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My X-boyfriend with mermaid

Once again dream that I am driving to my parents home. Ahead of me X-boyfriend...with his arm around a girl...kissing her as he drives. ....My parents are driving behind me..but don't see me. I decide to follow him and the girl..but hide so my parents don't see me doing this. as i am following him and girl..the streets turn into rivers....I am driving still down the rivers...(my car might be gone...but i am still sitting in a seat and driving)..the girl is a beautiful blonde....but he looks bad..sort of like a monkey. he parks at the girls house..they go in...I see that she looks like a beautiful mermaid...I run in the house following....they shrink into a miniature size..and jump into an aquarium to hide from me...I stick my hand in the aquarium to try to grab my X...but all i come up with is sand pouring through my fingers. then i drive to my parents...and tell my sister..i can't believe he found a beautiful blonde who looks exactly like a mermaid.

Another dream: don't know if it is same dream..or different one:

At my parents house..rummaging under my mom's bed..there are old boxes under there..and in the closet. I find a bunch of my old paintings.....they all have a brown horse in them....they are very amateur...they are christmas presents i haven't never given..and have different people's names on them...
one said Misty (i say...Oh that is the sister I was supposed to have that was never born. Then I want to show them to my aunt (she is the one..that encouraged me to post my dreams here). I think she will like the paintings..and I have a series of small horse paintings..I am going to give her.

the first dream..very disturbing...why am I always dreaming of my X..and why am I always at my parent's house...(background: my first boyfriend...broken up for 3 years.......anyway...Feel like I will always love him..but he was abusive/addict)

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 california

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes guy on white horse & skateboarding boys

Re: My X-boyfriend with mermaid

My sense is there is something you do not want to be seen, perhaps even hiding from yourself. The parents house may represent their involvement. The blond turned mermaid probably represents a desire of some form on your part to be transformed into something other than who you are. perhaps this involves issues of being accepted by others, unconscious issues that affect your personality. As for your ex. You may feel more blame for that relationship not working than you should, a problem of being accepted. Your deep feelings for him may cover up his abusive attitude.

The second dream seems to be dealing more directly with hidden issues, things that are kept in the closet {unconscious}. Te presents that were never given, those close relationships and needed love that you never received as a child? The paintings may represent your true self, your true emotions. Your spirit needs to be freed from the emotional strain of past experiences.

These dreams and the others you posted all seem to be addressing childhood issues. As long as they remain unresolved you can expect to have more of them. You did not give a response to the 'Guy on the white stallion' but your response to the dream 'Skateboarding boys' seems to confirm my suspicions.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: My X-boyfriend with mermaid


Yes, I think that fits me...I am always changing to be accepted...trying to fit in...not to be judged, adapting my behavior.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 26 california

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes guy on white horse & skateboarding boys

stats from 7-14-10 to the present