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cut the snake in half and yellow came out..

I guess I should start writting down what I dreamt about since I can't seem to remember them later.

I can't remember which dream came first but one is a snake came out of some wall and we cute it in half and it was still moving.The tail of the body went back to the hole in the wall.The head part kept running away and we tried chasing it but it also went back to wall and the other half of the snake (tail) ran out and it was a smart one cuz it curld up to something small so we couldn't catch it.But when we did, it turned bright yellow solid color..

The other one was I was in this room its white and I was smoking a cigarette (I don't smoke cigarettes)
it felt good and relaxed and theres lots of smoke..

The other one was my brother in law had just gotten a brand new shirt and there was those locked tags so people can't still clothes and I told him they forgot to take it off..And I was telling them you can just wrapped a plastic bag so ink wont get on it when u try to take it off (he didn't want to drive far to just get it off) but my husband just pulled it off and it came off without leaking ink on it..and that was it..sorry but I have to go..thxs gerard..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

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Re: cut the snake in half and yellow came out..

Smoking, lots of smoke, something you can not see clearly, perhaps due to a 'habit' of not wanting to.

The snake. Rejuvenation and rebirth. The head isn't ready but the body is. The wall is a barrier to a rebirth of the past so you can experience rejuvenation {of your life} in the present.

Clothing often represents your ego/persona. What is it that was stolen? The ink would be writing tools that inform you of unconscious contents. Perhaps if you use those masculine qualities there will not be the 'leaking' of emotions that you may be afraid of.

Where does this fit?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: cut the snake in half and yellow came out..

This seems to be a part of the man watching me while im cleaning myself..Why is it comming up? Yes your right my habit of not wanting to remember..I really don't want to post it on here (of what was stolen from me) I would rather email it to you, if its gonna help you with my dreams. Why it keeps comming up..Because its something I've already put behind me..Why its haunting me? Maybe, because im not depressed enough, maybe I didn't let it bother me..I don't know! Theres also another dream I had last night,I will post it later... Maybe you can help me get an answer for all this..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: cut the snake in half and yellow came out..

Smoking, lots of smoke, something you can not see clearly, perhaps due to a 'habit' of not wanting to.

This is probaby about my feelings about my dreams,I can't see clearly what my dreams is telling me..
The habit to not wanting to, I don't understand the reason to..But I am willing to try to understand what it wants me to understand.

The snake & clothing- I figured my dreams is telling me something to be cure of what was stolen from me..

Yellow must be something important, when we cought the body of the snake??

Yellow is a happy and encouraging colour.Intellect. A problem or puzzle to be solved.Its the colour of intuition, premonition, and perceptions. A warm yellow is the colour of the radiant energy of the sun; it is a symbol of optimism, joy and spirit. A promise of something good and life-enhancing, or an intimation of your true self.

My husband taking the security tag without leaking the ink on the shirt must mean something..
He tooked my insecurity and gave me security again.
Since he took the locked tag of the clothes (since clothes represent me) what was stolen from me, he gave me comfort to set me free, Without a mess on the clothes,HE KEPT ME CLEAN..

In the dream when he pulled the security tag we were trying to get some answers to what we could do..My husband just taking it out.I said, or we could just let ****(my husband)solve the problem..Because in that moment I felt calm, like wow he fixed it.It was solve..(sorry I didn't mention it,I didn't think it meant anything to what I said in the dream)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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