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Odd sister-related dream.

I only remember a bit of this one.

I had just come back from a long trip, and I came upon an old wooden playground structure. My sister (10) was there, but she looked a bit older, and she had slinkies around her wrists.I know something is wrong, so I confront her about the slinkied, and demand to see what was under them. She, irritated, pulled them back. There were these gashes across both. I was really angry, but she blew it off. Since I didn't want to go home, I went into the church next to the playground with my dog. The space around everything there was all weird and misty, all in a white fog. I didn't want to go inside the actual church part, so I went down a flight of stairs to the coffee/doughnut room. It was packed full of people, and Duke, my dog, milled about. I tried to get him back, but was intercepted by people who wanted to talk. I was getting kind of annoyed, as I was in no mood to talk and had expected to find the room a little less full. I finally found Duke and make my way out.

Now, in addition, I've been to this church before, in another dream, though it was a different mood, different reasons for being there, and it was much less crowded.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15, MI

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

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Re: Odd sister-related dream.

Dreams of teenagers are often focused on everyday waking events that only the dreamer can actually know about. Especially the parts of dreams that deal with real known people such as your sister {is the dream actually focused on that person or does she represent some aspect of your own psyche?}. Most often it is the relationship with that person the dream is focused, an actual experience that has occurred within the past several days prior to the dream. Unless there is something very emotional and traumatic in your life that the dream is trying to communicate such events are hard to interpret.

What I do see as possibilities in the dream is a desire not to have to 'go back' to some daily routine that exists in your waking life {long trip, playground, "I didn't want to go home"}.
Your sister's wrists may represent flexibility in some aspect of your life or in the relationship with her. Something is being covered up, perhaps emotions about the relationship that has left a scare {gashes}. Have there recent conflicts with your sister of late that 'scared' you emotionally? {it doesn't have to be deep seeded scares}. Has there been anger displayed on your part of late?

The part with the dog in the church may represent your animal nature and possible guilt feelings stemming from that human aspect. Perhaps there anger feelings still playing on you and you have resisted on resolving some type of conflict with your sister {there may be the possibility your sister symbolizes a 'related part of yourself, thus the anger is directed at your own actions}. You may be looking for a way out of the conflict without any more emotional distress.

Has there been any conflicts of late with your sister? If not what about anger in recent days? Look to these possibilities as the stimulus for the dream. Again, only you know what is happening in your waking life.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

Re: Odd sister-related dream.

I haven't been really arguing much with my sister lately. She keeps trying to shirk her share of the chores, and cleans our room, when it's her turn, like any other kid her age: she shoves it under the bed and inside the closet. She's getting pretty angry with me about my making her REALLY clean the room.

But the anger in the dream, if it helps any, was also kind of disappointed. I don't really know, though, if I've really been upset with her. We haven't had screaming matches or anything.

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 15, MI

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Female

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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