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trying to get away..

I picked up my kids at school.And we were at the front of the school and we saw from the back that the bus was leaving.Everyone dissapeared like every one had left except for me and two kids.We walked inside the school but didn't seem like its a school anymore it was a dark hallway and some kind of room all fenced that we had to go thru to go outside and some tall guy who looked darked entered the gated fenced that was locked with a long chain.So we hurried up to go through the other gate and I went to reach into my pocket for my car keys but realiazed I didn't have my alarm so I can open my doors right away.Then it got dark a little and lots of cars were parked in the parking lot and I forgot where I parked the car.Then we seemed to be hiding by the cars trying to find our car.It felt like a maze trying to find our way out.Then I found the car,I hurried up to unlocked the doors.I picked up jade and let her in.I told them to hurry up and I sat in the front seat and picked up my son by the door and saw some people behind him trying to stop us so we couldn't get away.I tried to close the door but it wouldn't close like something was in the way (maybe like the seatbelt)and they were almost right there and I was trying to hurry up to close the door, so I can locked the doors but I couldn't.So when they were close to grab the door I got it to locked.I hurried up to leave but the car was drying very slow.I tried to rev the engine as fast as it can go but I couldn't but they kept catching up to us and I just kept going and somehow got away.. I woke up a little bit and I felt scared.Closed my eyes and dreamt another dream but I already forgot what it was but I know it was calm..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: trying to get away..

After establishing the unresolved conflicts of your childhood I think we can look at this dream as a further 'education' along those lines. You have your kids with you which may suggest your own childhood and perhaps the welfare of your actual children. Schools are places for learning. The school turning into dark hallway suggests delving into the unconscious, turning that info into conscious understanding. But that info is 'fenced in', blocked, repressed?

The dark looking guy. From your childhood experiences? The parked car may be you parking these past experiences in a place you can not find {again a sign of repressing past conflicts}. It is an unconscious maze.

The next several sentences of your dream seem to be addressing an attempt to 'unlock' the repression of the past emotional experiences. It is a slow process no matter how much your heart {engine} wishes to resolve the conflicts.

Are there issues/concerns with your real children in their current environment? Although the dream may be addressing your own childhood conflicts there may also be an element of concern for your children. Does your relationship with your husband play into that?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: trying to get away..

I think it has to do more of me..Like how I said that I dind't let anything that happened to me, bring me down..It seems like something happends and I always seem to get away, no matter how hard it was to get away..With my kids maybe, I want us to be more of a nature type family,my husband always has a reason for something..He thinks ahead and wants us to be safe all the time..I just wish he thinks only positive thoughts! That nothing bad will ever happen to us.Theres so much I wanna do as a family, but it seems like were living in the dark.Thats what I want us to get away from.My husband needs to stop assuming something bad will always happen..Hey I think thats what my dream is..

The dark tall guy is my husband, darkness is what he wants us to stay away from.Keeping us gated but its because how he thinks that I want to get away from.Because the only danger is from keeping us from enjoying life..Keeping us in dark is like life has already ended for us..Do I make sence at all? My husband is fun and loving but I think it could be even better,without being worried in fear of life..Well, I understand now..thank you..

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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