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My brother had a dream a few nights ago and it kind of scared me and I am not sure how to understand it. He said in his dream that he was at home watching tv on the couch and my mom had been asleep in her bed. He then heard me come home and when i came around the corner I had a loaded gun in my hand and shot him multiple time and left him lying on te floor to die. He had gotten up to go see where I had went and noticed all of the blood everywhere, he walked down the hallway into my mother's room to find her lying on the bed in a pool of blood dead and me standing over her. Once I had noticed him and then continued to shoot him.
He said he woke up and was so freaked out he could not go back to sleep and was scared to see me. Please help me and tell me what this could mean.
Thank You, Bryanne

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 Canada

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Re: Death

Hi Bryanne,

Please let your bother know that dreams are never, NEVER, literal. Dreams are all about symbolism and metaphore.

Dreams are comments from the unconscious about situations that occur in real life or in the mind of the dreamer (attitudes/beliefs/perceptions) and they are 99% compensatory (pointing the dreamer into another direction. The great thing is that the dreamer can take on board what the dream is commenting upon, or not.

Is there an age difference between you and your brother?

My gut feeling towards this dream is that it is like an assasination. There is no pleading, no remorse or feelings. Like a professional hit in a CSI show. They iknow what they are doing, and they know where to shoot.

This leads me to think of the phrase "Dodging bullets", when a person makes remarks that try to hit a target. They are said with a directness to shoot a person down.

So as dreams are nearly always compensatory, your brother may tend to hold something you said about him and his mother in high esteem, whilst the dream may be commenting on shedding a different light on the exchanges.

The thing I feel is that whatever the dream is commenting upon has been happening over and over again for some time. My experience has been that dreams add more energy to the imagery the more it is ignored. Trying to get through to the dreamer adding a bit more energy everytime, until a nightmare scenario occurs that is hard for the dreamer to ignore. Nightmares generally cause the dreamer to wake up and in a way that is what the unconscious is telling the dreamer - to wake up to what's happening.

It really has to do with what your brother's attitude/belief is about the relationship between the three of you, in a situation that was fairly recent.

The thing I am curious about is why there was no father in the dream.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Death

Thank you Stephen

My brother and I are 2 years apart and there is no father in the dream because my parents are divorced and we dont see him or spend a lot of time with him.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 21 Canada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Death

Hi Bryanne,

Here's the thing, and I'm going to get a bit technical with analytical psychology. With your "father" out of the picture, the projection of the "father" has probably been withdrawn from your brother and it is searching for a replacement, something with a hook to accept the projection. That is until your brother becomes a father and starts consciously using more and more attributes of the "father".

One of the attributes of "father" is rationality/logic and the dream that your brother had was decidedly irrational/illogical.

I have a feeling the withdrawal of the projection (an ego defence) put pressure on the ego as the defence was also withdrawn.

Your brother may want to think about getting involved in an activity of some sort that symbolizes the "father". e.g. education, working, government etc.

this whole post is another layer of the dream and is more of a collective interpretation, rather than the personal interpretation I posted earlier.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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