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dreams outside with friend picnic table,rain,lightening then i walked outside alone very clear skies

hey i had a dream can anyone help me understand this one too i really appreciate it i like to get another view thank you so much in advance you guys have been great.
where i was outside at a picnic table in my front yard with my friend who lately i have been questioning her integrity always coming to me only when somethings wrong and not really listening to me when i go to her to talk about deep issues.
well it was cloudy and dark blue clouds then it started to sprinkle then eventually it started to thunder and lightening we just kept sitting there we jumped over one strike which got close to us then all off a sudden the dream goes to me by myself walking outside my house and the sky is as clear as it could be then i look behind me and there are stormy clouds off in the distance and the air feels so clear and fresh i feel like i just had literally and figurativly a breath of fresh air in the dream like rejuvenated/refreshed even lol.

also the other night i had a dream i saw my old friend and there was someone i didn't know with us and my old friend was going to the bathroom were o nthe outside of it and i guess it wasn't giving her enough privacy so i put something up to cover her then there was an older heavier person who just laid down and apparently was going to bed felt like we were in an office with the white walls,dull carpets
i think i was sitting in a sleeping bag that was it though it was kinda weird xD.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20

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Re: dreams outside with friend picnic table,rain,lightening then i walked outside alone very clear s

i forgot in dream one with the storm it was slightly windy and my friend was saying it's coming from this direction so it should calm down soon this was before the lightening/thunder.

i just was okay the wind was enough to blow are hair around hehe.
but when i came outside from the house i noticed it was very calm then i looked behind the clouds in the distince were stormy but i was really calm/rejuvenated.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: dreams outside with friend picnic table,rain,lightening then i walked outside alone very clear s

Hi Kelly,

I get a sense that this dream involves the "father". Lightening is the tool of Zeus and he generally uses it to punish or protect. I have a feeling it is to do with the latter, because you are exposed in the front yard. It's like you are being forced inside the house to protect yourself from the outside elements.

Now all you have to do is hook this up with your real life experience with your girlfriend. It doesn't seem like a two way relationship. Maybe too much "take" and not enough "give". But then this is all about you, of which you are projecting your own traits onto your girlfriend.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

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Re: dreams outside with friend picnic table,rain,lightening then i walked outside alone very clear s

hi steven sorry for replying so late i had a bad cold the past week i wanted to be at my best ^^D
in the second paragraph that is exactly how i think it looks too it seems this friend only comes to me to throw her problems at me while, pretty much i only get a hi how are ya with immediatley following after with you won't believe this or hear this or im so sick of this etc recurrrent guy troubles that she won't let go of and some she causes.
father with lightening interesting ill have to see how that can relate part of me is leaning towards possibly being my family trying to keep me in but i go back out cause of my own will (college,working,my own life)
thanks again steven as usual you got it good

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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