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I am legend people?

I keep having this strange dream. I am at what used to be my grandfathers house (he and my step-grandma are seperated) I speak to neither anymore because of a long family dispute. Any way, in the dream it is getting close to being dark, and I am trying to dig a tunnel under her house in which to hide in. I also keep turning lights out and locking doors to keep these zombies out of the house. They all keep unlocking the doors and making noise, basically letting the monsters know where we are. I keep telling them be quiet, come hide with me in the tunnel, by for some reason strangers in the house are the only ones that follow me to the tunnel. Also these strangers are tall and make me unable to fit in the tunnel that I worked so hard to make. So when the monster come in I am half in half out of the tunnel and covering myself with laundry. The monsters can see me and laugh at me, but won't kill me. They start to act as though they are normal, but visually I can see that they are not. I am so puzzled by this dream, I hope someone has seen the movie I am legend, that is what the monsters look like.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, West Virginia

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Re: I am legend people?

Because of your age, 19, I must seek guidance from my higher Self to help determine whether your dream is dealing with deeper personal issues and on what scale.
Locking doors and monsters making noises could be an indication of repressing some past experience that you may not want to acknowledge. Digging tunnels may represent "Going within, burrowing inside, digging up dormant emotions or issues". Zombies can be looked at as 'dead' parts of your psyche, perhaps something in your past you want to keep out, something you don't want to face {I also keep turning lights out and locking doors to keep these zombies out of the house}.
But the time may have come that you have to face up to these emotional issues in your life {unable to fit in the tunnel that I worked so hard to make}. You may be aware consciously of what those emotional issues pertain to but the unconscious damage may not be something you wish to face up to {I am half in half out of the tunnel}. This may causing you not to be your normal self.

What are the issues surrounding your grandparents that pertain to you? It is his house in the dream, and hers also {dig a tunnel under her house}. The dream is most likely addressing issues pertaining to your relationship with one or both of your grandparents.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: I am legend people?

The issue with my grandparents though complex I will explain. My grandmother is not a blood relative. She however has been married to my grandfather for some 30 years. She always has a way of using me. Anytime she calls she wants me to do something for her and not helping, it is kind of a slave/master relationship. In other words she don't want me to do her dishes, it's very demanding things. She never has anything good to say about me and makes me feel very bad about my self. I had to remove what I call "the poison" from my life. As for my grandfather he left my grandmother for her daughter from a past relationship. I know yuck. The shame of what he has done and the fact that he never calls or writes has ended that relationship as well. (Also a note my grandmother still lives in the house) There are somethings from my past that have been pretty bad and I have kept them to myself. I could see that I hide things from others and also may try to keep out my mind. Thanks for the reply it has made me see it from another veiw and actually is making more sense to me. Not just a nightmare I suppose. Sorry for this long tale.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, West Virginia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Femal

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: I am legend people?

Thanks for the follow-up reply. I believe we can see the associations in the dream to your actual waking life experiences. The 'yuck' relationship of your grandfather may be the 'laundry' that is covering parts of you. And tunneling under 'her' house is probably the slave/master relationship you have with her. Your emotional self is partially possessed by the 'zombies' your step grandmother is represented by in the dream. The tunnel is also under his house, so both are causing emotional distress in your life.

What I had to discern was the extent of the 'monsters' in your dream. It turns out to be more of slave/master relationship and not something more sinister. Your reply supplies the answer to that question. Thanks again for your reply.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: I am legend people?

Thank you very much! I agree with you 100%. I hope that now understanding the dream, that it will stop. If not, at least now I will understand it better.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 19, West Virginia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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