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I had this dream the other night which took place in the house I lived in when I was married.
I had gone to the doctor and when I got home
I wanted to get something to go in the
refrigerator and there was no food at all.......
but there were these small dove like feathers
all in the refrigerator and freezer section also.
I was so shaken up by this and did not know what
to think?
My son comes home from his job and I asked him
what was this all about. He tells me, "oh ma I
forgot to tell you that when you were at the doctors today I took all the food and brought it to
Amanda's house cause her and her family are
starving over there.
I said, "okay...but where did these dove feathers
come from?
He said, "beats me...I don't know???????
then I had waken up from this dream....
Can anyone explain this?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 flushing new york

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: startled

Your past marriage {the house you lived in in your last marriage}. Was part of the 'ailment' that caused it to end not finding enough physical/emotional nourishment? It is likely the first part of the dream was addressing those conditions. Doves are positives, nothing but feathers may indicate the lack of nourishment diminished the positives and enhanced the negatives. Refrigs and freezers often symbolize cold or frozen emotions. Nothing left but the emotions, which are negative.

But why are you having dreams of the past? Is there something left unresolved from that marriage? Or are there now experiences in your present life that remind you of the past? Have you talked to your ex of recent. Dreams are most often addressing your present emotional condition.

Where does you son figure into the scheme of things? The 'dream speak' may be that your son took the nourishment and gave to someone else. Does that fit somewhere?

The feathers. Possibly representing the emotions, your emotions. Nothing left but the emotions.

And who is Amanda?

The other possibility is your son and Amanda represent some aspect of your own psyche. They are purely symbols {almost pure}. The whole dream could be symbolic which would make it less critical, adressing everyday experiences that are in conflict {work, other relationships}. But I sense the dream is addressing past relationships that are associated some way to your present emotional life. The best way to determine if my above interpretation fits somewhere in your life, especially as I described it {or relatively close}. You would probably recognize the connection.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: startled

Thank you very much for the reply Gerard.
Amanda is my son's girlfriend.
I can see your meaning in several points here....
feathers representing my emotions...there is
nothing left.
Exactly! I just want to curl up in a ball when
I remember how I lived when married to Nick.
We did not have a pot to piss in (excuse the French)
We had no phone..just one car for him to use for
Now, he remarried in 1996 and is living *high on the hog* had a home in Florida..sold that...moved to daughter told me the house is gigantic..all stainless steel appliances, etc.
whatever the wife wants, the wife gets...
When I was married to him I got the cheapest, crappiest appliances in the store...oh well...that story is over but because I think too much about this and stays with me!
Believe you me..he married a nice match for himself though: grumpy, miserable, irritable just like him.
Your right though about the past being brought out to the present also. I am with someone now that actually wants to get married but I am not doing so...he is
a cold, unfeeling fish.
When we go out to dinner, he wants me to pay half when all I get is $600.00 a month from disability.
He makes gross close to $1500.00 a week.
I am in such a bad mood when I am around him..but I
am living here with him and I know if I left here
I would never go back to my other boyfriend in
Massachusetts cause he was a loser and an abuser.
So looks like I am stuck until I find a solution to
this problem...thanks for the response...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 flushing new york

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: startled

Hi Connie,

What you just wrote in your last post maybe the issue of materialism that was being projected onto your brother (on your post of "Me and Brother"). How when you were married to Nick, you were denied the finer things in life, and how Nicks new wife gets the lastest in everything.

Do you know all the facts of how these great appliances ended up in this gigantic house? Who actually paid for them? How they decided to get them? Was it a joint decision, or was one person responsible? Did the new wife just demand them? Just how many of these questions do you have the facts to answer?

How long had you been divorced from Nick before the spinal symptoms started manifesting?

These are all tough questions and they are not meant to insult you. But, I have the feeling that the pain you are going through may well be sent by psyche to remind you that you have a spine, a "back bone" and once you start showing it, the pain may subside. What have you got to lose?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: startled

Hi Stephen...First of all, my spinal problems were not from the divorce (that I wanted back in 1995)
the problems were from an accident.
And Nick's wife now was married before. Her husband died and he was a comes the money honey.....right????

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 59 flushing new york

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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