm taking from your interpretation that I want an open marriage, and that the bike represents my desires that John and Anthony get along. Is that what you are thinking? It wouldn't be far from the truth, actually.

Stephen, my father committed suicide when I was five (not in our home, a garage or attic I will add). I've done tons of work around that but I think that is a wound that never 100% heals. The argument with Anthony was regarding the fact I practice reiki, and certain members of his congregation wanted me to leave because of it, and I felt Anthony was not only NOT doing anything to stop the "hate-mongering" and gossiping, but was doing things to make it worse. I left the church, therefore, because I no longer felt welcome or safe there.

Blessings, Rose

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 Chicago IL

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi Rose,

Thank you for being so generous with your personal associations.

The landscape you describe in the dream is a beautiful picture of your psyche. Big, open, very few restrictions.

I also have the good fortune to be able to activate Reiki. It frightened me in the beginning because I didn't know what was happening. I wasn't trained, it just started happening while i was learning Tai Chi.

The thing that puzzled me in the dream was that the bike you had in the garage was for Father Anthony, yet you instructed your dream husband to put it in your attic. If it was for the Father, why didn't you give it to him. to me this sounds a bit like "withholding a gift" and isn't that what the issue was with the congregation and the Father. You were basically being given an ultimatum to withhold Reiki. But I think this is just the clue to the real life event that you have experieinced, the context of the dream. The real crux of the matter is the anger you have towards your dream husband.

Apart from noticing wwhat happens in dreams it is also a good habit to explore what doesn't happen. The Father was a visitor to your space, yet he left without saying 'good-bye' to you. This seems to me, to be the main cause of the anger. And because you are angry at your dream husband it is like a displaced anger. The anger could have been generated by your real father's departure, and then caught up in the departure with Father Anthony, and then projected onto your husband. And of course this is the feeling-toned complex that activated during the real life situation with Father Anthony. The father not saying "Good-bye".

My suspicion is that the anger may be directed at your father, who's life ended all those years ago.

You see the dream is about withholding a gift, and not saying "goodbye" and projected anger. And yet you didn't give the Father the gift. When I try to describe Reiki I think it is about the channeling of positive energy, which I closely link with 'love', 'forgiveness' and of course 'healing'. Why did you withhold this gift? Could it be that the relationship with Father Anthony could be healed with these positive energies, just as the relationship with your deceased father.

You see Rose, you were being told what to do by the church, just as you were telling your dream husband what to do with the bike. I looked at the bike being a symbol for a gift as well as the collective symbol of 'independence' and isn't that the climax of the dream. To be truly independent and allow the anger to disolve. To withdraw the projection you need to love and forgive a little, not only to the 2 fathers, but to yourself.

That's all I have at the moment. Does any of it click within you?

I was in Chicago, last August, on my way back from Cedar Point. The city wasn' what I expected, but I got to see the musical "Wicked" while I was there. Now why did I mention that memory to you? "Wicked" is about a special girl with powers, whose father was taken away from her at an early age. Basically, it was the environment and situations that turned the wicked witch into who she became. But she wasn't wicked at all. The things she did was a form of protection towards the other. Have you seen this show, Rose?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Dear Stephen,

Thank you for your insights. Very valuable and helpful, especially regarding the issues of withholding and displaced anger.

On one level (the most conscious level), it’s not true I ever withheld reiki from Anthony. Even now I send it to him "long distance" daily. In fact, it is my way of trying to effect reconciliation, healing and forgiveness between us. But I also believe even a gift that is given, if marred by unresolved issues, can be tainted. So who’s to say how well-received the gift may be if it is tainted by hidden anger? I don’t know. That’s something to think about.

What really resonates also, Stephen, with your thoughts on withholding a gift and displaced anger is my memory of being asked to pray for my father after seeing him in the casket. I absolutely refused to do so. That was a very early act of withholding, and probably the only time I openly expressed grief over my father's death.

Maybe, if the bike represents inevitable change (which keeps coming to mind as my association to the bike is the Tarot's Two of Pentacles)—whether through death or other sorts of partings—what I’m withholding is my blessing on that change—whether through prayer or forgiveness or both?

As for your comments on the anger being displaced onto my husband, that is very helpful. I've always been aware that I carry around a sort of "free floating" resentment towards him which leads to a sort of "free floating" withholding of affection/love/connection. By "free floating," I'm aware of the fact it's not clear to me where the resentment is coming from. It's been a very frustrating pattern, one that seems to control me more than I can control it, if you know what I mean...but not one I'd ever connected before to that early memory of refusing to pray for my father.

You've given me a lot to think about, Stephen! Many thanks for your support.

Oh, and yes...I did see Wicked. I thought it was great, and after your insights, I love it even more.

Blesings, Rose

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 Chicago IL

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi Rose,

I am glad that the interpretation resonates and has given you some things to mull over. At least now you have an idea of what is playing in the background and you can catch it out in future. It may be a good idea to share with your real husband so that he understands what is going on.

Yesterday, I really wanted to post the lyrics of "Defying Gravity" from Wicked, but I censored it out as I didn't know whether you had seen it or not. Why don't you Google it and read the lyrics to this song. It may provide further insight.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi, Rose:

It’s been several years since I’ve been back for a visit, but I grew up in Chicago, on the Northwest Side of town. The name of one of my close childhood friends is also Rose. I’d have to say that one of the things I miss most is the “food.” I just can’t find those good old, sloppy, juicy Italian beef sandwhiches here in Kansas. There is one local vendor (a husband and wife team, also originally from Chicago) who come out to some of the fairs and shows bearing them good old beef franks on the sesame seed buns, all prepped up only the way they do back “home.” Ofcourse, there’s many (and better) menu items, but those were my rave as a kid.

I don’t know that I’ll suggest any more than you’ve already realized about this dream, but I wanted to extend some of my thoughts to you...

Though my circumstances are different, I too had an absent father. I’ve done a lot of work around this issue, but there is more to go. Sharing what I will here, will be healing/helpful for me. If you may be able to find and take anything from it, that's wonderful. If not, I just thank you for providing an opportunity/avenue for expression.

Have you ever considered that mother and (perhaps "especially") father are as the “institution of God” to a child? I was reminded of my sense of this notion when you shared your first dream, telling of how you have so often dreamed of "Father" Anthony - "your Spiritual Director; a potent spiritual figure in your life." I had a similar thing in my past, demonstrated in a guru/disciple type relationship when practicing an Eastern path of Spirituality. At the height of my divine-like longing for love/union with this figure, I wept profoundly and tenderly, as I "realized" that my longing for him was due to the loss/lack of love from my father. I sat there holding in my arms the very tender and very young child I was - as if finding this part of her for the first time. This man (guru) was more than old enough to be grandfather to me. I saw him as wise and loving. I not only often dreamed of him, but I experienced incredible waves of heart energy that flowed toward (my image of) him. And later, though it was not the awakening of the sexual life force/kunalini in me, that began to flow strongly in my meditations on him as well. Not suprisingly, all my dreams of him, always pointed to what needed healing in me. There was a sense of grace and there was growth. BUT, one day I stood up on my two feet and said to myself, "What are you doing Kristi!?!" (And got myself back in to begin working intensely with my analyst, again) I was giving myself away. I was projecting my image of God outside of my self, onto another human being. No one can wear that for us. Mother/Father God exists in our psyche. And where/when our parents fail us, it is because they too are only human, full of the same imperfections we all have. Can you see anything like this going on in your association with Father Anthony?

After connecting your earlier mention of Father Anthony, with “this” dream, I felt the issue had to do with the “Father” inside of you. It seemed pretty clear that it had to do with a childhood issue, given your dream directly cast the bicycle image as a “child’s” bike. Besides the elements already mentioned in this thread, "childhood" is one major and common association for a bicycle. That it is modified or specially built for an adult, is perhaps reflecting that it is something from childhood carried into your adulthood. This something is "yours," but you're moving it from storage place to storage place between (the garage of) your husband and (the attic of) Father Anthony. An attic in dreams can also be seen as a place of higher thought... You "idealize" Father Anthony. As did I my Dhyanyogi. Do you wish, maybe, that your husband was more like Father Anthony? If the husband (inside of you) could be in the same elevated position in which you hold the Father Anthony of you, would the core issue from your childhood that the dream is addressing, be better?

I note in your dream that you left the church (the "House of God/Father Anthony") because he did not grant you safety in presence there. How is this similar to the absence of your father in your young life?

If we take your association with the bicycle as being of the two of pentacles, why are you placing responsibility for this change within the hands of your husband and Father Anthony - and not the God Place inside of your own self/Self?

If we take Stephen's suggestion that it is a symbol of independence, we see the bicyle as a vehicle of our being, propelled by our own energy, resourced by our own soul. We withdraw the need for our happiness to be dependent upon another. And in doing so, we also free the to be who and what they are without, without the restrictive and weighty projections we placed on them, or the ones too high and grand to be achieved.

Maybe you need to take that bicycle out of storage and let your five year old self ride it up a path of sunshine to your father - to tell him what the five year old you felt and needed; to forgive him his human frailties (the strain of which caused him to take his own very dear life); and forgive yourself for having been angry that he left a tender and young you alone, without his love, protection and presence. I need to do something similar with my own father.

And Rose, would you tell me what you meant by wanting an "open" marriage. I don't want to jump conclusions, but that can have more than one meaning and I wondered ...


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, Ks

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Dear Stephen,

I looked at the lyrics you mentioned. I think you are referring to taking the risk to forgive? Is that why you suggested I look at this song?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 Chicago IL

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Dear Embrace,

Yes, it seems you and I have traveled a similar path, and I appreciate your insights. I like what you said about the child-size bike representing childhood issues carried into adulthood.

I want to clarify I did not leave the church; I left that parish. I don't know if you understood that. But yes, there is something to what you said. My father was a violent man, and created a lot of fear in our house. There was definately a lack of safety in my early years! I hadn't seen that parallel, but isn't it interesting? Synchronicities abound in this dream!

Open marriage--well, it means a willingness to include more than one life partner into a relationship. I think that John and Anthony both represent two "wheels" in my "bike of life," and both balance me in different ways. I suppose I have a wish I could blend them together. I don't mean to imply my marriage is unhappy or bad. Frankly, it's quite good, but it would be naive to assume John would meet all my needs. Anthony met some needs not met in my marriage. However, this was not something I hid from John. John and I talked about it, and we have always been supportive of opposite-sex friendships in our marriage, as long as they are chaste (non-sexual).

Thanks again for your reflections. I am looking forward to working with these insights! I have some ideas of how to apply your and Stephen's thoughts regarding needing to heal that early wound of loss. I'll report back on that!

Blessings, Rose

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 51 Chicago IL

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How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi, Rose:

You're welcome. I did understand it was just the parish you left. Where I said left the "Church/House of God" (because you felt unsafe) I was speaking in general terms (representative of your former parish) attempting to draw a metaphorical comparison between that action and the action of withdrawing from your father (who is some like a God to a child) at a young age, maybe (atleast in part) for the same reason. That's all.

Thanks for clarifying on the "open marriage."

Best Wishes,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, Ks

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi Rose,

I don't know why the song was relevant to you. All I know is that I had to pass it on. If what you say is what you get out of it, then that is what it is meant to relay to you. Just let the lyrics roll around in your head for a while and other things may come to you.

I hope you and Embrace discuss the healing process together. I have a feeling this is the key. Just like Wicked, how the story is about Elphaba AND Glenda. It will probably be the interactions between the two of you that progresses the story along.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Here is the song on YouTube:

Great to "hear" the piece, as well as read the lyrics!

I've ordered the book and am considering tickets to the musical, It is showing in my area in May.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 41, Ks

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Re: Storing the Bicycle know what's kinda interesting...recently my friend asked me if I'd like to go see Wicked next weekend. I turned her down because I've seen it once, but now...watching the YouTube version of Defying Gravity, I feel the need to contextualize that song to really appreciate it's import. So perhaps her invitation is part of a synchronistic web weaving around this dream journey. I just emailed her to see if she still wants to go! I'll let you know. And thanks for all your interest. I appreciate it. Rose

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi, Rose: I just wanted to say that I was very moved watching the piece on YouTube. It was both inspirational and soul-stirring for me, such that my whole body went goose-fleshed, inside and out. I know that character, both aspects of them, inside of me. It also brought to mind/heart for me a poem I wrote around the "witch" some years ago, as I reflected on my early years. There's many elements to the depth of the poem, but that scene sure resonated with it.

Have a Great Day!

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi, Rose:

Did you make it out to see the play again? How was it? I should have the book today or tomorrow, but I "soooo" want to go see the musical next month! I love "story," and the arts! I had a childhood dream of being a performing artist - actress, showgal, dancer.


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Re: Storing the Bicycle

When I found out the cheapest tix were $110 I decided against it! Maybe I'll read the book! Thanks for checking in!

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Re: Storing the Bicycle

Hi, Rose:

Yeah, they're pricey here, too. But as I have NEVER been to a live muscial, I'm going to turn all my pockets upside down to gather enough pennies to go. I deserve the treat!


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Re: Storing the Bicycle

My friend and I decided to go see Tony and Tina's Wedding instead--her pick for her BD. At least we can afford it!

Did you see my dream Memory Gap? I just posted it...another in my "Anthony Series." I don't know if i'd mentioned this. I am now up to 177 recorded dreams of this man, starting in Feb 05, so about an average of 3 per month. I'd appreciate you're weighing in on it. Thanks!


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stats from 7-14-10 to the present