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Boundaries dream???

I hear a noise outside my house and look out the window. I see the town workers are removing my sidewalk with a backhoe. I had just sown grass there, and see the straw. I think, "ok, well, now I don't have to mow the grass." I open the door to show my son the backhoe. Two workers are in my house, one is in my kitchen doing something with a fan I can't see but hear in the corner. I say to him, 'what are you doing?' and he tells me, 'I don't know.' I think this must be a ruse because I then hear noise upstairs in my bedroom. I go upstairs and see a worker stretched out on my bed. I see all my journal papers out and scoop them up. He has broken a drawer, too. I try to yell for my son to call the cops, but my lips don't part and I can't yell.

I grab this worker by the collar and get him downstairs. He is now quite small and surprisingly docile. I have his collar in my right fist but my Mother is now between us, literally, and she has her arms wrapped around me. She is not facing me. I am yelling, 'Mom, let go!!' over and over, getting louder and upset. She does nothing.

I am ending a relationship and carefully starting another with someone I have had deep feelings for. I have been waiting for my subconscious to give me the "thumbs up", I suppose, as far as if I am making the right decision. I'm quite sure I am but would like the dream validation. I had this dream this morning. Not the overly joyous dream I have been awaiting, but I know the message is important. I'm just a little disappointed.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, PA

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Re: Boundaries dream???

Hi MAureen,

The question I feel I want to ask in relastion to the dream, is what was the reason for ending your recent relationship, and why did you say it was "ending"? Why hasn't it ended before you start the new relationship?

You can either post you response to this forum, if you feel ok with sharing the information, or just work with it yourself.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Boundaries dream???

Hi Stephen,

The relationship that I am letting go of has been not working for us for a while now. We have not connected, there's no warm closeness, and I have not had the chance to officially say "it's over" - I haven't had the opportunity in at least three weeks because we haven't spent any time together for me to say it. This other fella, we have known each other for a long time. Right now it is only talking on the phone and me being cautious and moving slowly. I guess I can't call it a "relationship" but I have a sense that things will work out well for he and I.

And I don't know if this is a boundary dream, really. I have dealt with a masculine/feminine tug of war, so to speak. My outer life has changed, and I feel my inner life is changing, as well.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, PA

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Re: Boundaries dream???

Wait a minute...I can't let go of the worker while my Mom is holding me. I see where your question is pertinent, Stephen...thank you!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, PA

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