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Sinking Ship

It's been a long time since I remembered a dream so clearly. I woke up shaking. I was on a cruise ship with my two sons and I felt incredible shaking and then tilting. I knew immediately the boat was sinking. We ran down the hallway and up to the main level. There were ropes and boats surrounding us to help. There was an island very close that we could swim to, I was helped first and got on the island, my son dove off the boat an swam through lots of seals and one alligator. My other son was scared so the son that made it to the island went back through the water to help his brother. The alligator snipped at him but didn't get him and we all made it ok. I woke up with this 45 minutes ago and my heart is still pounding?

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45, Florida

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Re: Sinking Ship

The cruise ship could symbolize an emotional journey that is taking place in your life. Some part of you feels like it is sinking. It may involve your sons but it could be symbolic of your own masculine aspects. My sense is it involves your actual sons {if they do exist}.

The rope and boats waiting to help. That may suggest there is something in your life that does supply support {emotional, financial, etc.} But the island may suggest a desire for independence from some thing or someone. You may feel tied down to something or someone and want to escape from it. The alligators may represent something that is a threat and there must be 'tact' used to avoid or overcome it. Your sons lend support to one another {and probably to you} and together the three of you are surviving through this emotional conflict.

The masculine aspects probably do in some way have to do with your sons. But they could also {dreams usually address more than one aspect of the dreamer's psyche} represent your own masculine qualities, a need to utilize those qualities to overcome this emotional stress in your life.

Does this fit with some emotional experience in your life?


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

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Re: Sinking Ship

Right on target. I am a single mom with sons - they are my support and my best friends. I am stressed about helping them reach their goals and support them through college. I am also going through financial set backs, a little bit of empty nest syndrome and trying to get back out into the dating world but have many hangups in doing so. I have found myself reaching out to try to overcome some of this but I can't recall a dream like this - so clear and so realistic. Any suggestions on how to ease my mind so I relax and calm down? My heart is still pounding? PS I have a strong faith in god and things always work out for me - but it has always been through the help of others....

Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 45, Florida

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Re: Sinking Ship

As I suggested in my interpretation, there may be two aspects to the masculine that the dream is addressing. One is the financial and stressful situation that life has thrown at you involving the support of your sons and others. The second would be the other masculine aspects I alluded to, your animus qualities {The Animus is the personification of all masculine psychological tendencies within a woman, the archetypal masculine symbolism within a woman's unconscious. Every Man has a feminine component in His psyche; every woman has a masculine component in her psyche}. Masculine qualities can be defined as taking charge, assertiveness, fighting spirit, the will to control, discipline, aggressiveness, decisive, etc. These are normally what are considered as opposite to the feminine characteristics.

In your dream there is a hint of a lack of assertiveness on your part, your sons {representing your animus} are engaged in all the action which suggests you may have weak masculine qualities. That aspect of your psyche is 'sinking'. It may be so isolated from its intended role {island} you have become too dependent on others in times of crisis {"I have found myself reaching out to try to overcome some of this"}.

But I digress. That lack of masculine aspect is understandable for a woman who is raising children on her own {my mother raised 4 kids on her on and developed strong masculine qualities out of necessity}. Especially in today's world of materialism and the high costs of just making ends meet. The dream would be telling you to develop stronger masculine qualities to survive.

What to do. Faith in God is great but if gets down to you having to do the work. I am one who believes more in the deeds {good deeds more so than faith as my spiritual ground}, doing all I can do and not worrying about the rest. That is hard to do but it has worked for me the past 30 years. Put every effort you can in doing what needs to be done, short of damaging the body {the temple} and things will work out. That is how the hero of myth goes about his/her duties. Use the Force {God} but take the initiative to do what has to be done. The helping hands of fate {angels for you} will be there to provide assistance. In mythology, which shares the same universal symbols we see in our dreams, it is staying the course that eventually helps the hero/heroine overcome all obstacles. It is a heroic deed in itself to play the role and travel the path of those who have gone before us, traveled the same path, and overcome the many trials in life.

Furthermore, we have not even to risk the adventure alone, for the heroes of all time have gone before us. The labyrinth is thoroughly known. We have only to follow the thread of the hero path, and where we we had thought to find an abomination, we shall find a god. And where we had thought to slay another, we shall slay ourselves. Where we had thought to travel outward, we shall come to the center of our own existence. And where we had thought to be alone, we shall be with all the world....Joseph Campbell

You may want to read some of the pages I have created at Myths-Dreams-Symbols on the subject of the hero/heroine journey. You are at that mid-life stage and life changes, physically and psychologically during this period of life. Jung has provided insights to what to expect, and how to navigate these years of bountiful changes. Spirituality and creativity are the two aspects of the psyche that he suggests take center stage. Although you may have a few years left in supporting your sons it is important to look ahead and see what it is that will provide that balance and harmony you seek in life. Relationships can play a role in that endeavor but the soul seeks something deeper to achieve real fulfillment. For me it is working with dreams {using Jung as my guide} and designing and maintaining my web sites, especially Myths-Dreams-Symbols. It is what Joseph Campbell, my spiritual mentor, called 'following your bliss.

Wish I could offer some easy answers. Having witnessed what my mother went through {she is a true heroine of epic proportions} I sympathize with anyone who has to experience parenthood alone. Stay strong and look to developing those masculine qualities as source for future strength. Your sons will be there in the future so there is light at the end of the tunnel. I Know it is hard since that tunnel can be a long and difficult road to navigate. But life presents us with few choices, other than to stay the course.
I know you will persevere and I hope you can do so in a less stressful environment.

May the Force be with you.


Age & Gender & Location {Required}: 58 Murfreesboro, Tn

Have You Posted Before? Date of Last Post {Use Search and Your Post Name to Help Find Last Post} Male

How Did You Find the Dream Forum? Yes

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