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Two Recurring Dreams.

For several years, I had two dreams I kept having.
In the first one, I would be in this big house, it wasn't always the same house to look at, but it was the same place in my dream. I'd be wandering about going from room to room, (there were lots of rooms!) and I'd get to a part that I didn't like the feel of. Also in the house, there was always a door that was locked. I never knew what was behind the door, but I sensed it was sinister. When I was doing Psychology at college my teacher said I had a secret locked away, but didn't elaborate on it.

In my second recurring dream, it was about a lift (elevator). I would step inside it, then it would just drop down really fast. I had to hold on to the rails, it was so fast. I always woke up before it hit the bottom. The last time I had that dream, other people were waiting to get in the lift but for some reason, I didn't get in that time. I stood outside as the doors closed then I heard the familiar "whoosh" of it hurtling to the bottom, but this time I heard it smash at the bottom. What stopped me getting in it the only time it crashed before I woke up?

Thank you in advance

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 38, UK

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Re: Two Recurring Dreams.

I'll provide my thoughts later today on your dreams.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Two Recurring Dreams.

9 days later, I've given up

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 38, UK

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Re: Two Recurring Dreams.

I apologize for not interpreting your dream. I completely overlooked it. I have plenty of excuses but I shouldn't need excuses.

In the first dream there seems to be something within your psyche that is being repressed. The house is you, the rooms different parts, aspects, complexes of the psyche. The locked room is something that is being locked away, hidden away within the unconscious, repressed. The sinister secret is some past emotional experience, perhaps a physical experience.
Have you explored what that might be?

The second dream suggests you may be about to crash, the 'lift' {emotional denial} that has threatened to fall is about to do so. It may be a matter of time.

Dreams don't often predict future events but this last dream seems to come as close to being one as I've seen. Along with your other dream post Boat Crashing/Sinking, my impression is you are under a lot of stress and may need counseling. The 'cracked his head' from that dream may be a reference to your psyche.

Are you under a lot of psychological distress? Are you currently receiving counseling by a trained therapist? These last two dreams are exposing something deep and perhaps dangerous. That is my impression. I hope you respond to this post so we can determine if there is merit to my fears.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Two Recurring Dreams.

Jude sent me a private e-mail confirming my suspicions about her dreams. There is a lot of repressed emotions due to childhood and early adult trauma which has been repressed. There is indeed an urgency for her to confront these deep conflicting emotions and she realizes the situation. She does intend to seek counseling to help her through this difficult situation and to help her in her desire to be a 'normal person' once again {a normal life someone without the repressed conflicts}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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