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Mexican waiter in an Italian resturant

I was angry with and Mexican waiter at an Italian
restaurant who ate half my pasta. I yelled at him
swearing at him profusely, and felt very accomplished

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17, IN

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Mexican waiter in an Italian resturant

Hi Michael,

Thank you for sharing your dream. If the dream is a compensation then it may be pointing to expressing anger, instead of repressing it. Seeing there was no one known in the dream then it would lean more towards being on an inner level, but then you may be able to remember a real life event where you swollowed you anger, like so many other people do.

Others may have ideas that will also help you understand this dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Mexican waiter in an Italian resturant

Stephen seems to have pinned the best possibilities to what your dream might represent. But one thing that strikes me is the Mexican and Italian adjectives used in the dream. Could you hold prejudices against 'Mexicans' and do you like eating at Italian restaurants?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Mexican waiter in an Italian resturant

Hi Michael

Our dreams tell us so much about ourselves, about the way we think the way we feel and the way we act or behave. For the most part dreams tend to portray a story of the way our thoughts and feelings 'act' on each other, you could say our dreams are rather like a play where by we attribute and imbue each character with certain actions and feelings which are actually 'OURS'. This way when reviewing a dream we can become more objective about what our dreaming mind is attempting to impart to us.

The Mexican waiter in your dream seems to be an aspect of behaviour which in some way 'serves' you, However this trait of behaviour at the same time takes your energy 'pasta'.

One way to work with such male dream characters is to look at where you may have similar actions or traits of behaviour to those of your male dream character, in waking life. Turning over these unturned stones often reveal something about ourselves that we did not know before and helps us to see why we act and feel the way we do sometimes.

Your angry response in the dream seems to be as a result of really being angry with yourself, particularly with some way of thinking or behaviour that the Mexican waiter represents to you.

Even though this Way of thinking 'serves' you in some way it is still ultimately draining you of your energy 'eating half your pasta'.

It is likely that you on occasion particularly in social situations 'restaurant', find yourself easily drained or left deflated, and particularly if it is an issue of self confidence, in turn we can also get angry with ourselves and then snap growl and attempt to control others when such a situation arises where we feel unsure of ourselves.

These are just some ideas to ponder and are 'only' truths based on my understanding, However when discerning a dream go with what feels right for you.

Good luck Marce

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35, uk

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Re: Mexican waiter in an Italian resturant

First, in response to Gerard:
No, I don't hold any prejudges against Mexicans, or any other kind of race for that matter. I only mentioned that the waiter was Mexican because I supposed he could have been an archetype from the collective subconscious, based probably from the stereotypes many have about them. Also I found it odd to dream of a Mexican, because most my dreams have only white people in them (only because in So. Indiana I don't usually see other races.) I was in no way being racist.

Now, to all of you:
I feel like the ideas that all of you have posed. I do feel repressed anger sometimes that I don't express, and I do feel drained of confidence. I also feel that I hate the lack of assertiveness that I have that lets other people run my life.

Finally, my own theory after reading the posts:
Perhaps I serve myself at school by getting an education to get a good paying job(serving the pasta,) but miss out on the greater things in life like love and creativity(not getting the whole pasta.) Perhaps my dream is telling me that I have to get rid of this inhibition(the waiter) in order to feel accomplished.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 17, IN

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Mexican waiter in an Italian resturant

Michael, Was the waiter a Mexican in your dream or was that something you added on an afterthought? Such a short dream is hard to pin down as to its possible meaning and every word has consequences in its application and meaning.

The repressed anger you state you feel. What is the stimulus for that anger? Your theory of what the dream may mean has merit. Only you could know the personal details of your life and unless there is something within the dream that better states those details it is next to impossible for anyone else to know them. The best we can do is state the possibilities {"Your angry response in the dream seems to be as a result of really being angry with yourself, particularly with some way of thinking or behaviour that the Mexican waiter represents to you"}. Comparing that statement to your theory, not much difference.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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