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Food & Singing

I am walking into a large room for a buffet. My friend Amy is there, she wants my attention but is occupied with something in her hands. She is annoyed at me. I have a magnet and slap it on a refrigerator. She is explaining herself to me, about something?, and she says, "but don't expect me to move in with you". (she says this annoyed)

I move to the buffet table. I see someone with green beans on their plate, and I think, I thought this was a breakfast buffet? (why green beans?) I take some green beans...and what looks like mashed potatoes...I see a long loaf of brown bread and decide I definitly don't want to fill up on bread, but would like a small roll, which they don't have.

I go to sit down and I hear and see a guy up front attempting to sing a song. A man is holding a phone up to him to sing into, but the "singer" is crying and is having difficulty getting the words out. I remember hearing "she" in his song. The dream ends.

In reality, my friend Amy is the polar opposite of me. I am more of a tomboy, have more masculine energy. She is very emotional and needy, much more "frilly". I think we repel each other!
Crying is something I need to do, but am having difficulty with.

This was a very clear dream.

Thank you!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, PA

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Re: Food & Singing

I believe you have gotten it right with your own interpretation of the dream. Amy is the polar opposite of who you are and the qualities she possesses are opposite of who you are. The food on the table is opposite of what you thought it should be also, which lends itself to your theory of the dream message. But you partake of the nourishment. Could that have to do with your inability to cry? Not enough feminine qualities to your tomboy personality? The singing man. Your animus having difficulty in 'getting the words out' , letting the emotions flow?

"This was a very clear dream". Not as clear to others as you may think. Not everyone has an ability to read their own dreams. This one may be clear to a 'trained' mind but not so for most. You are more intuitive than you give yourself credit. A job well done.

PS-There is a job opening here at the Forum for someone with such skills. I can always use help with the interpretations. Even part-time would be of great help. There is no pay but the benefits of helping others? Priceless!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Food & Singing

Well, thanks for the compliment, Gerard. I do interpretation at another site, and have some training via study of the subconscious and hypnotherapy. I will chime in here as I can.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, PA

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Re: Food & Singing

That site wouldn't be Dream Central by chance would it? I starting seriously interpreting dreams there some 8-10 years ago. But there was too much anti Jung sentiments among many of the other participants. Dream Doc had her admirers and I could understand that but letting personal ideology get in the way of proper interpretation, that became a problem . I soon began my own forum {as you see it today} and have learned so much from my years of working with dreams. There is no doubt what so ever {in my mind} that Jung has the right philosophy for interpreting dreams {not that there are not other methods}. If you take time to review my interpretations you will see what I am speaking to. I give myself credit for having an intuitive ability with dreams but it is Jung's approach with dream psychology that provides the true insights to 'reading' dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: Food & Singing

Actually, it is Caroline Myss's site. I've been a member and moderator there for about eight years. I chime in on the subjects of Healing and of Dreams.

I had a bit of a "spiritual adjustment" a few years back, and my dreaming became very vivid and prolific. In order to understand my own guidance, I had to understand dreams, and my education started, and continues. I have high regard for our dream life.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 43, PA

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Re: Food & Singing

That is the great thing about Jungian psyche. It incorporates the spiritual in with who and what we are {psychologically speaking}, along with the other aspects {shadow, anima/animus, Self, etc}. Joseph Campbell {a "Jungian"} takes it even further when suggesting our true Self is the creative Self, which is a conveyor of the spiritual in that 'you are giving of your soul' through the creative Self. That is the whole idea behind his 'follow your bliss' admonishment to his students. And a natural solution to discovering 'meaning' in life, which in turn provides balance and harmony in a life that is full of suffering {the first Buddhist is all sorrowful}

At the age of 58, and after 15 years of self discovery through the Jungian process of Individuation, I've found that makes a lot of sense at mid-life, discovering and utilizing the creative mechanisms nature provides us. My dream work and designing Myth-Dreams-Symbols, there is no other thing I rather do. In mythology, part of the adventure is to discover the spiritual identity, what Campbell called the 'hero journey' {Star Wars being based on his mythological themes....George Lucas being a student of Campbell}. Discovering the spiritual self, Jung's higher Self.

which incidentally is a related aspect of the feminine, and not the masculine

If I didn't possess a keen intuitive sense I would never be able to interpret dreams with any skill. Intuitive is a feminine aspect. I have much respect for the feminine. A great majority of those who visit the Forum are women and many at that mid-life stage, seeking answers. I get fulfillment out of helping others understand their dreams, and thus themselves.
And again you realize the spiritual aspect, and it is a natural aspect of the psyche.

Are you familiar with Marion Woodman? She is a Jungian psychologist who has written many wonderful books on dreams and women's issues/psyche. She uses dreams as a central part of her therapy with patients. She has an audio book about dreams that is pure enlightenment Dreams: Language of the Soul. One of her books and brief description

Addition To Perfection

Through case studies, dreams, and myths, Woodman, a Jungian analyst explores the hidden causes of compulsion in the lives of men and women. At the root of eating disorders, substance abuse, and other addictive and compulsive behaviors, Woodman sees a hunger for spiritual fulfillment. The need to experience a sacred connection to an energy greater than their own drives people to search for an illusory ideal of perfection. Through discussions of parenthood, creativity, and body image, this presentation shows that freedom from addiction can be found by discovering the wisdom and power of the feminine principle.

What Woodman says about the soul

"Psychological work is soul work.... By soul, I mean the eternal part of us that lives in this body for a few years, the timeless part of ourselves that wants to create timeless objects like art, painting and architecture. Whenever the ego surrenders to the archetypal images of the unconscious, time meets the timeless. Insofar as those moments are conscious, they are psychological — they belong to the soul.... For me, soul-making is allowing the eternal essence to enter and experience the outer world through all the orifices of the body ... so that the soul grows during its time on Earth. It grows like an embryo in the womb. Soul-making is constantly confronting the paradox that an eternal being is dwelling in a temporal body. That’s why it suffers, and learns by heart."

I'll visit Caroline Myss's website. There are several excellent dream websites. I have at brief times linked to other Dream Forums, before when I just didn't have the time to answer all of the dream quests. That is important for me. Fortunately I have several contributors from around the world {cavebear, from Australia made a post this morning}. All base their interpretations on Jungian psyche and most have a good knowledge of Campbell also.

This is my bliss


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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