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Recurring character

I've had two dreams recently which both had a recurring character in them.

The first one was set on a hill a little way from my house and I was trying to find a guy who I needed to meet up with there. It was really foggy and the people looked like dark chess pieces (pawns). I ran down the hill and then jumped onto the roof of a small building. Looking down, I could see the guy inside being questioned by someone who looked like a park ranger. I tried to climb down but fell off. Then a dark-haired guy caught me and put me down so I didn't get hurt, then he smiled and left.

The second one was set in a beautiful sunny area with a huge field of wheat. I was a guy in this dream and I had jsut arrived to live in the house by the field. The dark-haired man from the first dream and a blonde guy came out of the house. The dark-haired man introduced himself, but I could hear his name, then he introduced his 'brother' as 'the golden-haired one'. I was really happy living with them but then I suddenly was really unwell and had to lie down. The dark-haired man came into my room and kissed me to try to make me better, then left for a while.
I felt better later on and got up and went outside to the back of the house. It turned out that there was a shop here and I saw a suit of armour. I could heart people talking so I quickly put the armour on and pretended to be a model for the armour. I saw the dark-haired guy talking to a customer and they came over to look at the armour, then went away. I then heard the engine of the camper van I knew they had starting and realised the blonde and the dark-haired guys were leaving the house without me so I chased them down the road while they drove ahead. It was really late and the sun was setting and I had lost them because all the roads looked the same, so I got really scared and upset and cried.

Is there any significance in a recurring character in dreams?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15 UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Recurring character

Let me provide some insights to how dreams function. I will break down this first dream so you can see how the symbols represent aspects of you and your life. The most important thing to remember about dreams are they are about you. Another thing to remember about dreams is they do not speak in everyday language but in symbols and metaphors. Even the best interpreter of dreams can never say that a symbol represents one particular thing or aspect. Every person is different. Young people tend to have dreams that reflect their current waking life situations whereas an older person's dreams often tend to focus on past experiences, those emotional experiences that remain unresolved {the reason I suggest you talk to someone about your emotional relationship with your dad}.

The house in your dream represents you, you are the house. The hill is a small mountain. Mountains in a dream often symbolize large obstacles that must be overcome. So a hill could represent something smaller, a smaller obstacle you must overcome.

The small building would also be you. The roof may represent protection. So your running down the hill and jumping onto the roof may be that smaller issue that must be overcome.

Then there is the dark haired guy. He would represent someone inside you {inside the building}, or a person you either know or wish to know. He is being questioned by an authority figure {park ranger}. Trying to climb down may represent trying to get off your protection attitude but can do so. Perhaps you feel it hard to trust guys since because of the emotional relationship with your dad {finding it hard to trust men because of the relationship with your dad could follow you throughout your life if not resolved, as I mentioned in your last dream}.

The dark haired guy could also represent your dad, or the dad you wish you could have {instead of the dad who you have emotional issues with}. Dreams often use one symbol to address two different related issues. This may be the case in your dream.

But the last sentence deviates from the notion that all guys are bad. This dark haired guy caught you and you didn't get hurt. He may represent the 'shining knight' who rescues you. Do you have any particular guy in school who may fit that description?

What the dream seems to be addressing is the need to overcome the smaller issue {at this point in your life} of trust {the larger issue would be the tough relationship with your dad}. The guy in this dream is a 'good' guy. The dream is wanting to abolish the notion that all men are like your dad {dreams are therapeutic-they help you resolve emotional issues}.

I hope this helps you understand your dreams. When you understand your dreams you get a better understanding of your true emotional self, even when you repress those emotions.

The next dream

I won't go in great detail about this dream but will give my thoughts and some info why I see what I see in the dream.
The dream starts out on a brighter note. This would represent the positive aspect in you. Even though you are having a tough time with your dad, overall you are probably a positive person {does that fit?}. The same guy in the first dream seems to be filling the same role. But he has a blond haired brother {blond can also represent positive-glamorous, full of life-blonds have more fun}.

Again I get the sense the dark haired guy represent your dad, or the person you wish your dad would be {The dark-haired man came into my room and kissed me to try to make me better, then left for a while}. Is your dad dark haired? You would feel better if this were the case but instead, in the dream, you feel unwell which represents your true waking condition.

The golden hair guy, the brother, could represent a real person {does your dad have a brother?}. He could also, or only, represent that 'good' guy I spoke of in your first dream, except he isn't your dad who you are having trouble with. Being a brother may mean he is a guy. Being blond may represent a guy who 'has more fun' and more fun to be with.

But you still have your defenses up {armor}. This may be because of the unconscious attitude you may be developing toward men because of your relationship with your dad. The good guys, the dad you wish you had and the good guy who is your shining knight, are leaving. You are losing that positive attitude {which is understandable if there is a constant experience dealing with the emotional issue with your dad}. You unconsciously know about this attitude but consciously you are not aware of it. Dreams show the unconscious as well as the conscious aspects. I sense this is the message of this dream, not to lose that positive attitude toward guys. Although there are bad guys there are also good guys. You wish your dad was a good guy {and he may be even though he has his problems}. But you also are looking for that good guy who will provide sunshine in your life. Thus the inclusion of a blond, golden hair guy in your dream.

This interpretation may or may not be 'right on'. But i do believe it ahs merit. The thing that I worry about is that attitude you may be developing, albeit unconscious, toward guys {because of the negative relationship with your dad}. This is the reason I mention it to be so important to talk to someone. You could not ever be aware of motivations in later life due to earlier experiences in life. I know from personal experience this to be true {I had childhood issues with my dad that unconsciously influence who I was later in my adult life}.

Let me know your feelings about my interpretation. Perhaps we can gain insights from those impressions.

I appreciate your being open about your life and posting your dreams for all to see. They may help others understand unconscious influences that can take control of a life if left unresolved. I hope we head off any unconscious stimulus in your life by talking about your dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Recurring character

Thanks for replying! Your reply was very helpful and insightful ^^

I'm not sure what the dream represents, the dark-haired man doesn't look like my dad at all, though my dad does have dark hair. My dad also does have several borthers, but they all have dark hair as well, so I'm not sure what the blonde-haired guy could represent.
I don't know if I have a kind of distrust of men in general, one of my best friends is a guy (abeit very feminine) but I generally don'tfeel comfortable around certain guys I know. This could be because of my relationship with my dad, but I was unaware of his alchoholism until last year.
I'm thinknig of asking my mum if I can see him again and she has told me that I can if I want to at any time, but I'm just building up to it, because it might be weird after not seeing him for this long.
I haven't had any dreams with the guy in again recently though, since I've kind of not seen my dad for a while, so it very well could be connected.

Thanks again!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15 UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: Recurring character

It could mean a lot of things. We know there are issues with your dad but at your age dreams normally tend to focus more on everyday life, ego/persona development. But that could be corrupted by those negative experiences with your dad. Unless there are dramatic emotional issues that come up or are from the relationship with your dad I would not worry too much about it. I saw your reply to a posted dream and you seem to be maturing well and that helps with many emotional stresses. I would focus on being a teen and getting an education. And if dreams interest you give some time to studying them {using Jungian dream psychology as the guide of course}. That alone will prove to be a great asset in your future. To learn to look at the inner self so early in life is a great advantage later on.

I wish I knew that when I was younger. But alas, we all travel our own path.

I may not have learned to do it when I was younger but I am doing it now.

We get two chances in life to follow our bliss.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Recurring character

Ahh, thanks ^^ I'll try my best at education and normal teen life and stuff. I mean, my dad hasn't reallyt had negative effects on me as far as I can consiously tell.

I'm sure that you'll be fine as well. You seem to already have a lot of personal insight even though you say you enver studied it when you were younger, so I don't think you really needed to, probably (just guessing ^^").


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15 UK

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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