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For the last year or maybe a bit less I dream of churches really often. They are always different, I rarely know them (if I do, they are not the same but somehow transformed, they have an extra staircase or arc or something) and I never pray in them or do anything religious at all. Sometimes the church is enormous, silent, gothic, dark and I just walk and walk past the benches or I hide in arched sideways or I am watching someone I know talking with somebody else outside on the grass from the dark interior.
And then other times the church is so tiny, smaller that a chapel. And you couldn't guess it's a church at all (no statues or other decoration) if there wasn't for the benches and if you didn't KNOW it is. And in dreams, I often go sightseeing with my class and then we spend an entire afternoon in a tiny, cosy church laughing. And one time, the church was completely round and I was chasing my brother, laughing, round and round and round ...

I don't think I dreamed so much of churches before, when I was younger. I really wonder why so much of my dreams are happening in there - I think that more than even in my own house ...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, Europe

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Re: churches

Often churches represent your 'inner sanctum or temple'. Not so much to do with religious affiliations as it does your own moral principles of right and wrong.

I get the sense your churches are about how you feel at times, small to large guilt associations that reflect events in your waking life at the time of the dream. In some dreams you are hiding. This may represent a guilt feeling from some experience in your waking life. You are hiding from what you did. The small chapels may represent small indiscretions while large churches may represent some heavy guilt feelings about some activity you experienced in your waking life {again, corresponding to the time you had the dream}.

In another dream you are with classmates sightseeing. This may represent exploring your 'inner sanctum', gauging your own moral values against your peers.

Are you the type person who easily feels guilty over the least little negative experience? That may be the best possibility to these church dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: churches

Hello Gerard, and thanks.

Well, the guilt part is very true. I feel very responsible for what I do, I forgive myself hard and if anything ever goes wrong, I always think that if I did something differently things would be better.

Now I've just remembered one of these: with school, we went on a trip. It had just rained and we had to climb some hill, the grass was wet and everything was sloppy. We came to a tiny chapel, got jammed inside and then somebody told us that that was not the destination. We had to go more up and I was slipping all the time. Then on the real top, there was some other church, this time a bit bigger, but not too big. We stopped outside. Some priest then started talking about the history of the church, and he also said that his worst fear is that a flood would ruin the church. Suddenly, there really was a huge flood - the weird thing is that it came from inside the church. It burst open the door, took the priest with it down the hill and washed away the church that we were in before. I woke up then.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 16, Europe

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} F

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

stats from 7-14-10 to the present