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My theory of dreams..WHY, we dream...

Stay with your dreams and your dreams will say what 'you' mean.

I always wondered about that Gerard?
Some people think dreams are just silly dreams, and that they have no meaning to our life. Some of us think they do have a purpose.
But my question is should we follow it?

Okey, here is my theory. When GOD created us, he made us out us dust(body/soul) and GOD blew a breath of air and thats when he gave us spirits.
I believe he gave us spirits to guide us. They say our spirit is located at the top of our head which is above our brain. Ever hear that little voice who tells us from right and wrong
When we dream, I think it's a way of our spirits to communicate with us. To guide us through our PRESENT life, to get to the future? To make sure were heading in the right direction.. Which is why, when we dream they seem to know what we want, what bothers us, what we desire and our fears.They seem to know more of who we are, than ourself. Isn't that weird? Is there something more? Or is it just our guide to finding who we are?

Here is another one,ever wonder why when we sneeze they say GOD, BLESS YOU!! It's because when we sneeze we blew our spirit out (notice when we sneeze,a breath of air comes out) reason why, we say God bless its because evil is all around and he is always looking for a body to enter in. Especially, when you just blew your spirit out..

Do you know when our spirit leaves our body, when were dying? Breath of Air comes out
And when our spirit comes back to your body, we breathe in (Air) we come back to life.

Oh and ever wonder why we sometimes do the wrong thing? I think thats our soul/body.. I think our soul can touch,taste which is why we do the wrong thing at times its because our soul wants what it desires..
Our spirit tells us no but our soul says forget it I want it..(lol) I don't think our soul is totally bad because sometimes doing the wrong thing is the right thing. How else do we learn from our mistakes?

So what do you think?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

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Re: My theory of dreams..WHY, we dream...

Interesting concepts about spirit. Many native and Aborigine cultures believe in spirits much as you stated in your post {of course not in the entire concept which you presented}. It is only when we begin to discuss the term 'God' do we lose sight of inner spirits. Because there are so many religions that frown upon such thinking, the original thinking of native peoples is chastised and berated. But Jung believed in 'original' thinking and thus gave as much thought to the concept of spirits as he did any organized religion. That is what archetypes are, original thinking by primordial man.

As for dreams having purpose. There is no doubt in my mind they do, a therapeutic purpose similar to what you described. Dreams are guides, if we learn to listen to them and understand the symbolic language in which they speak. They seek to balance what is out of balance, to present to the waking conscious those unconscious aspects that need to be acknowledged to bring about that balance. And although each psyche is different, as is each person different from one another, the universal symbols, Jung's archetypes, are possessed by all. Most people have little notice of them. So to do they take little notice of their dreams. It is much easier to submit to the ego than it is to confront the true self, those spirits that reside within.

There is where I try to influence others. In a world of 6 billion plus souls only a few venture into the world of dreams {as presented by Jung, Campbell and the focus of Myths-Dreams-Symbols}. Those who do with sincerity go away with a knowledge that escapes the masses of ego-centered peoples. They know the 'spirits' that reside within. They are called archetypes. They have the power to heal, much like the spirits of the natives who were in touch with the earth, and the many powers 'she' possesses. There is less interest in spirit than there is a determination to 'save' a soul. Original thinking doesn't require saving. It merely requires acknowledgement. Something that frightens organized religion because to do so would be an admission of the power of the feminine. It would stand patriarchy on its head and religion would no longer have the 'power' to control. But nature never loses the power to heal.

That is where we get back to the 'idea' of God. Is he spirit? That is a question no one can answer, with the least able being those preachers and teachers of organized religion. The mere fact they describe god as a 'he' disqualifies them from the truth of original thinking.

But original thinking as put forth by your own ideas of spirit are more likely to resonate within the psyche as any ordained religious idea. That is because it is your idea, your concept of spirit and not someone else that you follow. It comes from within, original thinking prompted by the inner experience of the archetypes. And where did you learn to express such independent 'original' thoughts. From your dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

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Re: My theory of dreams..WHY, we dream...

Sorry Gerard was gone for a weekend..But where did I get this whole Idea? I really don't know but it came to me as an Idea and put together in my thoughts..Ever sleep and think your dreaming but your actually thinking? Did that even make sence? I don't know I have that problem. Like I know Im dreaming but Im awake and thinking inside my dream..I don't know if Im explaining it right..But someimes when I wake up..Im like, I wasted to much of thinking that I didn't get to dream anything but then I wonder if that was my dream..But it seemed like I controlled everything to what I wanted to think of and what I wanted to do..So you could say its my own hypothesis of dreams and spirits..I guess, I was trying to search for an answer.If I should follow what my dreams are telling me?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: My theory of dreams..WHY, we dream...

oh heres my question..My dream about my mother in laws complex how I was looking for a parking space then when I found it I realized where I was and didnt want to park there but in the free space..You said it could mean I wanted to get away from my mother in laws complex..

So is my dream telling me what I need to do or just letting me know what Im really feeling (whats bothering me)which is something I already know..

cuz in reality theres always something bothering us but you can't really run away from it..Sometimes its something you just have to live with in life..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: My theory of dreams..WHY, we dream...

Your dreams are reflecting your true feelings about your mother-in-law. What to do about it more complicated. It may be something you wish to do. But what does it involve to get it done? That may cause more problems than you want to take on. My thinking is that anything that needs changing should be done with great thought and consideration. And most changes require a slow process, one step at a time. Give that some thought and determine which way is viable, and less conflicting.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: My theory of dreams..WHY, we dream...

THANK YOU GERARD, but like I said you get annoyed sometimes at a few people but its something that I wont run away from..thats just not me..though my dreams tell me different..but its not me THANKS!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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