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Being stabbed with a hypodermic needle

Thank you Gerad for the replies. I've suffered from horrendous dreams all my life and if it's ok with you I would like to share them with you as I'm interested in your interpretations of them.

In this dream I'm being chased, which I know is a common dream, however, in previous chase dreams I have never been caught except in this one. It's a man that's chasing me, he is wearing, for some reason a black and red striped top! Anyway as I'm running from him I stumble and fall; thats when he catches up with me. He then pins me to the floor and stabs me with a very long hypodermic neddle into my right hip joint. I know I'm struggling and screaming at him, but thats when I wake up.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 36 Huddersfield

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: Being stabbed with a hypodermic needle

Bing chased, and caught, may be indication you are progressing in your understanding of unconscious aspects that may control parts of who you are. Since your dreams have been horrendous most of your life I suggest you go back to when you first remember having such dreams and see what is there. If your dreams are very bad it would most likely indicate some traumatic emotional experience in your past.

Sticking a needle into your hip joint. That may symbolize restricting your ability to balance yourself, your life. Are there any traumatic experiences from your past? Was there a 'man' chasing you? What are you struggling with in your emotional life?
The colors black and red have various meanings with black often representing the unconscious and red 'blood', or the blood energy that provides life. Perhaps you have something stored in your unconscious, some past experience that is now coming to the surface that will restore that energy.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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