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Recurring theme- Balcony

Hi Everyone,

I'd like help with this set of dreams, the only thing they have in common is that they are the only dreams I've recalled in the last few weeks:

I'm at my parent's house (again) and it's three O'clock in the afternoon. I go open the balcony door and look outside, its a nice enough day but I'm afraid to go outside (I've had past dreams of people breaking in from the balcony). Even though its a nice warm sunny day, and broad daylight, I'm afraid to go out. I close the door and almost walk away and then I remember I didn't lock it and this could be dangerous (in past dreams people tried to come into the house and they were frightening). I look the door and note in the dream that the lock is completely different but at least it works.

My sister brings home her boyfriend. (In real life she is married). His name is Jason or something like that. He is not at all attractive to me but I sense he is interested in me and feel guilty since he is my sisters boyfriend. Nothing happens but we hang out for what seems like hours, and he's nice to me and the whole time I feel he is not attractive and guilty at the same time. Then I'm holding a baby girl who is about a year old but much taller for her age. She had all these gold barretts in her hair or headbands which were very garrish so I took them out and she looked better. After I woke up when I remembered the girl in my dream I felt some how comforted.



Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37/Europe

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Re: Recurring theme- Balcony

Breaking in from the balcony. Could there be something that you are afraid to let in something that needs to be noticed {balcony} or acknowledged? Since it is in your parents home could it be something about that relationship, or that period of time, that needs to be 'let in', acknowledged?
The locks may have been changed {lock is completely different} perhaps representing different excuses not to let something or someone in? The time {3 o'clock} may be pointing to an actual event related to some past experience. Or it could symbolize something not complete in your life {4 representing wholeness}.

Sunny outside but you are afraid to go out. This could represent inner emotions that need to be let out. Unconsciously you know by letting it out will make it better {sunny}.

The guilt in the second part of the dream may be what needs focusing on. Any part of the relationship with your sister that needs exploring? I don't get the sense that she represents an aspect of your psyche. Being your parents house, is there any need to revisit the past to determine what might be there that needs letting out?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Recurring theme- Balcony

Hi Jerry,

Thanks for the helpful thought provoking questions.

I thought about both my relationship with my sister in generally and my life when I lived at home. I thought that I had faced alot of things that were difficult about my family dynamic, like my parents favoring my sister over me, etc. I feel this dream is asking me to look at things more deeply. In fact, I constantly have recurring dreams at my parent's house.

It occured to me that perhaps this is a sign that I have not emotionally left home, although I did physically long ago. I am sure that it is a process and I have more work to do and being consciously aware might make it go more smoothly.

With my sister, I feel that I am the wronged one, which is what is preplexing about this dream. She of course has always maintained that I am 'the bad' one and this is her entire stance towards me and has been. Even when I have given her examples of the kind things I have done for her as adults versus the mean things she has done to me after we grew up...she still holds on to the mean things I did as a CHILD, forgetting that she is mean to me as an adult. If I gave examples you would really say she is cruel to me.

Perhaps the guilt is false guilt, the internalizing of years of a bad family dynamic that always tried to scapegoat me and make me out to be the 'bad' one while she was the angel....

I don't know....


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 37/Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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