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I don't remember all of the dream, but two bits.

In the first, I was in a fairly large garden, similar to the one my grandparents used to live. There are quite a few people with me, and one of them, a man I don't know in real life, but I seem to know in the dream is standing closest to me, the others doing their own thing, some children (around 8-12 years old) and running about, playing. The man tells me I need to catch a butterfly, which is flying quite close by. It's very small, a little bigger than my thumb nail and white. He gives me a black plastic bucket (medium size, with one slightly flatter edge than the rest) to catch it with but says he doesn't want it dead; I must be careful.

I move straight into action and try to catch it, but immediatley realise I'm holding the bucket the wrong way, and am going about catching it wrong 'surley I should use a better bucket', but I seem to trust the man. I try to catch it over and over - swinging the bucket very violently, but it always escapes. though it lands in the bucket several times, it always flys out. One time I grab it with my hand and throw it in very hard; it seems to be hurt, I don't mind very much though, and just think that I can't let the man see. After Ive done this, I realise there are small leeches on it, and feel quite strange 'I have to get them off', yet it doesn't seem to matter if the butterfly gets hurt in the process, I try hitting them as hard as possible, but the butterflys flow away again, and I have to stop because the man's watching. While I was catching it, it was quite alot like a game, and the man faded into the back ground, like he was sort of watching, but not really there.

It then moves on to me sitting on a yellow bench in the garden, with yellow walls, almost like the sort of things you get to protect you form the wind on a beach, and there are lots of people, mainly those I know. A friend of mine (F 16) is sitting next to me, on my left, and her brother is sitting on her left (14), We're at a sort of 'meet celebrities' event. There's a camera, and different celebrities keep coming and sitting infront of her brother. Every one is happy, smiling, talking. I really want to take lots of pictures of the celebrities, but I can't quite some how. I tell her 'I'll take one of you' and lean back, but I can only get her brother in the picture. She doesn't seem to bothered, and just smiles . I tell her 'ohh, there's only your brother, I didn't manage to fit you in', but I don't mind that much. It's okay if just the brothers happy. Like, so long as I can take one persons picture with a celebrity it's okay. Strangeley I'm not at all interested in having my own picture, but need to have a photograph of someone else.

I tried to post it once, but it doesn't seem to have come up, sorry if I post it twice.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: England 16

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Butterfly

Is this your dream or your friend Laurie? I ask that because of the 'man' in the dream. Her conflicting relationship with her dad has similarities to the possibilities with the 'man' in this dream. If not her dream, do you have similar conflicts with your dad?

Butterflies often symbolize transformations in life, periods of natural change that come about during specific periods in life. At 16 you are undergoing such a transformation {adolescence into womanhood}. Gardens can also be part of that equation symbolizing natural growth. This dream could be addressing some aspect of your life pertaining to that.

The butterfly would be you, small and innocent {thumb nail and white}. The black plastic bucket may represent limitations and not being genuine. There may be expectations from someone that you be something more than you are {medium size bucket}. Is there anyone who expects you to be more than you are in some aspect of your life? Something that is not really who you are {being genuine}. There may be some concerns on the part of someone close to you that your relationship with them may come to an end {he doesn't want it dead.

It could merely be that someone doesn't want you to grow up, doesn't want to 'lose' his little girl.

But there does seem to be expectations from you by others. The matter of trust enters into the equation. You may be criticized for doing something the wrong way. The expectations may be too much for a 16 year old {but it always escapes, it always flies out}. You may be afraid to show your true emotions {can't let the man see}. The leeches may be someone who is sucking your energy {leeches} and your feelings may not matter {it doesn't seem to matter if the butterfly gets hurt in the process}. There could be experiences that you are trying to forget or ignore {the man faded into the back ground, like he was sort of watching, but not really there}.

The yellow bench and walls that protect you may represent a desire not to let anything in or out {perhaps repressing something within your unconscious}. The celebrities may represent aspirations in life, something you picture yourself as doing or being. Fulfilling these aspirations would make you happy and you would rather put your attention to this {take lots of pictures of the celebrities, but I can't quite some how}. But these aspirations do not fit in with the expectations of others in your life. You can only 'dream' about it
{I didn't manage to fit you in}. You do not want to be pictured as something you are not, you wish to be seen as who you really are {I'm not at all interested in having my own picture, but need to have a photograph of someone else}.

Do you have a brother? Does some male in your life put undue demands on you that are to fulfill? It could be as simple as someone not wanting you to grow up and leave the nest. Or it could be something deeper. Let me know your thoughts and let's see if we can determine what that might be, if you don't know already.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Butterfly

The dream was my own dream.

I'd agree with what you said on most accounts, I've never been close to my father, we don't not get on, but there's no real relationship. I do have a brother.

But I almost definatley don't think it'd be to do with a male figure not wanting me to grow up.

The point about someone close not wanting a relationship dead is surprisingly accurate.

Someone sucking my energy, and putting experiences behind me/ignoring/forgetting them seem to be a common theme in the more vivid dreams I have.

Which is also a common theme in my waking life, so no surprises there.

Expectations wise, it'd either be exam stress, or my own ones relating to myself. I don't see much pressure coming from any other sources than those, which make up for which, as you do.

The 'not wanting to let anything in or out' definatley fit.

Thanks for the help.

Re: Butterfly

Thanks for the follow-up response. I hope you have been able to resolve any questions about your dream.

I didn't mean to suggest your brother was the 'man' in your dream. I asked that question to help determine why he {your brother} was in the dream. As for the pressures, only you can know what they are. The best I can do is see around the periphery of a dream. If I pointed to certain pressures that affects your life then that is about as good as I can do. You have to put the pieces together. And it seems you did a good job. That is good news for someone your age. I know of many adults who could not do as well.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn. {Nashville}

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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