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I was at this school and these two guys started attacking me and I run to the girl's restrrom and lock the door. I start running to the door that was inside the restroom and lock it and then there was another door and I went in and I saw this teacher and I told what was going on and She calls someone on the phone and I'm like really scared. The teacher starts talking to me and I remember her saying something about my blood and how its 10/7. Then This guy who I know his name is Angel (he is a vampire comes) and he talks to the teacher and she tells him about the two guys who are vampires that are chasing me and she tells him about their blood and how it really was really high. Then Angel asks for my blood and she tells him the same number she says it really low for a newly turned vampire and then I turn to him and say," your going to have to kill me, aren't you?" He says no because i'm not a threat adn then the lights turn off and Angel gets up to walk around and I start to Panic because if these two guys get me there going to take my to their leader who is a really bad person. The teacher tells me to calm down and to focus on the noises that there are making and so I close my eyes but she tells me to leave them open. Then I can't remember whats happens then but I know I lost Angel and so i'm looking for him and I find these vampires in this building and off to one side there was a girl and a guy feeding off of some guy and then in the water someone feeding off of a girl and they tell me to follow them and I do. They tell me that Angel lives here with them. That he is their pack leader and that i'm welcomed to stay here and I do. Then we all hear a noise and we get up and realize it was Angel and he has a weird book in his hand and gives it to one of his pack members and says lets go. We all head to this open park with a bunch and benches and I sit next to Angel and I look around Then I started seeing people clapping and I turn to see this guy and I whisper to Angel if I'm suppose to do that and he says yes and for me to put my head down. Then the guy stops in front of Angel and me and He tells everyone to give him their necklaces and I didn't want to give him mine because I needed it but I do anyways. The guys looks at the necklaces and then hands them back execept for mine and He sits beside Angel and me and says. " Your new here" and I said yes. Angel starts telling him about the guy that i'm afriad of. The guy hands me back my necklace because if i don't ahve it on then the bad guy can find me and this girl next to me says she's sorry for giving me the necklace in the first place because now that I have it, the bad guy would kill me for it. The necklace is made up of his lover or something like that braclet or necklace and thats basically the whole dream and I didn't want it to end because it was like a movie playing. Can you please tell me what this means??...i never dreamnt about vampires before.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 18, Texas

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Vampires....???

I will provide my thoughts to these two dreams later today or in the morning. Your "Celine' dream may provide clues to these two dreams.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Vampires....???

If you will address my questions in your Rides & Arcade dream post we may be able to get a better understanding of this dream. The part in this dream about the guy that i'm afraid of seems to fit a pattern.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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