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Dream where my family members would die, soon after they would.

I have never been able to fully explain these experiences I have had in the past. I had these dreams over 10 years ago, but they still haunt me. I first dreampt that my stepmother was trying to rob our house, it was dark, and she was banging on the door she could not get in. I ran to the door to open it and her head popped off like a barbie dolls would and rolled around the ground. I instantly knew she was dead. Dont remember anymore of that dream but the weird part of it was I find out a few days later (in the local obituaries) that she had died in her sleep from overdose of sleeping pills. At this time my mother, sister, and I had no idea where my dad and my stepmother was nore did they know where I lived. No contact for a few years prior. If you were wondering my fathers parents put in the obituary add, my father and stepmother turns out was living out of state.

Coincidence right? Well it happened again. Not sure really how long after that, I have a dream that my cousin was dead, dont know how I just know she was something told me this in my dream. I am not sure if there was a visual, sometimes in my dreams there is no visual...hard to explain. Anyway, the next day I get news from my uncle that she was in a car accident (the night I had the "dream"). She was thrown out of the windshield.

I know it sounds like this is made up, if someone was telling me this I would find it hard to believe. I have never told these things because they are just too freaky. Please help me understand if you can.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28 & Alabama

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Re: Dream where my family members would die, soon after they would.

The fact you used the term 'haunt' may provide a vital clue to your dreams. And since they began 10 years ago we can probably use that time frame to help determine the source of the 'haunting'.

The 'dream' emotions of your step mother robbing your house most likely reflects unconscious {if not conscious} feelings toward her, she is robbing you of something {the house being your house, or your 'family' house}. Did you have conflicts with her or conflicting emotions toward her? Her head popping off may reflect your impressions of her thinking process {Barbie being a blond may reflect a 'dumb blond' attitude}. Although she may be your step mother she is unconsciously 'dead' in your opinion.

The 'haunting' feelings may be as much your feelings toward your step mother as it is any abilities to 'see' events.

As for the 'coincidences'. Dreams don't normally predict the future but some people do have 'insights' to the possibilities. If these two dreams are the only unconscious pictures of such events then I would think they were merely coincidental. But if you have them on a regular basis your psyche may have the unique ability to 'see' events before they happen. But even if that is true it most likely would not mean you could do it at will. Your dreams were not predicting the 'deaths' of people, there were reflecting the deaths after the fact. Some are capable of such 'seeing' {although rare}, just as an animal is able to sense earthquakes, tsunamis or other earth vibrations.

Back to the 10 year time frame. Was there anything special about that time that may have caused you to realize your dreams may be 'seeing' events?

Unless you do have regular dream events of 'seeing' I would cast my vote that these dreams being more coincidental.

But on the other hand!


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Dream where my family members would die, soon after they would.

I did have conflicts with my stepmother that is true. I was getting married only months after graduating high school, I did not know where my father and stepmother lived but I asked my grandmother to get my father to call me. He did call from a cell phone & I invited him but not my stepmother, I needed him to walk me down. He refused and told me if she is not invited he is not ether. That was the last contact I had with him untill she died. I had always blamed her for that. LOL I did think of her as a dumb blond at times. Its real hard to say if there was any explanation to "see" events at that time it was so long ago. Also I dont remember dreaming about her before this dream but that does not mean that I didnt, this one just stuck out in my mind because the event that acually happened after.

I guess the reason I remember dreaming of my cousin like that is because the stepmother dream always "haunted" me I may have just related the two. I have had family members pass since and this has not happened again, however none of my other passed family members died so shockingly and unexpected.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28 & Alabama

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? No

Re: Dream where my family members would die, soon after they would.

I have other opinions about this...if I might share and be weird for a second.

I believe in the collective conscious as well as unconscious. Jung had some great views, but I think there might be more to it that that..

Sleep is bizzare. But, I don't think you're crazy. The same thing has happened to me along with a couple of other really intense supernatural things involving dreams. feel free to email me @ if you want to know about them.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 Nashville

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

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