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DREAM of spa

I don't know what the subject of this dream is...I want to think it is part of a series of dreams...about my desire to "follow my bliss" full time...(i don't want to give any more case I'm off track)


In this dream, I was with my friend D. (an animal communicator...which I thought was interesting....since I dreamed I was mrs. doolittle last time)....

We go to a big fancy hotel..we are going to have a spa day. But the walk in closet in our room is filled with a man (and a boys) clothing...all greens and blues cotton and made in France.

I am worried because I think this man must have been murdered to leave his clothing behind..... I also find his wallet (can see some paper money hanging out) and his credit card.

I am very worried and sure he is dead. But someone (a maid) says he has moved out to let us have this room..for the spa night..which is a special the hotel is having.

I see my friend D. has brought lots of clothes which I think are just like mine..and they are "camoflauge" and also, I note mostly greens..and maybe light bamboo colors? She has also packed beautiful soaps and lotions for the spa experience... We are going to take some steam sauna..i think..

Then the missing man's (French man) wife calls the room...She asks "who are you?" She thinks I am staying with her husband..and having an affair with him. I try to get her to call the hotel..lobby..and have him paged..I explain he is sleeping on the couch. She asks me how long he intends to stay at this hotel. I have no idea..and wonder still if he is dead. (i never see him in the dream)

then...I remember my other friend C. comes
(in real life..she is obsessive compulsive..and always restless...and she is very impulsive)..She is actually always buying houses...realizing she has made a mistake and trying to get out of the deal..She can never go through with anything....or make decisions....)

My niece and /or my friend D. are upset she is coming...She is coming to look at Craftsman houses (a Three bedroom)....I am afraid she will buy my house? I feel bad she is coming......

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53 US

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes (mystified)

Re: DREAM of spa

I will take a good look at your dream in the morning. I'll do better at seeing what the dream symbols may be saying after a good night's rest. And my own dreamtime.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: DREAM of spa

The hotel often represents a transition in life and the spa would be that place for healing. It is that human side that needs attention and communicating between that self and the Greater Self may be the task before you.

The closet is where you store things. Perhaps the man and boys clothes represent storing old masculine aspects, aspects in your transition {France}.

The money and credit cards are material items that the 'self' possesses. This may be the aspect that needs to be murdered.

This part of you that you were sure was dead is in fact 'left the room' {could this be social duty?}. Unconsciously it is still seeking renewal {night spa}, the masculine aspects of social duty {or patriarchy}.

Your true natural Self is being 'camoflauged'. But that true aspect has such a beautiful 'fragrance' and let's you escape the negatives in your life {as creativity often does".

You are at a point where you are asking, 'who am I'. The masculine in your dream is probably addressing two aspects, one negative and the other a positive {social duty and the masculine qualities to persevere}. The latter is not seen in your dream or at least it seems}.

C may be something you are afraid of becoming {in a lesser light}. Restless and compulsive, qualities of the self and not the Self. You find it hard to make decisions and carry through with projects.

There is that fear you are regressing to the old self. Could this be the decision process of doing it for money or doing it for the creative spirit? The dream does seem to be addressing those issues that get in the way of 'following your bliss'.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: DREAM of spa

your interpretations are very insightful...but sometimes hard for me to SEE..., which is why I guess my trying to show the way with the dreams...I do feel rather trapped....afraid to go forward...afraid of seems crystal clear...and then i lose the illumination....i was wondering why the colors in my dreams seem so important..? I guess I am mainly trapped by fear....leaving behind the Money....scares me I guess....
very interesting....I don't know how you do this every seems it would be quite times. Thank you so much...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 53 US

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes (mystified)

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