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Pillars of Light

Hi, this is something I want to figure out. I had this epic dream for a few day ,but I'll just talk about the last 10 nights since it seemed more important

It begin as I am walking through the forest( which i started to call the Forest of the Spirits for some reason) but the forest was diffrent then the first 3 days. The sky was a twisting purple mist instead of blue or black and their was no sun or moon. The only light was now the silver one I was walking to and glowing blue and green spheres that just hovered by the trees.

I walked to the silver light I find out its a pillar the had this wierd engraving of a symbol as the light was coming from the symbol. Through the next 8 nights where about the same as this but instead the symbol had changed and it glowed the color red blue white black orange pink green and gold.

The tenth night the 9 pillar where now in a circle in the middle of the forest and I was right in the center of them. All of the sudden I heard 2 girls (that where actually from the first day) giggled around me and then the pillars started to spin around me. As they accelerated I was losing breath and was getting weaker. Then right when I was so weak that I fell on one knee the spinning stopped and infront of meI saw a stone door. As the door opens by itself I saw this sword on a mantle with the nine symbols plus a another symbol where surrounding in what I believe is a magic circle. Before I could do anything else in the dream I collapse in the dream and just woke up.

Please I would like to know what my dream means

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, texas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Pillars of Light

A couple of questions before I attempt to interpret your dream.
Do you play a lot of electronic games that requires you to go from one level to the next? Games that requires a progression and success so to continue?

Second, if the first question is no, do you read or have an interest in 'magic'? Something in the line of a magician/wizard such as Merlin?
That may fit with your name, Arthur, as in King Arthur

If you could answer those questions it may help determine whether these dreams are merely a young mind who uses symbols {in dreams} to express normal youthful waking experiences, or is about something more difficult, expressing some deeper emotions.

Note: Dreams of teens usually express outward waking experiences and are normal and benign. But if there are deeper emotional conflicts such dreams may be addressing those themes. I look to the first possibility before I do the second when it comes to a teenager's dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Pillars of Light: Prologue

If Final Fantasy is a game like that then yes. I also read magic books (especially The Dark Art). For the King Arthur thing no, my name does not go with King Arthur thats just truely my name and I never really read or watch any King Arthur books and movies.

Though I didnt say I the beginning becuase I thought it whould make it too long to write I'll just write it now becuase it now seems important.

In the begginning I was actually on a beach with no swirlling purple sky just a regualar blue sky with the sunshining. Infront of me was a thick fog across the plains, on the side of me where shattered ships and behind was the calm sea except when I looked out farther a storm was brewing.

I went through the foggy plains and found myself at the forest enterance where three girls(the youngest the middle and the oldest) playing around. The youngest and the oldest noticed me and ran into the forest. When I was going to go in myself the middle girl told me as she was reading a book "Don't go in there". Yet I still went in.

Through the forest I hear the girls giggle around me as then a green eyed mountain lion (or some other big cat like thing) attack me and drove its claw in the rear of my leg when i tryed to run away from it (in the morning I found the cut on my leg even though there was nothing sharp on my bed). Then in the next night I continued walking through the forest while the forest got more crouded. I started to look around feeling panic in me when I started to here the two girls giggle again and this time it was a green eyed wolf. Even though my mind told me to run I couldnt move. When the wolf lunged at me I tryed to fight back as it then bit my shoulder( which when i woke up it the bite mark was on me)

Though I still didnt heed her warning of the girl I continued until I got to the pillars of light

With that info could you give me an answer

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, texas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Pillars of Light

Thanks for the info. I'll take a deeper look at your dreams and give an assessment later in the day or in the morning {my day job requires my early attention}.

The answer to the 'magic' question and the game playing goes a long way in helping to understand the dreams. The narrative in your dream post struck me as someone who indulges in both {game and magic}. Now all that needs to be determined is whether there are deeper emotional associations to the symbols or if they are merely issues from normal waking life experiences being played out in your dreams. As I stated in my first response teenager's dreams most often address the mundane issues of everyday experiences. I'm leaning toward that explanation to this dream. The dream is probably addressing waking life issues using symbolic language tied to your interest in magic but those issues are most likely 'normal' teenage experiences and not deeper emotional issues.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Pillars of Light

I get the sense these dreams are addressing your evolution, your growth as a teen and person. And addressing your personality as well. The many obstacles and hurdles in life are much like those in virtual electronic games, things to have to overcome to get to the next level.

But there is a questions about the feminine aspect that may be in need of attention. The dream posted in your reply is full of 'girls', feminine symbols perhaps? The lion also may be seen as a feminine symbol. The wolf may represent the masculine attitudes you possess that tend to attack those feminine qualities that you so dearly need to bring about balance in life {When I was going to go in myself the middle girl told me as she was reading a book "Don't go in there". Yet I still went in}.

The dream does seem to be addressing the evolution I spoke of and perhaps more important the need to retain those feminine aspects even though the masculine world may attack you for doing so. Are you the sensitive type {feminine quality} and have you been 'picked on' for being so? Holding on to a equal balance of masculine/feminine qualities is important to a healthy, and balanced life. Your personality, if indeed you are the sensitive type, may sometimes get in the way but is essential to who you are and being well balanced. Although society portrays the masculine as the dominant trait, it is actually the feminine that is more powerful.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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