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Dream of 7 tornadoes

The dream begins with me in a foreign country I think, walking on an air walk with thousands and thousands of other ppl. By air walk I mean it appeared to be a many laned conveyor walk which was very high up in the air and outdoors. While moving forward on the conveyer, I observed the distant sky which seemed to be almost fire red. As I watched I counted 7 tornadoes drop from the sky ranging in size. I counted them aloud in the dream.

To the right of the air walk there were exit stairs on the outside lanes which I happened to be in. I noticed many others that had seen the tornadoes exiting the airwalk. I dropped my purse and began to descend the stairs, feeling fear at how high up I was. I wanted to get off of the air walk before true panic hit and the thousands of people that were on the airwalk headed straight for the tornadoes tried to leave. Two people that I was familiar with also began to descend and I yelled up to them to get my purse, which they did. Once on the ground they handed me my purse and we had to exit through a metal detector from a station of some sort.

I awoke from this dream perplexed and with adrenaline working moreso from having to climb down the high stairs than the tornadoes.

Currently in my life, I am leaving a bartending position for one with benefits. I am a little weary of the postition as my future boss has already hit on me and informed me if he weren't hiring me he'd want to go out with me.

Also during the daytime of the night that I had this dream, I encountered my sister, who I believe may be on drugs and has several small children. I have little patience for my sister as at one point I had custody of her 9 yo daughter because of her drug habit. I had custody of her from the time she was 1 1/2 until she turned 5 at which time after fighting her in court, the court awarded her back to her mother.

Was looking for a little insight on what the possible meanings of this dream could be.

Thanks :)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 38 Ohio

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Dream of 7 tornadoes

Your dream may be addressing those many different emotional 'tornadoes' that you are having to confront in your waking life. Part of those emotional distresses may be new challenges that you have never had to confront before {foreign country}. That may have to do with the 'sexual harassment' from your new boss. The desire to expand your horizons {sky} may be tempered with the anger you feel toward that situation.

But the biggest problem may the desire to 'exit' all these problems that are causing the emotional distress. The need that puts you in this situation may be 'money' {purse}. You can see what is coming 'tornadoes' and there may be questions are whether it is worth it all.

It is hard to say exactly what all your what is coming 'tornadoes' are but there seems to be many things coming at you at one time. You probably at times wonder if it is worth all the emotional distress these changes are causing. The dream seems to be addressing those changes and emotions. Along with the problems with your sister, the seemingly overwhelming burdens that are accumulating may be too much.

One thing that you will eventually have to confront in your new job is your boss. If the sexual harassment continues there may be a need to fight back. My view is such behavior, especially by superiors, is inexcusable and must not be tolerated. I suggest you document every little incident for future reference. It may be a trying process but doing the right thing is to fight such offensive behavior. If he is hitting on you it is most likely he has done it before with others. Someone needs to 'kick' his ass and perhaps the best way to do that is to challenge his actions with a sexual harassment complaint. Of course that may cause another 'tornadoes' in your life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Dream of 7 tornadoes

Also 7 is a divine number. It means completion, perfection, lacking nothing.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 27

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

stats from 7-14-10 to the present