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Tony Soprano

I'm observer Tony Soprano from the HBO television series is on a boat. The boat is cut in half. Theirs a group of people after him trying to kill him. Tony jumps off the boat into the water.Underwater. They shine a spot light on the water. I can see the snakes the fish in the water.He's swimming for it. Now theirs a change, it's me in the water swimming for shore.I,m very comfortable turning on my back ,backstroking.I'm coming ashore .I pick up a turtle the size of a pound cake. I here classical music coming from him.Then I pick up a frog the size of a loaf of bread he's making a deep croaking sound it sounded prehistoric.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52 usa

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Re: Tony Soprano

A lot of symbolism in your dream. Let's see what we can come up with in explaining them.

I sense the boat has more than one meaning with one aspect being you feel as if you are in the same 'boat' as Tony Soprano {someone, or something is out to get you}. But boats have many possible meanings with one of them being 'trying to stay afloat'. In your dream the boat is cut in half which may represent 'sinking feelings' you are not doing that. These are emotional attitudes you are dealing with {Tony jumping out of the boat into the water}. It is here where the difficulty really lies, the emotions attached to whatever is trying to 'kill' you {shining the spot light on the water. What is being killed is some aspect within you.

Another possible symbolism of boats is a 'transition' taking place in your emotional life {if not your waking life}. Snakes {also a symbol of transition because they loose their skin and grow new skin} and fish {symbolize the true emotional self} are found within the unconscious, while the conscious ego has its attention elsewhere, and not where it should be. This may be supported by the 'change' in your dream. You are swimming in your emotions trying to get where you feel secure {emotionally}. It is within this unconscious realm that you discover those true emotions and the true self {swimming on your back, with back symbolising the unconscious also}.

The turtle may represent 'the slow changes' you are experiencing in life. This would support the transition aspect of the other symbols. The classical music may be that evolving part of you that is coming from your transition {representing harmony, and perhaps creativity and/or spiritual aspects}. Frogs are another symbol of major transitions in life {tadpole to frog}. The bread may be that new thing in your life that will 'feed' you in the next phase of your transition. The prehistoric aspect of the dream may be the evolutionary transitions in life, going from one phase to the next, naturally.

I sense the dream is addressing your mid-life state of being and the transitions to that final stage {the final years looming in your future}. Have you been giving thought to these aspects of your life, the changes you have gone through in midlife and the coming changes? What is attempting to kill you is the past {a common theme we all possess}. Unconsciously, and probably consciously in many aspects, you are dealing with this transitional phase. Since there are so many symbols representing this transition I sense you are not only still working on the mid-life issues but also the future ages beyond mid-life. It may at time seem as if you are a real 'Tony' with so many emotions from your past seeking to attack you.

A note about many of the symbols in your dream. The turtle, the frog {frog prince}, the fish and snakes. These often represent aspects of your true nature, not that of the ego which is focused on personality and the outer life. Joseph Campbell tells us we have two opportunities in life to 'follow your bliss', that thing in life that you truly love doing. It has to do with the creative self, the higher aspects of the psyche that are indeed prehistoric and evolutionary. This is one aspect, creativity, that could be chasing you along with all those past experiences that threaten to 'kill' you emotionally. Have you discovered your true self, the creative Self? This may be the time to give some real thought to that as you navigate your past life, and look toward the future years. What is your passion? Even Tony has a 'good' side, a deeper sense of humanity. Evolution provides us with a creative aspect that helps us through those twilight years {spot light?}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Tony Soprano

Gerard,Thanks. I've taker several days to consider your responses.What is trying to kill me? It could be increased financial responsibilities. It could be my former christian beliefs. Transitions? Sure. Several years now. Follow my bliss? What is my passion? I honestly don't know. Maybe my dreams will tell. Thanks again.

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