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Broken, twisted sword

First a few words about my situation - I have been working professionaly with drawing and animation, and have always had a problem about my stuff being too stiff. Also I have suffered from kidney failure age 11, at the moment having a well fuctioning transplant (but have had my shares of bumpson the road on that account) Another thing, my sister is 5 years younger than me.

Before the dream I was thinking a lot about how to deal with the stiffness in my work.

The dream: I am running throug a level (like in a game - Tomb Raider like just for real) I go straight for a special device, I have to step up unto something to reach it. Then I have to adjust this box with handles on each side so that it is in the right position. On top of the device I am removing a lot of small coins. they are in a pipe on top of eachother and I put into my pockets. With the coins removed I can pull out the sword (the hidden tresure) But the sword is only half the lenght it should have been and the remaining piece is twisted and black. I lay it down beside me and think about where I can find a blacksmith who can fix it. Then I put back the coins in the pipe, pick up the sword, and run back to the beginning of the level to pick up the goodies, I didn´t take on my way to the device, just to find out that my sister have taken them, - she began the level 5 minutes after me. Then I wake up.

One of the things that comes to mind is Sword in the Stone, King Arthur. That I am not whole without the sword, neither is my purpose and I need to heal it - I just cannot figure out what/ or who the blacksmith is. Which seems to be the key to understand how do the healing.

I hope you have a suggestion. I read somewhere that you can ask your dreams to give you more information but I am not sure how. I hope you can help.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35, Denmark

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Broken, twisted sword

To answer the question, who is the blacksmith. It is you, a metaphor for those inner resources needed to reconcile some emotional conflict that you are currently experiencing. In the context which the blacksmith is used I see it as representative of those inner resources. If we look at the Dream Dictionary we see a blacksmith as representative of: inner strength and endurance {a blacksmith is usually a male, the masculine}. If we go a bit further, realistically, a blacksmith is an artist: A person whose work shows exceptional creative ability or skill.

In your narrative you express being 'too stiff'. As you know an artist relies on those inner resources for inspiration for the creative expression. Discovering your 'inner blacksmith' may be what is needed. You must progress to the 'next level' to discover the hidden treasure {creative Self}.

An interesting fact that you find in the Dream Dictionary under coins we see the following:
Seeing coins stacked in your dream, symbolizes masculine power, dominance, and energy. These masculine resources may be what is 'broken', not being able to summons the power and energy to overcome the 'stiffness' that prevents new creative ideas. The sword is only half it is true length. This may describe your situation, being to stiff in your creative work. The secret lies within your self, that inner sister who is the creative Self.

Now the above may describe what is lacking in metaphorical terms. But what is it in everyday language that is preventing creative success? Joseph Campbell states the one thing that keeps us from inner realizations is that dragon that must be slain {sword}, social duty and emotional barriers. Perhaps your medical condition is one of those emotional barriers, albeit unconscious. One possibility may have something to do with your actual sister {but only a possibility}. What 'social duty' in your life that may be preventing you from realizing success? The final sentence may hold a clue.
she began the level 5 minutes after me.
She being the other you. That inner self has yet to reach the level you wish to obtain in your creative, and social duty life.

One other point Campbell makes that may or may not apply.
It you are doing it for money you are off your track. If you are doing it for creative inspiration you are on track for success.

Does any of this strike a cord?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Broken, twisted sword

Hi Gerard,

Thaks for replying. I think most of what you wrote ring truth to me. The blacksmith being me makes very good sense, now I "just" have to find out how to reach the next level,and find the creative self. But I think it has to do with different things like beliving more in my own skills and myself and being better at showing my anger when my line is being crossed.(masculine power - broken - emotional barriers) I tend to wanting to please other peope too much instead of listing to what I need. So that makes sense - even more, the more I think about it.

Maybe it is that english is my second language, but I am not totally sure what you mean with the social duty.

The medical condition could be one of the emotional barriers, I have for a long time denied to myself that I was ill, as a survival startegy, and it is only resently I have started to deal with the fact that I cannot ignore the condition, and I am working on accepting it. Physically it effects me by draining my energy, also mentally - but the stiffness in my drawings was a problem long before I started to feel drained. Which probably makes it emotional.

About my sister, it might be true, but my sister is in many physical ways the opposite of me, she has husband, children, fulltime job and a normal health, all things the medical condition prevents me from. (the goodies) Not that I envy her - she deserves it all. I try to make your suggestion fit, and it rings something but I cannot fully grasp it.

The last thing you mention:
"One other point Campbell makes that may or may not apply.
It you are doing it for money you are off your track. If you are doing it for creative inspiration you are on track for success."
It was always for the experience and later for the outcome to effect people, to make them think, so that is not the issue.

Your answer have made me think - and I will probably see new things in it when I read it again later - and it have clearified some things. Thank you very much for that.

I just hope that you will explain the meaning of the social duty, because I cannot extract the meaning so it can make me think and feel if it is one of the "truths" in this interpertation.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35, Denmark

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

Re: Broken, twisted sword

Social duty means doing what is expected of you, what society dictates, instead of following your 'bliss', the creative spirit. Campbell spoke of the meditative state of being nirvana as being psychologically indifferent to fear, desire and social duty. Few people can get past social duty let alone fear and desire. Most are stuck on the outer self, ego-centric, and have little notice of the inner forces. An artist, poet, writer, all creative types think beyond social requirements to fulfill their bliss, and discover the creative Self. What Campbell termed slaying the social dragon. That would is where the sword would apply.
But the sword is only half the length it should have been and the remaining piece is twisted and black.
That could have to do with your health problems, and the inclusion of your sister who began the 'level' before you. Compared to her you are only 'half' as healthy, not able to achieve the level of health you desire.

But only you can know for sure whether that applies. The best that the best interpretation can do is see around the periphery of a dream. The rest is left to the dreamer.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Broken, twisted sword

Hi Gerard.

Thank you for your answer - it makes more sense now. Until a few years back I followed what was in my heart, that was the right thing to do for me artisticly, growing and finding the best and most satisfying and creative use for what I can do, but the health got in the way, and along with a pension which make me feel I don´t contribute enough to society - so there is a social duty involved too.

Thank you once again - It makes sense and feels right, which is the best indicator that you are on the right track when it comes to dreaming.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 35, Denmark

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? no

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