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for 5 years now....

Hi, I need help understanding my dreams. I have been dreaming about my ex husband(who is a terrific man) for about 5 years now. Every since we signed divorce papers. They all vary but still have something to do with him. One I had I flew to Germany and made him breakfast and he said your plane is gonna leave, so he handed me a letter and I got on the plane. Others consist of him dying and I just keep searching for him. Lately I have been dreaming that I just follow him around talkin and talkin but he doesn't say anything to me, but the next night I had a dream that we were intimate and we were sooo happy. Even once I had a dream that it was me, him, and my new boyfriend all in the same room but me and my ex were together and my new boyfriend didn't care like we were never together.I just don't know why I'm having all these dreams 3-4 times a week... Please help me understand them! Christina

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 Louisana

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Re: for 5 years now....

dreams usually deal with things you don't know or things you ought to know about ,your inner and outer world ,relationships etc,
this dream could be bringing to your attention the comparisons you may be making between your ex and your new boyfriend ,
of which, you may be unaware of the influence these repressed feelings(the unlived life) for your ex are having on your present relationship,
is your current relationship suffering somehow because of comparisons with your ex,who in your own words ,you descibed as a terrific man,will anybody live up to his standards?
i may be off the mark,as only you can truly interpret your own dreams by relating them to personal events,
but i hope my thoughts start the ball rolling for you,
regards cavebear

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52-york england

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Re: for 5 years now....

No, I don't think anyone will ever live up to the standards of my ex, I'm sure my now relationship suffers alot bc I miss my ex and believe he was my true love. But I don't try to compare them bc they are really different and great in their own ways. Maybe I dream about him so much bc I want him back in my life and I think the only way that is going to happen is through a dream......Christina

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 Louisana

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Re: for 5 years now....

i think you have the answer,
your feelings towards your ex are still strong as you have stated yourself,and wishfulfillment in dreams is a way for unlived aspects to be experienced,
sometimes if things are not going to well though,
we retreat back into the womb,or the cave,or the memories of a past relationship that gives us some sort of security,comfort, and balance.
it may be that you have repressed feelings about your current relationship,and are trying to escape from those,
the dream then may be trying to get your attention by stating that you are currently not happy.
by using the comparisons with your ex,
dreams that repeat,are usually refering to unresloved issues,
i hope this is of help,

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 52 uk

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Re: for 5 years now....

Thank you SOOO Much Cavebear!!! I do understand what your saying. Everytime I think it's behind me, it's just that much further ahead. Thank you again Cavebear! ~~Christina~~

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 Louisana

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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