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dream about my mother and me.

Hi can someone help me first i am trying to put a personal spin on it
for me i think in the dream where i am reading well to me reading means finding more about myself and my life goals motivating myself to forge ahead etc.
sitting means to me contemplating life and my goals which i have been quite alot lately(feel mother has been smothering me too and also thinking i'll be her partner in helping the kid she took on from my sis)
the rain on the book then it downpowering and me still reading regardless seems like i will still go for what i want?
here's the dream what do you think?
started with me in the bathroom apparently i killed a huge spider and was trying to flush it down didn't work it went away but came back water rose but so did the toilet(got bigger)

then i was in the kitchen looking at the dishes in the sink(dirty) and mom asking me to do them from her room it was my sis and me the only ones doing dishes i was thinking why isn't she doing anything with the dishes?.

next moment was me sitting outside my house on the side(which got me thinking isn't house suppose to be the self i'm thinking maybe that means i have to outside of my self to learn about myself/goals?)
my mother was sitting nearest the entrance of the house on the side of the sidewalk i was reading a book
she says to me can you go do that for me it needs to be taken care of for some reason i said no your right there you can walk five seconds to do it(not like me to say to her face lol or say no so forcefully)
it was sunny then after this it got cloudy then sprinkled a couple drops on my book then downpowered i just kept on reading despite all this that i'm confused about.
thank you for whoever helps me again i appreciate it bunches
i think i might be starting to understand and like jung theory on dreams(interpeting)
thanks again

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Re: dream about my mother and me.

I will provide an interpretation later today or in the morning {Sunday}. I have a busy day ahead of me and the time needed to properly address this is limited this morning.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: dream about my mother and me.

hi Gerard good morning
thank you ^^) i understand having busy days .

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: dream about my mother and me.

Spiders often symbolize a 'devouring mother' which seems to fit the relationship with your mother. That is what you want to eliminate from your life {bathroom}.

The being her partner in helping the kid she took on from my sis is addressing in the second paragraph {dirty dishes in the sink and mom asking me to do them from her room}.

Sitting on the outside can be 'looking it at yourself'. Reading the book is reading about yourself. But what has to be done is to go 'deeper' inside yourself to learn about your true self and emotions {that is what dreams do-you go inside}.

What the dream is doing is two things {you are right on about the mother relationship and how it affects your current life}. The second thing is dealing with the future, not wanting to become like your mother. That is a 'side issue to the current mother relationship but just as important to who you are and want to be. Since most of us become much like our parents, the deeper issue within your psyche is not becoming like your mother. Both issues may require you to become 'forceful' in not doing so.

An aspect about the dream that may escape most is the possibility it is defining your personality. Are you generally a 'sunny' person but the mother relationship brings about 'clouds' to your life? I often see in dream addressing personality issues. Is this a good description of yourself?

You seemed to have pinned the dream quite well. That speaks well in your beginning to understand Jungian psyche. And understanding your 'true' self {the primary intent of all dreams}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: dream about my mother and me.

hi thank you so much for helping me out.
ahhh spiders=devouring mother
honestly sometimes i feel if i don't set bounderies she will devour me(spider) but i will and do set bounderies
already so i hope i'm on the right track feels right.
I defiantly want to rid(bathroom) of her overinvolvement/control.

the dishes i didn't think of it that way either
it makes alot of since cause lately i have been thinking she took on kayla herself while i was teen yeah i helped her but i'm growing up i need to take care of myself now i guess that dream shows me contemplating this? very accurate ;).

you mention about psyche and not wanting to be like my mother i do catch myself worrying that i'm going to end up like her i actually was speaking with a close friend about if someday am a mother i will love my kid unconditionally i will not hold anything over there head that was my responsibility as a mother to do, there will be no quilt trips on anybody but i will also stand firm with my view.
I actually was thinking she is teaching me a lesson how to stand up for myself and to get my autonomy despite her negativity/martyr syndrome.
very true i really don't want to be like her with my friends,family,kids 'maybe' someday xDD.
(sorry if too long kinda goes into a vent thanks for listening)
really made me think about how i am with her and then with my true friends is when i'm with my 'true' friends i feel light hearted,confident,supported. then with my mother i feel repressed,i don't say much, i get antzy like i want to leave/don't want to be there/drained sometimes(talks about problems to me too much granted my dad's not hear anymore but i can't take it anymore sometimes i think that's also where i feel resentful cause i feel she tries to put this kid on me too much for me being the aunt even saying to me "you will be watching said kid"commanding me done that when i said i wouldn't be watching other kid that she took on if said other kid kept hitting/kicking/punching me she threatens as long as your under this roof you will watch him unless you want me to kick you out.
she even says how she does not want to be like her mother who put adult like responsibilities on her in her teenage years(just like me with the babysitting,laundry,dealing with my fathers dying,watching the 3 kids and dad who needed help while they would do there daily need to get out 2-3 hours not including his surgeries/appts^^(.she says it but she doesn't realize she doing it to the one kid who hasn't had a kid and pushed them on her/mooched off her/actually has made logical decisions has told me i wish the other two had the common sense you do maybe they wouldn't have kids they weren't ready for/so young/but yet i'm the scapegoat.

thanks I really hope I can keep improving i am going to keep applying it to my dreams you helped me alot with jungian theory cause help from other dreams i have had made me realize i could apply it to this and how i feel hear.
I really like how jung's theory personalizes it by saying what does this mean to you like bathroom yeah it does mean cleansing/elimination kitchen being where you nourish yourself or ex.what does a cat mean to you etc.

can you help me understand what you mean by personality issues like just within myself or with mother?
again thank you so much for taking the time out to help me understand my dream and me venting(hope that doesn't bother you it might help dream info too that's also why i add it in there(give background)
been a great help as usual .
have a great week.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 20

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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