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I was driving in the country with the windows open. Two bees flew in the window and landed on my left foot; the foot on the ecsc. peddle. I thought how can I get rid of the bees but still keep driving.

with thanks...

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: australia 39

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} female

Re: bees

Let's look at what the 'bees' and the other symbols in your dream may represent.

Bees are very industrious, hard working and productive. But they can also represent an obsession with something in your life.

They landed on your 'left' foot. Feet are the foundations on which you stand. The left foot often represents the emotional aspects, or the creative aspects. Since the bees landed on the foot controlling the peddle, perhaps that indicates a need or desire to go in a certain direction.

Open windows often represent 'being open' to something in your life.

Since there are two bees it may represent two possibilities you are faced with in your life and a decision is needed in deciding which way to go. It this is so the dream may be suggesting you take the 'left' hand path {this is the hero path in mythology, of adventure and the heart's desire}. But how do you do that when the other requirements in life dictate you go in the other direction {social duty, your job, responsibilities, etc.}.

So the question becomes, 'are there decisions to be made in what direction you wish to take in life'? Is there a creative possibility? Or is it merely an emotional one? What is driving you? You may need to get beyond the emotional aspects {getting rid of the bees} and focus on what the heart wants {although it may not be the best financial move}.

If the above does not directly apply look to similar possibilities. Let me know your response and perhaps we can determine what these bees are trying to drive you into doing {or not doing}.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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