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Hawaii's Water..

I just woke up..

Had a dream about going to Hawaii. In the dream I was trying not to cheat on my boyfriend with someone i was in Hawaii with.. the entire dream. (and I didn't cheat but I felt like I did)

I love my boyfriend with all my heart and it was a very sad uncomfortable dream.

I didn't call him during the course of the trip/dream which was about a week, and when I finally did I forgot that there was a 5 hour time difference. He answered the phone in a weird way..all very uncomfortable. He was pissed and I could hardly understand him and then he hung up on me. I was just sad and wanting to tell him that I missed him and Loved him.
(I had of course been repressing my natural urges for him all that time)
But it wasn't good enough for him and he hung up on me..

Later in the dream I actually started classes in Hawaii...but they were twisted classes. The teacher never introduced himself or asked us our names. We took a field trip to the ocean and went on a scavenger hunt. We were supposed to bring back 2 items.

I found a bottle and I was swimming in the water trying to make it back to shore with this RIDICULOUS current, it was almost impossible. I passed by a HUGE snake like anaconda sized and knew that if the current dragged me back, the snake would get me.

I made it to the shoreline which were rocky cliffs, and climbed out. I looked at my bottle and the water had actually melted the glass..the neck was drooping to the side like a sleeping swan...someone else was in the water and had a bottle and it was doing the same thing.

I then had to help a girl out of the water who was paralyzed by the was hard to pull her out, I was tired...

the end. lol

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 24 Nashville

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: Hawaii's Water..

Hawaii may symbolize 'Paradise' in this dream and the cheating part may merely be that fictional character every woman dreams about, and not a real person. Or perhaps the cheating part applies to yourself, you feel guilt in some form, perhaps actions on your part toward your bf.
How does the I had of course been repressing my natural urges for him all that time apply in your waking life, if at all? Could that be the 'guilt' of cheating your bf?

Oceans represent the deeper unconscious. What could it be you are looking for on the 'scavenger hunt' in your unconscious? Two items that have to do with your waking life.

The current in the water would most likely be resistance to something in your waking life. Snakes can symbolize 'two' things {among others}. One is Freudian, having to do with sex. The other is 'transformation, changes that take place in your life {snakes lose their skin and grown new skin}. The bottle may represent pent up emotions. Does those emotions have to do with an attitude toward sex or men in general?

The girl you helped out of the water is most likely you. Unconsciously you may have something 'bottled up', emotions that may reside in the deeper unconscious that when you think about the experience it 'paralyzes' you. Was there such an event earlier in your life? It may be related to your Apocalyptic + weird hike dream and may be the underlying source to the despair you feel in your current waking life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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