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Museum Mannequin Dream Interp Needed

I recently had an odd dream and was hoping someone could interpret it using Jungian Philosophy or really any form of dream interpretation:

It begins at a museum door, a large museum, maybe the smithsonian. I walk in, and go through a long hallway where i see dinosaur exhibits from afar and on the same platform i stand on, 3 mannequins, 2 male and 1 female, who are wearing grey suits. I am accompanied by my mother and sister. We go into a large auditorium and take a seat where a man in front is speaking. I can't remember what he was speaking about, only i can recall that i was feeling exteremely bored in this presentation. After it ended i felt relieved that it was over. My mother and I walked back through the hallway, with nobody around us, and my sister had left a little while before us. When we walked up to the mannequins one had no clothes and my sister was standing dressed in the mannequin's clothes. I immediately chastized her for being so careless and wondered why she would have such uncharacteristic behavior. My mother seemed amused by the act of disobedience, and i again wondered why she acted so odd, all the while, if i had done anything like what my sister just did she would've disciplined me. After seeing my anger, my sister took of the clothes, and started placing them back on the mannequin. I remember feeling scared that somebody may see us, and throw us out of the museum, and how disappointed i felt that i wouldn't be able to see the dinosaur exhibits. As my sister clothed the mannequin employees of the museum began passing by, looking puzzled. While nobody spoke to us about it or took any action to stop it, I couldn't help but feel scared of them kicking us out. After the mannequin was fully clothed we proceeded to a gift shop, where My mother and sister picked out three wooden boxes to buy: one square, one pyramidal, and one rectangular. we purchased them and left immediately. I still felt sad because i forever lost my opportunity to see the dinosaur exhibit.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16 Colorado

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Museum Mannequin Dream Interp Needed

Is it possible you may be projecting some aspect about yourself onto your sister. Has there been recent experiences where you were 'chastised' for your behavior while your sister was able to get away with similar activities? These may be emotions that you have held onto for some time, something you need to get past. More recent experiences may have brought about old feelings about her getting away with things you are not allowed to.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Museum Mannequin Dream Interp Needed

May I ask a few questions?

1. What unusual talent, influence or behaviour has your sister displayed that relates to a something long past or ‘dead’, (possibly historically attributed to females)? Perhaps a personification of some thing - the representation of a thing or abstraction as a person or by the human form.

2. If this fits, do you want her to control this - to clothe/hide or adapt this under guise of another form of expression due to consequence of exposing this aspect to others because they would not understand?

Kind regards,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45 Ohio

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