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my husband threw himself out of the car

It was a nightmare, I felt dead like my heart had stopped ,felt empty..He was driving and the kids were in the car..We got into an arguement and I hit his arm like a tap (not hard) and he got so upset like he couldn't take it anymore and he opened the door and he threw himself out of the car..

I was shocked but grabbed the wheel to get control and I looked into my rear view mirror and saw him rollin and good thing the cars didn't hit him (they all stopped in a comple stop) I think I stopped the car in a safe place and ran to him and then at one point I was at a police station and everyone was crowded around him.They wanted to know why he jumped out, was he trying to commint suicide?

The police was gonna arrest him cuz he isn't well.They said he was dangering himself.I was trying to pull myself together cuz I was still in shocked crying.I finally came up and asked the lady whats goin on are you trying to arrest him? They said yes, and I looked at my husbands face and it was scratched up with a bruise..His face was different..But I knew he wanted to just go home.I asked what he did they said he is a danger to himself..

I said, no he is my husband, I was there..I told her that my husband notice that his door wasn't locked and he was pretending he almost fell cuz his door was opened and he lost control and actually fell off the car..Then the lady left and I think she was trying to get his papers together or talkin to some people to let him go..But they kept him in this room till they made a decision..

I waited by the waiting room and my daughter was 2yrs old walkin and gettin into things.Met some people while I was waiting and they all came to my house,I rested and when I came down from my nap this lady had cleaned and baked some food and cookies like it was christmas cookies..One was shaped like a candy cane the other was a tree..

Then they left and my husband was playing games and came up to me and said I love you.He held me tight And I told him to never do that again and I was crying..I felt heart broken.

thank you Gerard, oh and I never got a responce to my sky diving and saving people dream.Just wanted to remind you..take your time I know how busy you are..Thank you!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: my husband threw himself out of the car

Knowing the situation with your husband perhaps the dream is reflecting real conflicts with your husband and the desire to have him 'out of your life' {the car being you}. Actually the 'having him out of your life' part would having him change his ways, those traits he possesses that cause conflicts being the real thing you want out of your life. The instances where he 'loses' control need to be policed. Does he tend to play mind games with you?

Are you comptemplating what to do with the situation? The people in the waiting room would be those other aspects of yourself. You have conflicting emotions about his actions, the good times seemingly offsetting the bad {christmas cookies}.

But the mind games may be taking its toll. What to do in your mind may be a real situation that you must wait on to make any decision. Or it could merely be the indecision you face over the situation.

I'll take a look at the sky diving dream later today. I'll make a note on that dream post so it will be fresh in my mind.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: my husband threw himself out of the car

Hey Gerard!Smile]

I thought about what you said, and it clicked to me I don't want him out of my life I love him! BUNCHES!! (thats what he added to always say )
But your RIGHT! It's the bad traits he possesses, that I want out of our life..After all I didn't push him out of the car..He threw himself out and in reality he hates the bad side of him and he wants to work it out.He was actually doing great,he hasn't tried to argue and he controls his anger alot more than before.So what I think my dream is telling me that he realizes his mistakes and he wants to work it out by getting rid of his bad side and making a change..
Just like what you said where 'loses' control need to be policed!! (locking away the bad traits)
Me talking to the lady and making excuses for him, is how im always covering up for him..I believe he can change his ways,I see it in him
The christmas cookies(the good things he posses) can over come all that bad things..
Him holding me tight and me crying,'telling him to never do that again' meant I will lose him if he doesn't change his bad habbits..
To think about it..Your right Gerard! I do tell him to get out when the arguement gets bad and that is the only way he notice and makes a change..

I told him about my dream,I told him what it meant and he agreed and compared it to when he had that dream that his running away from something and pulled his loose tooth out..they seem similar..don't you think like its the finish ending

Thanks Gerard!!

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 28yrs old - las vegas, nevada

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? yes

Re: my husband threw himself out of the car

its the finish ending? It seems your husband is beginning to objectively see what is happening in his life and your relationship {by agreeing to the dream statement}. But does he change or really attempts to? That would be the proper 'finish ending'.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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