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looking for a parking space?

First I would like to say that I do know what you mean and that is who I am today =)Thank you for the compliment.I've actually seen his name around and your website but I never read about Jungs ideas to dreams but I will now.Hope you dont mind me leaving a few of my thoughts on here.I just love this site! I don't know how but Im so glad I came acrossed it.
Okey anyway back to my dream!!

Lately, ever since I posted my worst nightmares and found my solution I've been having trouble remembering my dreams.I've had a couple but I know why I had them but this one.This one was different from all of my dreams and very weird (lol)

Me and my friend was driving in a car in some kind of complex.I think she was driving, we were going around the complex looking for a place to park but couldn't find anything.

Then we had this idea to park on someones parking space whos apartment is available,but were like how do we know whats vacant or not then we remember 22 look for 22 but im like whos space is 22 then I answered they get 2 parking spaces but only use one and i think the other one thats available is were driving and cant find the number.

Then finally before we reached the end we found the parking #space with the roof, so my friend was gonna pull in to the number space but I noticed another parking space without the roof (which means anyone can park there) so I was like no park in the one with no roof, its a free space and we cant get our car towed. so we parked in the free space.

Let me make it clear the parking space of the 22 garage parking and the distant of the free space with no roof is 7-10 distance lenght of car space.
Oh and when I saw the 2 area of space I felt liked I was at my mother in laws complex place..(in my dream I just knew and felt and recognized it) and that was it..

but another one I dont know if it continues to the dream but I was inside the house.And at one point the house was clean then next thing u know the floor was a mess and I started vacuuming and then suddenly noticed poop on the carpet out of nowhere, a little bit of it looked a little smeared and im thinking how did that get here.Thats all that I remember but I think theres more to it but It wont let me see anything but bits of pieces.

For a moment I couldn't figure it out but the more Im thinking about it, I think I do.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

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Re: looking for a parking space?

You are welcome to post comments on any dream post you wish to. Developing your dream interpretation skills is a great way to better understand your own psyche. Be patient and study Jung's dream philosophies and you will discover it isn't as hard as one might think to understand how dreams function. I began my education in dream interpretation just that way some 10 years ago at other dream forums.

Your friend in your dream who is not identified probably represents another aspect of your own psyche {if she is known then personal traits or qualities she possesses may apply to you in some form}. It may even involve some type of complex you possess since the term 'complex' is used in the dream. This part of you is 'driving' you to do or act in a particular way and it needs to be 'parked' so it is no longer in control of your actions.

Not being able to find a particular spot to park {again we see the number 2, or 22, prevalent in your dreams} may indicate an inability to put this 'complex' issue aside, or to rest. The number two could be addressing the possible complex I have noted above {the number two representing two different parts to who you are-your normal self and this 'complex' aspect}. The number 22 when added together equals 4 which is in Jungian psyche the number for wholeness. Wholeness and tranquility in your life may be what you are seeking and this 'complex' issue may be preventing that from happening.

The roof may symbolize the 'head', the mental aspect. Consciously, in your waking life, you are wanting to be 'free' of this issue. You want to get out from under this mental strain {no roof}.

The length of the parking space. Does the numbers 7 and 10 have any meaning in your life? The length of a relationship perhaps {how long have you been married?}. And your mother-in-law's 'complex'. Perhaps she is a part of the mental strain you are wanting to get rid of. Or she could be purely symbolic of a 'related' aspect of your own psyche that is a part of this complex issue {it could be both}.

The floor, perhaps your own foundation? The poop or the mess, this is what has become smeared in your psyche due to the strain of the related complex. Inside {the house is you} there is the mess and no matter how hard you try to clean it up, well, you still have it 'smeared' in your psyche.

You state at first you did not know what this dream was about but after thinking about it {the roof} you realize what that might be. Could it have to do with your husband's attitudes?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: looking for a parking space?

WOW! even if my dream only gave me a few glimpse, there was alot of detail to it

At first,I couldn't understand what my friend represent in my dream because she's driving.Then I thought,is it telling me that she's controlling mylife? which is no way possible because I am control of MYLIFE! But after reading your interpretation and the more I think of it ,it eventually came together for me

Your right Gerard! she does represent me in some ways and she is also my best friend our situations with our husbands are almost the same.But my husband is way more understanding and he actually makes changes to become better Anyway,her driving is her life.Both of us looking for a spot?answer)Me telling her where to park is a direction? cuz I said,no u should park it over there its a free space..Meaning im telling her a better and easier way through life.
Because in reality,shes going through a very bad/hard divorce.Shes a mother of 2 handsome smart boys 10-2yrs old.
one week that they had an arguement he had a girl moved in to their house.He hasn't shown any support for the past 6 months thats how selfish he is and now he is saying that she ruined his life.That idiot makes me angry
I guess,it does bother me..That it's (driving) me insane!! her driving/her telling me,what he puts her thru..

At the same time,their situations opened my eyes to corrections into my relationship.(does that makes sence?)

omg! more stuff come to mind that you made me realize you said, (Not being able to find a particular spot)to park! That could only mean ME! lately, I've been feeling this urge of searching for something but I can't seem to figure it out.I feel it in my heart and I feel lots of tingle in my head when a certain word is said..But I know now,it's something to COMPLETE ME!
In my dream I said 22, look for the spot 22 didn't think anything of it till you said,

the number two representing two different parts to who you are-your normal self and this 'complex' aspect}. The number 22 when added together equals 4 which is in Jungian psyche the number for wholeness. Wholeness and tranquility in your life may be what you are seeking and this 'complex' issue may be preventing that from happening.

numerology: 4 is an important number to me its the day I was born So I was telling myself to look for 22 which is 4 who is ME
7 is also an important number to me. Its the month I was born and its my lucky number..OMG! and your right again Gerard its me and my husbands 7yrs anniversary soon which is the next number is 10 it represent the month of our 7yrs anniversary.
10 also plays a big role of my life, its my LIFE PATH oh and 7 is my DESTINY or ULTIMATE GOAL in numerology
oh and my husbands lifes path is 2
Theres gotta be some kind of message here,right?
I can't figure it out right now.

The roof part, I never really liked to think about it cuz its something you can't run away from its part of the family.Very weird how dreams can make you see even if your not thinking of it but I guess its telling me how to break free from worries? I don't know..(this would be about my mother in laws complex)
oh, I just got that, The whole "complex" "looking" for parking "space"
everyone in the dream is complex and im looking for free space from it all.

right again with the house being me Im always trying to clean up some kind of mess.And no matter how I clean it with words or take care of it theres always something.Shit happens because they dont mean to make a mess of shit its smeared into me..That I worry for them...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: looking for a parking space?

"At the same time,their situations opened my eyes to corrections into my relationship.(does that makes sense?)

It makes perfect sense. In fact that is most likely the reason 'she' is a part of your dream, to point out those 'corrections' needed in your relationship. Dreams use other people as references to your own life, borrowing from them their experiences, traits, personal aspects to define what may be used in your life. The dream is always about you and other people are surrogates to that.

"That could only mean ME!"

The numbers are a part of who you are, and your life. They may or may not have any deeper meaning other than the associations you mentioned. They often address experiences that affect your current mental state of mind. Universal numbers such as 4 are common in that the psyche wishes to promote wholeness and balance.

Does the number 22 have any meaning? What about the age of 22? Since that number is so prevalent in your dreams it may hold special significance.

The thing about interpreting dreams. I may be able to point out 'clues' to the dream scenario but it is left to the dreamer to put the pieces together. Only you know 'you' and your life. I can see along the periphery but the details only you can fill in.
And you have done a marvelous job in doing that.
Simply marvelous!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: looking for a parking space?

why,thank you Gerard couldn't have done it without you,THANK YOU!

So my dream is saying everything around me is so complex that I need space from it all especially since im looking for a parking space in a complex

Looking to find for the number #22 I figured it had something to do with when I was 22 but I didn't think it make sence to look that far.But your right!! So I thought about what happened when I was 22 and it hit me from when I was 21 I was praying for change in my life. I wanted to stop all the bad habits from when I was a teen.

So by the age of 22 my daughter was born and my life did a 360 My prayer was answered and from that moment on my life at the age of 22 was peace for me Wow! thank you Gerard for pointing it out and making me remember also could 22 also mean 2boys and 2girls equals to 4 our total of our family
The number #22 represents my family who gives me calmness, peacefulness, quiet and serenity..

But once I found the #22 I didn't want to park it there must of been another story of my dream is telling me..That would be my mother in law, since in the dream I just knew and felt it when we found the spot.Me not wanting to park it there since I found another space.Meaning I wanted to take the distance of being free.

When I mentioned the distance of 7 to 10 car lenght..Thats me and my husbands 7yrs anniversary this comming OCTOBER (10th of the month)

Your right!! we do have alot of things in common even though some are opposites.The more I think about it,its pretty scary and its something that I want to break away from.Do you know what I mean.It's not what I want my life to be.Which is probably why I choose to be FREE!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: looking for a parking space?

You seem to getting the 'hang' of things when it comes to your dreams. Numbers often do have meaning in dreams and when you analyze them you will find where they do fit. Some numbers are merely pointing to experiences at a certain age. Others are universal, like the number 4, which often symbolizes a desire for wholeness and balance {a goal and intent of dreams}.

But a cautionary note. Do not over analyze the dream. Let it have a natural flow and then see where it leads. Trying to put every little symbol into perspective may lead you away from the dreams' intent. You may have figured out what 5 out of 6 symbols represent in your life but getting the 6th wrong. That may lead you astray. Stay with what fits naturally and not try to place a square peg into a round hole {whole, get it, the number 4, balance, being whole-a little levity and my weird sense of humor}.

You do seem to have a good intuitiveness about you and that is important in understanding dreams. But more important you are seeing what the 'inner self' is really about and that will inform the conscious self. Knowing what and who you truly are will help guide you in future decisions. Stay with your dreams and your dreams will say what 'you' mean.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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