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Spiders & Synchronicity (?)

Hi Folks, last night I tried (in my dream) to push away this medium size spider (light brown/redish color, large head) with a broom, thinking that I didn't want to kill it…just to make it go away but, before I could, it jumped onto the top of my head. I shook off violently to get rid of it, but I couldn't…and yet it didn't bite me or hurt me either. In fact, it felt like it disappeared.

Then I woke up, turned on TV for financial news, and I see this ad on "spiders networks"...and I immediately noted that those (on TV) were black and fat belly, unlike the one in my dream. Then, I went to take a shower and, to my dismay, I see walking up the wall a light brown/redish spider with a large head—very similar to the one in my dream, though a bit smaller or half its size. Well, by then I am seriously thinking of some "synchronicity" going on here (though clueless about the symbolic meaning of this).

So my intellectual mind says is all coincidental...but my "anima" insisted that I write to my friends here to get feedback on what this could all mean (granted, despite the very limited information you've got with these lines). Thanks much for your thoughts! Juan

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: almost 50 in PA

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Re: Spiders & Synchronicity (?)

You have to love when life presents these synchronicities to us, our outer reality will always reflect our inner reality, and our guidance brings our attention to what we need to know in many ways some less subtle than others. Developing awareness in ones external surroundings will often give us a plethora of spiritual information that we need to know right now, its just a matter of tuning into the finer energies of our dense physical reality.

Spiders generally reflect fears in Our consciousness that have not been expressed or continue to create situations for us which pull our fears to the surface. Your wanting to push 'the spider' away with a broom, suggests that the way you deal with your fears is usually to push them away or out of your conscious awareness, sweep them under the carpet so to say.

However, this particular fear that you have been experiencing exists in the level of your thinking energies 'top of the head' and likely represents fearful thoughts you have been having about some issue. Your reaction causes you to panic when having such thoughts, though for all the panicking you realize that no harm will come to you.

I'm just wandering here if this is a habit or rather a habitual cycle where you first start thinking in a certain way which leads to panicky behaviour only to go through this cycle and come out the other end feeling like everything is ok and wandering why you felt so fretted in the first place.

Reddish brown may suggest that the level of this fear is impacting you at the level of the base chakra, brown in the context of your dream seems to imply a sense of sluggishness that is happening within your Base, ie your mental fears stop you from feeling grounded.

People who are not grounded rush around, are accident prone, impulsive and have trouble making decisions, They spend a lot of time in their heads and find it difficult to be in their bodies and feel what they are feeling. Im not sure if this relates to you or not but these are just examples of the extreme of when we are not grounded.

Just some ideas to ponder Good luck

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35, uk

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Re: Spiders & Synchronicity (?)

Marce, thanks a lot...very insightful!

And I do love your openning paragraph; that one, by itself, helped me already--in addition to your very appealing interpretation of my dream. Thank you again for taking the time! Juan

P.S. sorry, I misspelled "reddish"

"...You have to love when life presents these synchronicities to us, our outer reality will always reflect our inner reality, and our guidance brings our attention to what we need to know in many ways some less subtle than others. Developing awareness in ones external surroundings will often give us a plethora of spiritual information that we need to know right now, its just a matter of tuning into the finer energies of our dense physical reality."

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: almost 50 in PA

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Spiders & Synchronicity (?)

So Juan, what do you think about spiders? How do you react to them in real life when one enters your home? I don't know what your family situation is like, but how do you normally become aware that there is a spider in the house?

The feeling I get from the dream is that you hold a level of respect for the spider's life.

I don't know why, but as I was writing this my attention went to a dish towel which is hanging upside down which means the image is upside down of a wine glass with red wine in it. So, the image is that the red wine is defying gravity. Going against the laws of physics. Physicists spend all their life proving that what they see/perceive fits within a mathmatical formula, to prove that what they see can be rationalised from their point of view. But, if I ring up a physicist and tell him the image I am looking at (without saing it is on a dish towel) and ask them to prove that wine can stay in a glass when it is upside down, they wouldn't be able to do it. They would probably convince me to take the experiment out into space. Yet here I am looking at an upside down wine glass with the wine staying in the glass with normal gravity.

So what does this mean in connection with the dream. It's probably about perception/assumption, as the spider jumps on your head, part of the rational/thinking function. It defies rationality. So if I were you I would look at some recent perception/assumption that has crept into your psyche that defies rationality. It is not a threat to you, but psyche is commenting on how you are dealing with this perception/assumption. You can jump up and down all you want but it won't go away. It will just disappear (become invisible, not important enough to see). The hint about what the perception/assumption is about is probably "domestic".


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 49 Sydney Australia

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Spiders & Synchronicity (?)

Stephen, great thoughts…thanks much! I'm just amazed of the quality if the input I'm getting from this forum, considering how little information I'm providing to you guys. In answering your question, yes, I do respect spiders a great deal, not necessarily for fear but just respect…more so as I've been learning (with age) to respect all living organisms. My wife and boys, of course, don't agree with that to the point they insist they kill these creatures, and yet I truly try to use a "broom" to just let them go out of sight.

Needless to say, I didn't kill the brown spider with red marks I saw this morning (nor told my wife about it), and especially so because the sense of "synchronicity" that I felt: i.e., that creature was a messenger of sorts, to the point that encouraged me to write to this forum, for the first time, to ask for dream interpretation. And so far I've got some great insights from you and Marce, that I didn't think about on my own and now make sense to me. (Also, I my have been biased by Jung's scarab that came through his window.)

Anyway, I took these two great elements from you (and Marce) that challenge so nicely my perception of reality: as Marce said "…the outer reality will always reflect our inner reality…", whereas my scientific mind would have normally argued for the opposite, I do love that almost mystic view—so does my anima. The same with your thoughts, Stephen, sensing my respect for the spider and your tip "…I would look at some recent perception/assumption that has crept into your psyche that defies rationality..."

Great stuff, thanks again! Juan

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